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Critique on the current state from a veteran player.

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Re: Critique on the current state from a veteran player.

Post#21 » Thu May 23, 2024 3:50 am

Fey wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 1:53 am I don't agree with a lot of the changes that this server has adopted. The cap to morale damage in particular flattened our squig bomb group, but such is life.

The game feels pretty good right at the moment. There have been a lot of nerfs and changes to very potent abilities from AoR. Abilities such as crippling strikes have been completely reworked, while things like leading shots and rampage have been simply modified. But it has lead to a fun and mostly balanced game.

As far as heals being difficult to delete, trust me, you want it this way. No one is going to play a healer if it is a frustrating experience. I have 2 healers at 80+ and the rest at 60+. Heals are very well tuned atm. Yes they are stronk, it needs to remain this way. I'd rather be killing like everyone else, but the world needs ditch-diggers; and I guess that's me.

Pulls being bugged is nothing new, but it's at least entertaining for both puller and pulee.
Ppl forgot many classes got healdebuffs.
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Re: Critique on the current state from a veteran player.

Post#22 » Thu May 23, 2024 4:20 am

i agree with everything in this post, choppa pull should be removed, Shaman dots are very overtuned.

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Re: Critique on the current state from a veteran player.

Post#23 » Thu May 23, 2024 6:00 am

I would agree with a lot of this. It's silly, but things like that really bother me in games, abilities or mechanics that are so gamey like Git to the Choppa where there's no physical explanation for how this ability is working lol. Like, he spins his weapons in a circle, and it sucks people in like a tornado? It feels like a One Piece attack, not a Warhammer attack. I've always felt silly for feeling this way, but I'm glad some other people agree.

In addition, it goes into something of a larger issue touched on here: Homogenization between the classes that also bloats the game out a lot. In a game balanced around large scale pvp in particular, there is absolutely no reason why every class needs to be balanced by giving them most of the same tools, it's ok for them to have hard specialties and deficiencies. Mara can be the designated mdps puller/debuffer/utility, and Choppa can just be the simple, shock troop wrecking ball that finds the right moment to charge in and pump out damage. I sometimes feel like every class has a slow, a dot, a toughness debuff, a punt or pull, a group buff or aura, I'm not a veteran so my opinion shouldn't count for as much but I've always thought the game could be streamlined by removing a lot of this homogenized chaff and drawing more specialized distinctions between the classes.

I think group aoe buffs could be a good start. They're just chaff a lot of the time imo, and devalue the identity of classes like Chosen where that sort of thing is literally supposed to be their unique specialty. Not very special when everyone can do it.

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Re: Critique on the current state from a veteran player.

Post#24 » Thu May 23, 2024 7:05 am

I get the point about healers being though, but I think you are wrong. As a healer you can't kill anyone, if you nerf healers defenses and they can be killed by a single dps you get a situation where a healer can't kill anyone but can be killed by anyone. Why should I play healer if I'm just a walking sack of RP ready to be reaped? No one would play healer

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Re: Critique on the current state from a veteran player.

Post#25 » Thu May 23, 2024 7:58 am

Willpower from gear and maybe a little from RR is sufficient to provide effective healing so healers quite naturally stack defensive stats in an environment where DPS is so overtuned. Most will sit very close to the soft cap for resists and some will stack wounds - some toughness - others armour. So for all you salty dps who cant one shot healers there is a simple solution - reduce the effectiveness of armour,resists,toughness and wounds. Of course any such reduction will effect not just healers but all classes - then we can all one shot each other and start the slow spiral down into absurdity. I dont play a healer.

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Re: Critique on the current state from a veteran player.

Post#26 » Thu May 23, 2024 10:16 am

Panel wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 7:58 am Willpower from gear and maybe a little from RR is sufficient to provide effective healing so healers quite naturally stack defensive stats in an environment where DPS is so overtuned. Most will sit very close to the soft cap for resists and some will stack wounds - some toughness - others armour. So for all you salty dps who cant one shot healers there is a simple solution - reduce the effectiveness of armour,resists,toughness and wounds. Of course any such reduction will effect not just healers but all classes - then we can all one shot each other and start the slow spiral down into absurdity. I dont play a healer.
There are other (bad) solutions. You can lower the base healing of the healing skill to the point where healers don't have any choice other then to stack willpower, for instance.

Healers have to be so tanky only because the dps is insane in RoR. Have you ever seen @Knick signature? 13k burst in 3s on training construct. I know that the screenshot is outdated, but still there was a point in the game's history where such numbers were normal. A healer stacking WP will have 7k hp, with such a burst you can kill two of them, lol

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Re: Critique on the current state from a veteran player.

Post#27 » Thu May 23, 2024 1:01 pm

Sounds good.

mdps cleave dmg is braindead and requires 0 skill in RvR environment.
The RvR meta has always been melee favored and i don't see that changing because of the difference in viability. As a 24 man you need to be reactive and have mobility.
Smallscale and Ranked are a completely different topic.

I used to main heal for long periods of time. WP, DoK, AM and SHM all 70+
Half a year ago (when i was active daily) i felt virtually immortal vs pugs when playing WP/DoK. Running with the spearhead, aoe detaunting and channeling for free. Get focused: call for guard or have a tank who actually guardswappes without having to be reminded. :) Against organised Warbands it's an entirely different scenario. If i run into the melee blob of destro and get perma knockback from zealots or interrupted by taunts or other interrupting abilites (yes they do exist and they stop channels :O) i die. Guard and detaunt don't matter because i can't cast/move. So macro > micro for healers in that regard. If a healer can currently 1v2 tank a DPS without outside protection that should not be in my opinion. Maybe Hybrid specs like sDok/Wp, but that's a hybrid and should excel in exacly these encounters.

Tanks feel awesome. Chosen same as always, nice and easy. BO and SM as middle ground and BG and IB for tryhard enthusiast. The change to not be able to cast punt and kd when enemy has immunity is more than deluxe. It did elevate the whole archtype to another level.

i have nothing to say to ranged dps.
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Critique on the current state from a veteran player.

Post#28 » Thu May 23, 2024 4:57 pm

Ysaran wrote: Thu May 23, 2024 7:05 am I get the point about healers being though, but I think you are wrong. As a healer you can't kill anyone, if you nerf healers defenses and they can be killed by a single dps you get a situation where a healer can't kill anyone but can be killed by anyone. Why should I play healer if I'm just a walking sack of RP ready to be reaped? No one would play healer
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Re: Critique on the current state from a veteran player.

Post#29 » Thu May 23, 2024 5:13 pm

Yep simple and elegant solution to your problems lets nerf healers and make them less enjoyable to play until we have the right amount of healers online so we on average get a decent dps/heal/tank distribution :shock:

As an example lets use the #9 on weekly > Shaman :shock: :shock:
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Re: Critique on the current state from a veteran player.

Post#30 » Thu May 23, 2024 6:23 pm

A healer can permanently detaunt a single person, taking 50% reduced damage from them. At that point, their stats don't matter all that much. Healers aren't meant to be soloed, that's how is always has been in the game, unless they simply don't detaunt you.
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