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Patch Notes 28/11/2024

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Patch Notes 28/11/2024

Post#1 » Thu Nov 28, 2024 11:08 am

New Tier 1 Story Dungeon: Dragonback Pass

A brand new Tier 1 Dungeon has been permanently added to the game! Dragonback Pass is a new dungeon for players Level 9-11, and features three new bosses that are each aimed at teaching new players key game mechanics, both for PvE and also the game's PvP modes. The Dungeon is aimed at teaching new tanks how to Guard and Guard-swap, healers how to Resurrect and Cleanse allies, DPS how to swap targets, and more.

This Dungeon is also unique in that it's our first dungeon to feature new voice acting, characters that guide players as they progress, and a more immersive story-driven setting!

The entrance to this Dungeon (for both factions) can be found in Ekrund at approximately 53k / 21k on the map. More information on the Dungeon can be found here on the RoR Wiki.

Dragonback Pass was built largely from scratch by the RoR team over the last few months
. This new Dungeon would not have been possible without countless hours and late nights from a great many testers, talented community voice-over contributors, and staff members, and we thank them all for bringing it to life!

Dragonback Pass opens its gates to all players on November 29th, 2024.

Live Event: Saga


As the long days of summer draw to an end, the dwarfs return to their holds to circle around warm fires and tell stories of the glorious past. Much as the warmth of summer fades, so too has the glory of Karaz Ankor. With each passing year more names are added to the list of heroes recounted on the feast of Saga.

Saga is a somber feast day to remember fallen holds and heroes of Karaz Ankor. In doing so, old grudges are recalled, and hopefully old grudges are stricken from The Book. Join your realm in avenging past wrongs, and slaying those who grudge your people so greatly.

Saga will start on November 29th at 12:00 Altdorf time and last until December 9th 12:00 Altdorf time.


- Basic reward: Grudgesettler's Ink - An ingredient required to craft your Personal Book of Grudges.

- Advanced reward: the Bitter Brew which rewards Order players with the title "Grimnir's Own", and Destruction players with the title "Oathrender" ; or a Potion of Acclaim

- Elite reward: Gareksson's Brutebashin' Ring for Order players, or a Stunty Noggin for Destruction players[/list]

Players can claim their rewards at the live event heralds, Rorgrim Grudgesettler in the High King's Hold of Karaz-a-Karak, or Grodruk Beardtaker in the Hall of the Gorkiest and Morkiest in Karak Eight Peaks. High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer is carefully taking note of who has avenged some old grudges, while Grumlok eagerly listens to which of his gits are da bestest at makin' da stunties madder dan a pig in a tar pit.

Players can also find weapons of the fallen to earn titles during this live event. Order players can find a Notched Choppa from Greenskin players, and earn the title "The Doom Seeker". Destruction players can find a Broken Axe from Dwarf players, and earn the title "Stuntie Stompa". There are also four other titles to be earned during this event, but what they are and how to find them is for you to discover!

The Grudgemaker and Vengeance-Driven Buffs
Saga is all about killing those who wronged you, and not letting yourself get knocked down and turned into a grudge entry for next year. With this in mind, two buffs are active during the Saga live event!

Grudgemaker is a new limited-time buff that is obtained by killing players in RvR and going on a killing-streak.
The player who deals the death blow gains a stack of Grudgemaker for themselves and their party. This buff will increase your renown gain, making each successive kill worth more renown for you and your party! Renown gain increases start at 1% and can reach 25% based on seven brackets. But be careful, because the higher your Grudgemaker buff goes, the more you are worth to your enemies if they kill you! If you are killed, your entire Grudgemaker stack is removed and you have to start your kill-streak all over again.

Vengeance-Driven is a new limited-time buff for those who fell in battle, but got back up with a bit of grit in their teeth! Players who are killed earn the Vengeance-Driven buff, which will increase their stats. Vengeance-Driven will increase your base stats (strength, willpower, toughness, initiative, weapon skill, ballistics skill, intelligence, but not wounds) from 2% up to a maximum of 25% across eight brackets. Every time you die in RvR, you gain a stack of Vengeance-Driven, and every time you or your party kill a player you lose a stack.

Grudgemaker and Vengeance-Driven only apply within RvR, so get into the lakes and don't stop fighting until the enemy lie dead!

