Live Event: Hexensnacht
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Wisps of clouds do little to hide the terrifying view of the two full moons of Morrslieb and Mannslieb. It is one of those times of year when the living pray that it won't be a cloudless night, for the view of those two full moons fills the hearts of the living with dread. Children are rushed indoors, windows are boarded up, and doors are barricaded. As the sun sets an eerie quiet overcomes the lands of the Old World, an eerie quiet that is shattered by the shrill cries of the undead. Morrslieb's sickly hue is fully visible in the Old World, washing the lands in its unnatural energies which give life to the undead. It peers down almost as deathly skull grinning at the harvest of souls that is about to begin.
Hexensnacht is upon us, a time when the living cower in fear as the undead rise from their eternal rest. Agents of the Order of the Shroud come to the forces of Order for assistance in dealing with the undead, while Destruction seeks to take advantage over the turmoil within the Empire. Head to Altdorf and the Inevitable City to learn how you can help during Hexensnacht.
Hexensnacht will start on January 19th at 12:00 Altdorf time and last until January 29th 12:00 Altdorf time.
Basic reward: [Signet of the Cursed Company]
Advanced reward: [Potion of Acclaim], or [Morrslieb Coin] - a unique event currency to purchase event-related cosmetics including cloaks and vampire-count themed weapons, weapon previews available here.
Elite reward: [Zombie Horse Harness] You can check out the mounts here and the magus discs here.
Completing the Event Quest - Morrslieb Crest - an event slot item; and the Cloak of the Fallen Duke. Additionally after completing the Event Quest players will have the possibility to earn more Morrslieb Coins.
Live Event Heralds and merchants are located at the Temple of Sigmar of Altdorf or the Monolith in the Inevitable City.
[Konstantine's Night Court]
Hidden across the Old World are the resting places of Konstantine's Night Court - fourteen champions of undeath awaiting their Duke's call during Hexensnacht. Defeat them and take their cloaks for yourself. Should you find them, then keep their location a closely guarded secret, for sharing their location can lead to some bloody rivalries. All live event related cloaks can be previewed here
[Live Event Dyes]
Fourteen limited-time dyes have been added, two of which have specular dyes set. These vampiric dyes are only available during Hexensnacht, so get them while you can! Dye previews are available here at the bottom of the gallery.
Weekend Warfront: Garden of Deadly Delights

In the dark corners of the Empire, the Garden of Morr stirs to life during Hexensnacht. Skeletal hands punch through the soil as they answer the call of their masters. Morrslieb's aura falls upon the Old World, giving power to the wind of Shyish. Enter the dark cemetery of the Empire and defeat the vampires before they grow too powerful.
This weekend warfront Garden of Morr will be the weekend warfront from 12:00 on Friday to 12:00 on Monday Altdorf time. You get +50% XP and Renown in the Garden of Morr scenario, and extra rewards from completing the event tasks.

Tome of Knowledge
A new subcategory has been added to your Tome of Knowledge Achievements tab. The new subcategory known as Fashion-Hammer has been created with the section 'The Cloak Room'. Now when you equip a live event cloak you will receive an unlock which is stored in 'The Cloak Room'. Players who have these unlocks can then visit a vendor in one of the capital cities to repurchase a cloak should they ever accidentally delete it. Order players can speak with Fabian von Kleinbach in the Altdorf War Quarters near the PvE herald or Thundri Faircloth in the Karaz-a-Karak Merchant's District. Destruction players can speak to Gestav Aelyp in the Slaanesh Chambers of the Inevitable City, or Brikka Ragpiler in the Karak Eight Peaks Shineys Hall.


- Some improvements have been done to how buff information is sent to the client that should make the client perform better. This was deployed on Sunday 2024-01-14, with further fixes deployed on Monday and Tuesday.
- A testing system for server performance in larger fights have been implemented. Some server performance improvements have been made as a result from those tests.
Combat and Careers

All Dwarves
- Stoutness of Stone - Additionally grants 80 toughness.

