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Re: Windows Phone 8 Forum App

Post#31 » Fri Oct 24, 2014 2:49 pm

I guess I'll be slowly reviving this thing ...



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Re: Windows Phone 8 Forum App

Post#32 » Fri Oct 24, 2014 3:25 pm


Unfortunately, I won't be getting a Windows phone next :lol:

Android next... :|

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Re: Windows Phone 8 Forum App

Post#33 » Thu Dec 31, 2015 2:29 pm

So I've been testing out the app which I've yet to release (hoping for a universal Windows 10 release) but I've been running into problems due to the CloudFlare protection.

In short, I can't access the forum to parse it.
One option would be an API for me to access (a simple php page works).

Dascoub - is there any way to deal with this problem?


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Re: Windows Phone 8 Forum App

Post#34 » Tue Jan 05, 2016 12:16 am

Bump ^

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Re: Windows Phone 8 Forum App

Post#35 » Tue Jan 05, 2016 11:59 am

Check this post and the one following.

We have 2 dedicated servers right now, and have to pay for both...
DaScoub wrote:I use a Windows Phone 8 (Lumia 920), and i can read the forum on it.

Moreover, i think it'll be an ad problem. The aim is to pay a dedicated server via ads when we'll have enough players. If you develop an app, no more ads...
If you say "Yes, but wtf, we can put ads on Windows Phone apps", i would say yes, but what are the terms of use ? Max will have to register and manages ads on 2 different platform and i think, 2 different ad manager.

I'm not sure it's a great idea indeed.
DaScoub wrote:Dedicated server = money = revenue via website = ads <> wp8 app
No ads = no revenue on website = no money = no dedicated server = .... no return of reckoning :D

For the moment, someone is giving Max a slot on a dedicated server for free, but it won't last for ever. So, he'll have to pay a dedicated server.

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Re: Windows Phone 8 Forum App

Post#36 » Tue Jan 05, 2016 5:34 pm

The Mini launchers that I made were showing the advertising, compared to the so called official one which doesn't.
I can put the ads even in the Windows Phone version, I am unaware of how you came to the conclusion "revenue via website = ads <> wp8 app" since it's just a WebView which = website.


There were a few discussions with Max about me using my server to host both the game and the related services (website, forum, etc), he said back then that it's an option but nothing else, so I get that there is no problem with how it's hosted right now.

Now I really couldn't care less about helping to pay up 10-20 euro a month for the hosting. I am doing this for the community and everyone who likes to play Warhammer Online on this particular server; and for the server itself since an app about this would get more exposure, and I don't think it would go towards myself, now would it?

So now that I've hopefully showed you that a windows app would not bring any harm to the very so much important advertising banner (which is a pathetic reason but whatever...), my question is if it is actually possible to make the api or not; and by possible I mean if you are able to do it or not.


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