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Temporary Ability Test

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Posts: 16

Re: Temporary Ability Test

Post#21 » Tue Nov 28, 2023 11:07 pm

Point is: This is a balance patch.
They choose to keep things, they choose to reduce other, they choose to revert some.
Balance patch.
Temprorary or not.
Balance patch.
And i'm not the one writting it. It's in the note.
Can we at least agree on that ?

Note: I did read it. Did you ?
Did you miss all the clues ? Did the miss the screenshot stating "BALANCE CHANGES" all over the classes ?
Or you just can't accept that you're wrong ?
You don't need to be married to your ideas.

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Re: Temporary Ability Test

Post#22 » Tue Nov 28, 2023 11:24 pm

If you keep ignoring important context of the situation and keep reducing everything to the most basic meaningless words, then you can call it anything you wish in the end. Not that it matters.

If you want to call it "balance patch" or not, the truth remains the same that majority of these changes are not meant to last longer than necessary. If you throw a tantrum over it, I guess the option of taking a break is always there. Consider it an extended server maintenance.

The explanation and true meaning behind the update is written in plain english.

Posts: 295

Re: Temporary Ability Test

Post#23 » Tue Nov 28, 2023 11:29 pm

dont worry its gonna be somewhat playable again before 2025

Posts: 43

Re: Temporary Ability Test

Post#24 » Wed Nov 29, 2023 12:33 am

Some positive stuff here, the game just feels smoother with a lot of the little laggy bits taken out, except for abilities as using them feels off somehow, especially positional abilities.

I can respec without the game freezing for a second, we stay mounted while quick traveling, now just figure out how to keep pets summoned when traveling/joining/leaveing an sc.

While you are changing all this can you also find a way to keep all the gates up in the cities, please?

Posts: 8

Re: Temporary Ability Test

Post#25 » Wed Nov 29, 2023 12:46 am

Cannot remember the skill name, but my white lion lost the aoe dot skill but that has gone - what was that skill

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Posts: 60

Re: Temporary Ability Test

Post#26 » Wed Nov 29, 2023 1:18 am

So, at what time we can safely play again without worrying about the rollback?

I know these test are necesary but i cant seem to convince myself to put any time into playing since progress may get lost

Posts: 230

Re: Temporary Ability Test

Post#27 » Wed Nov 29, 2023 8:05 am

Worried about the rollback? test server rollback where you can make rr80 sovereign chars ? well i wouldnt worry about that lol. Also It must be maddening how people dont understand that this is not a balance patch, this is the side effects of the new Ability rework because of the spaghetti code and bandaid fixes so this is the starting point of ability rework and balance comes after that and MUCH faster than before, like able to change things while we can keep playing.

I kinda get why staff sometimes feels threathened or soomething like that. MAD RESPEKTZ to the staff from me even when i am critizing their decisions=)

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Posts: 60

Re: Temporary Ability Test

Post#28 » Wed Nov 29, 2023 9:45 am

akisnaakkeli wrote: Wed Nov 29, 2023 8:05 am Worried about the rollback? test server rollback where you can make rr80 sovereign chars ? well i wouldnt worry about that lol. Also It must be maddening how people dont understand that this is not a balance patch, this is the side effects of the new Ability rework because of the spaghetti code and bandaid fixes so this is the starting point of ability rework and balance comes after that and MUCH faster than before, like able to change things while we can keep playing.

I kinda get why staff sometimes feels threathened or soomething like that. MAD RESPEKTZ to the staff from me even when i am critizing their decisions=)
I'm not gonna bother answering anything but this= Go read first post. Thx.

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Re: Temporary Ability Test

Post#29 » Wed Nov 29, 2023 9:56 am

Any ETA on removing changes and not risking rollback?
Dont rly feel like playing while risking having my time and effort in vain...

...and with all things that happenin i am sure there will be one [200k renown in rvr in few mins, farming ppl with pulls that dont have height check from keep walls, etc etc].
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Posts: 8

Re: Temporary Ability Test

Post#30 » Wed Nov 29, 2023 9:59 am

Damm your gambje breking bugs - got a quitter debuff 15 mins was down to 5 mins then swapoped characters - came back to same one and reset to 15 mins - UNACCEPTBALE GAMEBREAKING BUG

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