Bug Fixes
- [22104] - Oathstone defendable and triggered more than 4 times
Balance Changes
- Away With Ye - Knockback power slightly increased.
- Oathbound - Buff duration extended from 10 to 20 seconds. Grudge cost increased from 15 to 25 Grudges. This ability now has a 10 second cooldown. Increased parry chance reduced from 25% to 20%
- Ancestor’s Fury - Buff duration extended from 10 to 20 seconds. Grudge cost increased from 15 to 25 Grudges. This ability now has a 10 second cooldown
- Grudge-Born Fury - Base Damage at level 40 increased from 112 to 216. Damage Bonus scaling reduced from 1.0 to 0.75. Weapon Damage scaling increased from 0.9 to 1.1. While at 100 Grudges, ability gains 10% armor penetration. Interval changed from 0.6s to 0.75s, but an initial tick is added so it stays at 5 ticks total.

Bug Fixes
- [22117] - Engineer tactic ''Expert Skirmisher'' reduces cast times from gadgets without the need of beeing withing 20 feet of target
- [21584] - Concussion grenade doesn't KD
Balance Changes
- Cannon Smash - Damage reduced to 1.8k to be in line with other Morale 3 effects. Duration of armor debuff reduced to 15s.
- Electromagnet - Snare power reduced to 30%, duration extended to 5s.

Balance Changes
- We’z Bigger - Duration increased from 4 to 6 seconds and cooldown increased from 20 to 30 seconds. AP cost removed.
- Linecracka! - New tactic replaces Mor’ Hardcore. We’z Bigger now additionally grants 30% movement speed while active.
- Can’t Hit Me! - Now has a cooldown of 5 seconds.
- Big Slash - Renamed to Fly Gits!. Now shares a 20 second cooldown with Git Out!
- Git Out! - New core ability in Da Brawler: Damaging. 35 AP. 5 ft range. Instant. 20 s CD. Need da’ Gud Plan! Leads to da’ Best Plan! - A strong blow dealing (112 + 1.5*DB + 1.5*WDPS) damage to your enemy and knocking back players and knocking down monsters. Shares cooldown with Fly Gits!.
- Git Out Fer Gud - New core tactic: Git Out! will now cause the target to be knocked back by propa distance. If wielding a Great Weapon, the cooldown of Git Out! and Fly Gits! is reduced to 10 seconds.
- T’ree Hit Combo - Base Damage at level 40 reduced from 281 to 264. Weapon Damage reduced from 1.14 to 1.10.
- Walk It Off - Duration reduced to 15s. While active team mates will have 10% less of their armor bypassed.

Bug Fixes
- [22127] - Ey, Quit Bleedin only applying on two targets

Balance Changes
- Witchfinder’s Protection - now buffs 25% dodge, disrupt, parry. Buff duration extended to 15s.
- Exoneration - Morale reworked. Now removes all Hexes, Curses, and Ailments from you. You will regain 50 AP and 300 health for each effect removed.
- Blessed Bullets of Purity / Blessed Bullets of Cleansing / Blessed Bullets of Confession - Now have a 10 second shared cooldown, but no longer induce the global cooldown.

Balance Changes
- Shield Rush - Duration increased from 10 to 20 seconds.
- Laurels of Victory - No longer changes your damage while using Vigilance. Instead, while Vigilance is active your group members within 100 ft have their critical damage taken reduced by 20%.
- Myrmidia’s Fury - Base Damage at level 40 increased from 112 to 184, Weapon Damage increased from 0.75 to 0.9. Damage Bonus Scaling increased from 0.5 to 0.6.
- Solar Flare - Value of the drain reduced from 3600 morale to 1800 morale.

Balance Changes
- All Tomes now give 10 Righteous Fury per second, irrespective of their rarity.

Balance Changes
- Suppression - Increased parry chance reduced from 25% to 20%. Duration increased from 15 to 20 seconds.
- Tzeentch’s Reflection - While Tzeentch’s Reflection is active, you gain 80 initiative. This ability no longer induces a global cooldown.
- Relentless - Base damage at level 40 increased from 135 to 184 per hit.

Balance Changes
- Mutated Aggressor - No longer induces a global cooldown.
- Pulverize - Debuff duration and cooldown reduced from 20 to 10 seconds.
- Wrecking Ball - AP cost reduced from 30 AP per second to 25 AP per second.
- Gift of Brutality - When affected by the buff of Gift of Brutality, your auto attacks gain 25% armor penetration in addition to its current effects.
- Thunderous Blow - This ability cooldown is increased to 10s.
- Monstrosity stance - Anti armor penetration proc reduced to 20%, while proc is active you receive 10% more healing from all sources.
- Tzeentch’s Reversal - Deals 1200 morale damage and heals you and your group for 1200 if they are within 100ft from you
- Concussive Jolt - This ability now requires Monstrosity mutation.
- Wave of Mutilation - This ability now requires Monstrosity or Savagery mutation.
- Gut Ripper - This ability can now also be used in Brutality mutation.