Personal Book of Grudges
During Saga players can create their Personal Book of Grudges by gathering the necessary materials for this item. The Grudgesettler's Quill can be obtained via your race's specific questline. The Grudgesettler's Ink is the basic live event reward. The Grudgesettler's Parchment is obtainable by repeatable quests that match your playstyle. Once a player has acquired the necessary ingredients for their book, they can purchase a pocket item that increases their damage done by 2%to the enemy race which has grieved them the most. These pocket items will decay after 60 days, so settle your grudges quickly!

Fortress Victor's Tale
Did you hear of the glorious defense of Stonewatch, or the fall of Fell Landing? Well listen up beardling, because I've got a tale to share with you!

During Saga players who successfully participate in a fortress siege - offense or defense - will be rewarded with the Fortress Victor's Tale. This buff will increase their Influence gain by 10% for 3 hours, and will give them a granted ability to share this tale up to two times with two allies who were not able to partake in the fortress-festivities, but dutifully cheered their realm on. We will be gauging feedback on this buff to see if we will introduce it as a permanent feature.

Twenty-one new limited-time dyes have been added, all themed around the colors of the fallen holds of Karaz Ankor. These dyes are available only during this live event, for those who wish to expand their colorful horizons.

Dye previews are available here, but please be aware that the colors may apply differently on different base armor colors. We recommend to use an addon such as Pocket Palette to see how this dye will look on your armor. *Please note previous Pocket Palette updater is on hiatus, so if anyone would like to take over these duties please contact the team.


Saga Drops: Grudgefest

Celebrate the Saga Live Event with Twitch Drops

Get ready to celebrate the Saga Live Event with Saga Drops: Grudgefest, running daily from 10:00 AM UTC on 11/28/2024 to 9:59 AM UTC on 12/2/2024! Earn epic rewards by watching Return of Reckoning Twitch streams.


How It Works

Event Timing: Each day runs from 10:00 AM UTC to 9:59 AM UTC the next day.

Drops Schedule: Earn 3-4 unique rewards per day by watching participating Twitch streams.

Viewing Times: Unlock rewards with cumulative viewing time each day:
- Day 1 & Day 2: 3 Drops (30 min, 60 min, 90 min)
- Day 3 & Day 4: 4 Drops (30 min, 60 min, 120 min, 180 min)

Who Can Stream: Open to all Return of Reckoning streamers! Abuse of the system (e.g., AFK streams) may result in restricting access to a whitelist of approved streamers.


Daily Rewards Schedule

Day 1 (11/28 - 11/29):
- Small Gold Bag (30 minutes)
- 20 War Crests (60 minutes)
- Potion of Acclaim (90 minutes)

Day 2 (11/29 - 11/30):
- Small Gold Bag (30 minutes)
- 20 War Crests (60 minutes)
- Potion of Acclaim (90 minutes)

Day 3 (11/30 - 12/1):
- Potion of Acclaim (30 minutes)
- Medium Gold Bag (60 minutes)
- Time RoR Aegis (120 minutes)
- 100 War Crests (180 minutes)

Day 4 (12/1 - 12/2):
- Potion of Acclaim (30 minutes)
- 100 War Crests (60 minutes)
- Exotic Mount Token (120 minutes)
- Stalwart Soulstone (180 minutes)


Important Links

- Twitch Drops Information
- Link Your Twitch Account
- Twitch Drops FAQs


Don't miss out on these exclusive rewards! Be sure to tune in, link your Twitch account, and start earning your drops during this exciting Saga Drops: Grudgefest campaign. See you in the streams, and may your grudges be legendary!

Realm versus Realm

- Reward calculations for Zone Locks and keeps have been updated. Instead of being a hidden value, the zone now has a % value displayed in the victory points UI element. This bar is filled by killing players in the zone and is based on the last hour, as well as historical population. This means it should now be relatively the same difficulty for high and low population times to gain max rewards. (Previously, lower population times had a much harder time earning max rewards.) The reward is then also divided by your contribution (which remains the only "hidden" value).

The value of a zone is (with max contribution and filled victory points bar):
80 000 XP
20 000 Renown
4000 Influence
60 crests.

If you lose a zone, the reward is halved. These values were the theoretical max prior to any change.


