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New Gold Bag reward system - Stop new players from getting scammed

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New Gold Bag reward system - Stop new players from getting scammed

Post#1 » Mon May 27, 2024 4:52 pm

Hello and sorry for the potentially clickbait title,

Here is an issue I've located. According to the May 3rd patch notes the gold bag rewards were reintroduced in this new form:

All those rvr gold bags also give the option for 40 War Crests at the moment.
And here is the scam:
  • Obliterator Gloves are purchasable for 24 war crests, netting you a 16 War Crest loss if you pick them from the gold bag
  • Obliterator Boots are purchasable for 28 war crests, netting you a 12 War Crest loss if you pick them from the gold bag
  • Devastator Gloves are purchasable for 29 war crests, netting you an 11 War Crest loss if you pick them from the gold bag
  • Devastator Boots are purchasable for 34 war crests, netting you a 6 War Crest loss if you pick them from the gold bag
For new players, unfamiliar with the overall game, and even for experienced players this might not be obvious at first glance and the temptation of a brand new set-piece might scam them out of their hard earned War Crests.

What are the solutions to fix this?
  • Remove those items from the golden bag drop pool --> Best option since it also makes it easier for new players to get the pieces they are missing from early sets
  • Increase the cost of those items to 40 and decrease the combined price of the rest of the set by the offset amount. E.g. Devastator: Gloves 29 --> 40,
    Boots 34 --> 40, Chest 61 --> 55, Head 50 --> 44, Shoulders 46 -->41. Possible issue: this might not be doable for Obliterator set, since you'd have to compensate for a 28 War Token increase, with the Chest being 50 (so 10 from there) and, while the Helmet is atm unavailable, their price should be less than that of the Chest. Meaning a 28 total decrease isn't possible --> Increase of the set's cost if this method is followed?
  • Just increase the cost of those pieces to 40 --> Bad option, burdening all levelling players
I would definitely recommend the first option if it's feasible.
Any additional ideas and thoughts on this issue are welcome.
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Re: New Gold Bag reward system - Stop new players from getting scammed

Post#2 » Tue May 28, 2024 7:49 am

Just put the first worthy set in (annihilator), people can choose crests for lower sets, collect the set for later and concentrate on getting the game played instead of micromanaging sets they use for 5 days.

Edit: Should be obvious, but put t1 gear in t1 bags...

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Re: New Gold Bag reward system - Stop new players from getting scammed

Post#3 » Tue May 28, 2024 9:50 am

Everdin wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 7:49 am
Edit: Should be obvious, but put t1 gear in t1 bags...
You meant t2 gear in t1 bags, etc? e.g. you get vanq in bags at ~R45+ rather R53+

Yeap, it feels weird that you can only start even having a chance of getting the gear you need by the time you can already wear it, since you'll be into way next set by the time you complete it through bags.
This also addresses the issue of gloves/boots/belts being less worth than then raw crest alternative.

Anoher option (can do both) is to move gloves/boots/belts to blue/purple bags instead of gold.
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Re: New Gold Bag reward system - Stop new players from getting scammed

Post#4 » Tue May 28, 2024 10:35 am

from 16-40/40 anihilator,
40 - 50 conq
50-60 vanq
60-80 invader (or for gods sake at least from 70-80 souv gloves/shoes/belt)

everything below that (sets or weapon) cheap enough so you can at least put some crests aside or make them reward for some fancy kill quest

People should focus on learning their class not chasing for equip they throw away afterwards

“A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.”

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Re: New Gold Bag reward system - Stop new players from getting scammed

Post#5 » Tue May 28, 2024 6:00 pm

Everdin wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 10:35 am from 16-40/40 anihilator,
40 - 50 conq
50-60 vanq
60-80 invader (or for gods sake at least from 70-80 souv gloves/shoes/belt)

everything below that (sets or weapon) cheap enough so you can at least put some crests aside or make them reward for some fancy kill quest

People should focus on learning their class not chasing for equip they throw away afterwards
It doesnt make sense as it was mentioned before. Gear pieces optimally should be aquired for a build you WILL use on next upgrade, not at the actual build.
So set assignments to RR should be:
RR below 40 - conq
RR 40-50 - vanq
RR 50-60 - invader (fort)
RR 60-70 - sov (city)
Anni/merc gear is almost obselete, almost nobody playing rvr/sc will enter rank 40 with below 40 RR.

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Re: New Gold Bag reward system - Stop new players from getting scammed

Post#6 » Wed May 29, 2024 11:32 am

Phantasm wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 6:00 pm
Everdin wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 10:35 am from 16-40/40 anihilator,
40 - 50 conq
50-60 vanq
60-80 invader (or for gods sake at least from 70-80 souv gloves/shoes/belt)

everything below that (sets or weapon) cheap enough so you can at least put some crests aside or make them reward for some fancy kill quest

People should focus on learning their class not chasing for equip they throw away afterwards
It doesnt make sense as it was mentioned before. Gear pieces optimally should be aquired for a build you WILL use on next upgrade, not at the actual build.
So set assignments to RR should be:
RR below 40 - conq
RR 40-50 - vanq
RR 50-60 - invader (fort)
RR 60-70 - sov (city)
Anni/merc gear is almost obselete, almost nobody playing rvr/sc will enter rank 40 with below 40 RR.
whatever, level requirements wasn't my point here

“A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.”

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Posts: 92

Re: New Gold Bag reward system - Stop new players from getting scammed

Post#7 » Wed May 29, 2024 8:04 pm

Gold bags should not contain anything below conq tier bc that is simply scamming new players who don't know the alternative methods of getting the wards

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Re: New Gold Bag reward system - Stop new players from getting scammed

Post#8 » Thu May 30, 2024 2:12 am

Conq and above for gold bags seems reasonable. Would do well to remove boots and gloves from the loot table.

That is for players ranked 40. Is conq a reasonable drop for someone rank >40? Probably, but maybe not? Maybe they do actually want anni drops.
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Re: New Gold Bag reward system - Stop new players from getting scammed

Post#9 » Thu May 30, 2024 2:55 am

Fey wrote: Thu May 30, 2024 2:12 am Conq and above for gold bags seems reasonable. Would do well to remove boots and gloves from the loot table.

That is for players ranked 40. Is conq a reasonable drop for someone rank >40? Probably, but maybe not? Maybe they do actually want anni drops.
I think anyone who knows about ruin would prefer to get conq or vanq even before 40.

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