Balance Changes
- Chaotic Rift - Snare power reduced to 30%, duration extended to 5s.

Balance Changes
- Vaul’s Tempering - Duration increased from 4 to 6 seconds and cooldown increased from 20 to 30 seconds.
- Wall of Darting Steel - Now has a cooldown of 5 seconds.
- Eagle’s Flight - Increased parry chance reduced from 25% to 20%. Buff duration increased from 5 to 10 seconds.
- Whispering Wind - Cooldown increased from 20 to 30 seconds.
Note: there are planned CDR changes on destruction as well that didn't quite make it in time for this patch. Access to this buff will be balanced between factions, but all details and full implementation are not finalized yet.
- Forceful Shock - Tactic removed.
- Gusting Wind - Now shares a 20 second cooldown with Mighty Gale.
- Mighty Gale - New core ability in Path of Vaul: Damaging. 30 AP. 5 ft range. Instant. 20 s CD. Requires Improved Balance. Leads to Perfect Balance - A strong blow dealing (112 + 1.5*DB + 1.5*WDPS) damage to your enemy and knocking back players and knocking down monsters. Shares cooldown with Gusting Wind.
- Hoeth's Tempest - New core tactic: Mighty Gale will now send the target to fly even further away from you. If wielding a Great Weapon, the cooldown of Mighty Gale and Gusting Wind is reduced to 10 seconds.
- Ether Dance - Base Damage reduced from 252 to 236. Weapon Damage reduced from 1.14 to 1.10.

Balance Changes
- Trained To Hunt / Trained To Threaten / Trained To Kill - No longer induce the global cooldown. Now have a shared 5 second cooldown.
- Slashing Blade - AP cost reduced from 50 to 45 AP.
- Whirling Axe - AP cost reduced from 35 AP per second to 25 AP per second.
- Primal Fury - No longer induces a global cooldown. Positional requirement removed.
- Flying Axe - Changed to deal 1200 instant damage instead of over time.

Balance Changes
- Anger Drives Me - This tactic now increases your parry chance by 5% at all times and an additional 2% for each 10 hate.
- Shielded By Hate - This tactic now increases your block chance by 5% at all times and an additional 1% for each 10 hate.
- Shielding Anger - This tactic now increases your disrupt chance by 5% at all times and an additional 2% for each 10 hate.
- None Shall Pass - Cooldown reduced from 30 to 20 seconds.
- Enraged Beating - Base damage at level 40 increased from 93 to 161. Weapon Damage increased from 0.75 to 0.80. Damage Bonus scaling reduced from 1.5 to 0.5.

Balance Changes
- Death Reaper - Value of critical buff reduced to 25%. Now only affects all offensive crits but not a heal crit.
- Kiss of Agony / Kiss of Death / Kiss of Betrayal - Now have a shared cooldown, but no longer induce the global cooldown.

Balance Changes
- Covenant of Celerity - Reduced duration to 5s.
- All Chalices now give 10 Soul Essence per second, irrespective of their rarity.

- The Fury regeneration & Soul Essence procs on Triumphant and Sovereign have been fixed to work like they did in the old ability system. On casting a heal ability you have 20% chance to get 15/30 career resources over 3s.
Bug Fixes

- [22111] Fixed bug which prevented you from casting abilities when planting a Standard.
- The Old World Armory tome unlocks for equipping Decimator, Braggart, Carnage, and Hunter's armor sets have been fixed
- Fixed all ToK unlocks for Swordmaster and Black Guard heraldry shields.
- Fixed zone areas and respawns in Ekrund and Mount Bloodhorn, including removing the RvR flag from Norri's Tunnel.
- Fixed zone areas and respawns in Nordland and Norsca, including adding a new area for the Lair of Kamilla the Decayed and including the Achievement unlock for it. Previously this unlock was only obtainable by killing Kamilla the Decayed, which did not match how other lair unlocks were obtained. Dying in areas associated with Chapter 3 will now properly send you back to the Chapter 3 hub instead of the warcamp.
- Fixed zone areas and respawns in the Blighted Isle and Chrace