- Guild Keep claims are now lost when a keep lord dies.

- A Keep's Inner Doors should now properly repair before the outer doors.

- The minimum number of kills needed to trigger a defense tick has been removed, as have Bags for successful defenses. Instead, players will now get a flat amount of war crests awarded directly to them after fully repairing a keep's doors.

- Reward calculations for both a keep take and defense have been changed. (See details in Campaign above.) The new value for a keep (assuming full victory points and max contribution):

30 000 XP
10 000 Renown
1200 Influence
20 Crests

These values were the theoretical max prior to any change (not counting any bags from defense). Additionally, it is now possible to earn War Crests when first capturing a keep.

Combat and Careers
General Changes and Fixes

The following abilities no longer require the caster to be within range for the buff to remain active:

- Mork's Buffer
- Prismatic Shield
- Flames of Rhuin
- Flame Shield
- Frozen Touch
- Daemonic Chill
- Mark of Daemonic Fury
- Mark of the Spell Destroyer
- Mark of the Vortex

Note that other abilities, such as the Runepriest's Oath Runes never had this requirement in the first place.

General Changes

- Mind Killer ability now has two seperate ability IDs: One with heal debuff (3372), and one without heal debuff (32024).

Dwarf & Greenskin Heraldry Shields
Ironbreakers and Black Orcs can finally join the ranks of their other tank friends in acquiring cosmetic shields to show where their true loyalties lie! The Dwarfen and Greenskin Heraldry Shields are new permanent additions to RoR, proudly introduced during Saga.

More information can be found here on the RoR wiki page. Tutorial quests to introduce these shields have also been added for Ironbreakers and Black Orcs who reach Rank 12. Our immense thanks to our artists for their dedication to RoR!


- Cleanse potions from past events now share cooldown with absorb pots.

Tier 3 Armor Rework
With the introduction of the Holdfast armor set, Tier 3 Armor sets have been updated. Devastator, Duelist, Mayhem, and Stalker sets have been rebalanced and equalized to remove any statistical outliers in stat distribution. The Stalker set has also been upgraded to a 5-piece set, so players who want to get their Stalker helm can search for the new quests Bloody Brides in High Elf chapter 13, or Feline Fury in Dark Elf chapter 13.

Dye Icons
One of our artists has created a batch of new icons for dyes, giving us many more options to help give dyes a better color palette. All the dye icons have been updated and now are distinct from other consumable potions.

Public Quests
Karaz-a-Karak and Karak Eight Peaks
This Saga we are happy to introduce new permanent public quests in Karaz-a-Karak and Karak Eight Peaks. Three public quests exist on the main level of the cities, and two in the sub-levels. Order players can participate in these public quests in the Karaz-a-Karak Forge, Feast Hall, Steadfast Inn, Engineer Guild, and Cannon Foundry - the latter two in the Middle Deeps. Destruction players can find their public quests in the Temple of Gork, Da Stunty Diggin' Pit, Da Great Bashin' Pit, Da 'Ungry Troll, and the Squig Nursery - the latter two in Da Deeps.

These public quests are spiritual successors to the public quests of Altdorf and the Inevitable city, rewarding players with a new rank 29 armor set - the Holdfast set - and weapons and accessories of equal level. The Holdfast set does require the tome unlock for having completed the City-Watch set.

Player Memorial
A tombstone has been added for Ardz/Aedaeras in the Praag graveyard.

Bastion Stair

Lord Slaurith's Blood Pulse mechanic should now always be visible to players, even those with the lowest graphics settings.


New Quality of Life Portal:
After Killing Blaz' Da Tamin Masta, a Portal will appear at the Dungeon's entrance chamber as you begin the Middle Wing. Players who disconnect or crash can now save time and return to their parties quickly by using this teleport.

Bug Fixes

- [23549] - Guards at the portal to IC from The Maw don't aggro
- [23411] - The safe timer for keep should not tick down if held by opposing realm.
- [23379] - Stealthing while carrying supplies will now destroy the supplies.
- [23536] - Lady Alentrieal in fell landing should be able to take damage once more

- [23554],[23486] - PQ in Nordland unable to progress; tents won’t burn
- [23556] - Eaten Away quest bugged
- [23555] - PQ Blighted Farm in Troll Country is bugged
- [23551] - Timber! quest: Stuck fighting a Griffon NPC
- [21857] - Shrine of Tzeentch issues
- [23518] - PQ boss does not attack PC in Public Quest: Grave Diggers (Stage 3, Troll Country)
- [23522] - Cannot complete “An Old Flame” quest in the Cleansing an Empire epic questline
- [23608] - Mission - unkillable mob
- [16795] - Duplicate hostile champion has been de-spawned
- [15967] - Players can now set their bind location to Bilerot Burrow or Sigmars Crypts

- [21299] - Typo on all mask descriptions
- [23289] - "Horn of the Vale Wolf" item summons a bugged pet
- [22932] - Vampiric Bloodwine

- [23025] - Starter area Destro spawn issue in Reikland Hills
- Fixed leaderboard match recording in Ranked.
- Fixed loading of flag and NPCs in ranked.
- Fixed rejoining after a crash in ranked SC instances.

- [23562] - [Blackguard] - Crimson Death ability tooltip issue
- [23561] - [KOTBS] - Sun's Blessing tactic tooltip bug
- [23552] - [SHAMAN/SQUIG] - "Run Away!" tooltip should clarify stacking rule exception for movement speed
- [23188] - [ENGINEER] - Proximity Alarm tooltip confusion and typos
- [23508] - Crushing Advance now applies the buff irrespective of hitting an enemy or not.
- [23408] - Witch Elf Kisses and Witch Hunter's Bullets tooltips now reflect the behaviour of the ability.
- [22567], [22433] - Champion's Challenge should now respect all root immunities.
- [23455] - Rune of Battle should no longer be usable on rams.
- [21811] - Dark Protector / Oath Friend now only give Hatred / Grudge if you are within 160 feet of your Dark Protector / Oath Friend.
- [21590] - Infernal Wave now mentions its cooldown restriction in tooltip.
- [23513] - Extended Battle now increases duration of Rune of Cleaving.
- [23195] - DoK / WP Ress now show "Only Usable on Dead Players" on tooltip.
- [23566] - Protection of the Ancestors now correctly displays it is usable on any allied target.
- [23564] - Tooltips on Arcing Swing, Overpowering Swing and Encourage Confession clarified.
- [23567] - Tooltips on Focused Mind and Unleash The Winds clarified.
- [21615], [22559], [23581] - Siphoned Energy now shows the speed buff on player.
- [23050] - Flame's Kiss tooltip now says "virtually undefendable" as it just gives 100% strikethrough.
- [23045] - Mork's Buffer and Prismatic Shield no longer require the caster to remain within 100 ft to function.
- [22090] - Restraining Shot and Tzeentch's Holding now properly give Immovable.
- [23611], [23610] - The following tactics now have an ICD per target instead of global: Blessing of Grungni, Blessing of Chaos, Bolstering Boon, Biting Blade, and Exhaustive Strikes.
- [23335] - Gork Sez Stop now correctly disappears if you stand still until the last damage tick.
- [23415] - Rain of Fire and Pit of Shades now correctly show they are 9s channels. Tooltip of Rain of Fire now specifies it deals Elemental damage.

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Posts: 310

Re: Patch Notes 28/11/2024

Post#2 » Thu Nov 28, 2024 11:21 am

Bug Fixes

[23642] - BO objective status stuck on UI
[23644] - Altar of the Bloodbane PQ Stage 2 bugged
[23517] - HV vines broken
[23515] - HV vine gate to The Cadaithaine Lion - Unable to open after killing it
[23647] - [ Hunter's Vale] Last boss - portals HP issue
[23628] - Zone lock for destruction (Ostland) did not give a bag roll and zone contribution
[23632] - Auction doesn't work due to new patch bug
[23633] - Trophy Thieves - Temple of Gork K8P PQ 2nd stage trophy out of bounds
[23621] - Daemonic Strength
[23618] - Cant enter game on my character
[23637] - IB/slayer set crossover
[23627] - Target Dummy is now friend

- Adjusted victory points to be on a 2h window instead of 1.
- Victory points are now based of the population of that zone and not server wide.
- Adjusted the scaling of victory points generation
- Tried a fix for not counting players correctly causing AAO and other things to malfunction

- New fix for not counting players correctly, causing AAO and other buffs to malfunction
- Chapter 22 PQs now properly give 24 bags instead of 12

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Posts: 53

Re: Patch Notes 28/11/2024

Post#3 » Thu Nov 28, 2024 11:57 am

Quick question on wording:

Does this mean the maximum we can ever get for capping a zone is now 20k?
I know it says theoretical cap, but we were able to get much higher if the zone was really pumping, such as DW on the weekend.

Other than that this looks like a great patch with another very interesting and unique event, great work.

Fantastic to see some changes being made to the campaign mechanics, thanks.
Knutkrusher - The man, the myth, the dead body on the floor.

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Re: Patch Notes 28/11/2024

Post#4 » Thu Nov 28, 2024 12:33 pm

good stuff!
-= Agony =-

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Posts: 136

Re: Patch Notes 28/11/2024

Post#5 » Thu Nov 28, 2024 12:45 pm

Very nice patch, thank you for all the hard work! A dawi-themed T1 tutorial dungeon, dwarf heraldry shields, new PQs in Karaz-a-Karak, a live event all about avenging grudges - great stuff!

Regarding these new player kill/death related buffs of the live event:
ReturnOfReckoning wrote: Thu Nov 28, 2024 11:08 am The Grudgemaker and Vengeance-Driven Buffs
Saga is all about killing those who wronged you, and not letting yourself get knocked down and turned into a grudge entry for next year. With this in mind, two buffs are active during the Saga live event!

Grudgemaker is a new limited-time buff that is obtained by killing players in RvR and going on a killing-streak.
The player who deals the death blow gains a stack of Grudgemaker for themselves and their party. This buff will increase your renown gain, making each successive kill worth more renown for you and your party! Renown gain increases start at 1% and can reach 25% based on seven brackets. But be careful, because the higher your Grudgemaker buff goes, the more you are worth to your enemies if they kill you! If you are killed, your entire Grudgemaker stack is removed and you have to start your kill-streak all over again.

Vengeance-Driven is a new limited-time buff for those who fell in battle, but got back up with a bit of grit in their teeth! Players who are killed earn the Vengeance-Driven buff, which will increase their stats. Vengeance-Driven will increase your base stats (strength, willpower, toughness, initiative, weapon skill, ballistics skill, intelligence, but not wounds) from 2% up to a maximum of 25% across eight brackets. Every time you die in RvR, you gain a stack of Vengeance-Driven, and every time you or your party kill a player you lose a stack.

I think these buffs could be a great permanent addition to open RvR as they incentivize both fighting and getting up to fight again after being wiped.
Image Granur Loriksson Image Dvali Gembeard Image Skirvir Azrilgrund

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Posts: 201

Re: Patch Notes 28/11/2024

Post#6 » Thu Nov 28, 2024 12:53 pm

Cool changes, cool new event, cool new dungeon! Really like the focus on helping out new players. Great job devs!

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Posts: 68

Re: Patch Notes 28/11/2024

Post#7 » Thu Nov 28, 2024 1:02 pm

So with these reward changes have you done anything to stop players from abandoning the defending side for double the reward or anything to discourage high aao keep takes for 60 free crests? From what I'm reading in these notes I'm not seeing anything that would dissuade even more one sided blobbing.

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Posts: 8

Re: Patch Notes 28/11/2024

Post#8 » Thu Nov 28, 2024 1:19 pm

Great job devs! Thanks for updating and supporting the game! With these "Grudgemaker and Vengeance-Driven" buffs it should be fun.

I will point out one dissatisfaction, I would like better twitch drops rewards. Now there is nothing unique for old and constantly playing players. For example, it would be cool like 2-3 years ago, you could get an Aviator Googles skin with a rare chance! (as an example, you can come up with something else worthwhile and unique). Then the number of viewers will definitely increase, which will add popularity ;)

Posts: 10

Re: Patch Notes 28/11/2024

Post#9 » Thu Nov 28, 2024 1:23 pm

Great Patch, Thx for the hard work!

I really hope you manage to look at Lion and Squig Pet next. Its been more than 8 weeks of suffering.

Posts: 412

Re: Patch Notes 28/11/2024

Post#10 » Thu Nov 28, 2024 1:49 pm

Thank you very much for taking the time to enjoy the game.
The only thing I am skeptical about is giving a bonus to someone who died.
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