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[DoK]help and advices

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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Posts: 35

[DoK]help and advices

Post#1 » Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:22 am

I recently decided to switch from my chosen and I started playing DoK. My initial purpose was to go full dps and use self heal for survivability but as I was getting killed all the time I tryied to play healer unyil I lvl up. I am currently lvl 22 and I need some help. Are all the mastery path viable, because it looks so to me . Can you pls give me some advises and tips on how to play good DoK? I know the basics but I feel that im missing something . Also, can an aggressive DoK be compared with another mdps or they are outclassed?

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Re: [DoK]help and advices

Post#2 » Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:59 am

i play heal dok with this spec: ... 0:4983:0:0:

i hear that if you want to do dps dok that sacrifice is the best path to go up atm

Posts: 209

Re: [DoK]help and advices

Post#3 » Sun Jan 31, 2016 11:04 am

When you choose the sacrifice path do you actually get any skills/tactics from it? Devour essence looks like a nice spell to cast on tank but it basically drain all your essence.

Imho dual wield healing is much more effective than the chalice, especially in early stages of the game when chalices regen 4-6 essence per second, you have to get into fight anyways if you want to heal entire group and if you fight you don't have to spam ap to essence conversion which is a waste of time.

In scenarios before initial fight I usually hot my tanks/melee and convert ap to essence just in case more healing is needed. If they need more healing I patch them up and try to get few hits to regen some essence, usually helping my melee finish off the targets. When someone dies or needed I reHoT them and keep on hitting. I really like that playstyle and DoK's healing looks potent at the current level comparing with other healers.

I don't know how would DoK do as pure dps, I guess you would have to take reduced healing/incresed damage tactic, but if you play scenarios with pugs I would say that's not the way to go. I often join with different DoKs who use dual blades but don't fight at all, only convert essence from ap and the performance is not all that good, that's a little bit stupid because even if you do that you can spam ranged spell to do small amount of dmg and regen the essence with that skill.

Posts: 70

Re: [DoK]help and advices

Post#4 » Sun Jan 31, 2016 1:57 pm


yes with lower level and not best equip it is really hard, but also full equipped you are not a tank :P
In my eyes it is more usefull to skill heal until lvl 30 but i also haven't done that, so ... do what you prefer.
You should use armor talisman even for the lvl gear to get to about 60% at least and skill dodge&disrupt in renown
panakon1 wrote:My initial purpose was to go full dps and use self heal for survivability .... / ....Also, can an aggressive DoK be compared with another mdps or they are outclassed?
Well if you play only selfheal you waste a lot of support utility the class have, in pure dmg numbers you are a bit worse than other mdps and you are missing debuffs, thats why you have the massiv healing options.

About trees in t3, I normally advice everyone to skill sacrifice coz it is just better utility, but you already wrote only selfheal so you can also skill torture to have at least a healdebuff.

Short Sacrifice conlclusion how i play it ... (lvl32)
renown disrupt, parry, reduction in being crit
tactics 50%haste, 25% dmg, 75%heal on transfer essence

Main intention is heal, dmg and killing is only second aim.
You always have to hit something so even on your way to your chosen target hit everything on they way while walking, if you or one of your grp members go down hard, instantly switch on a soft, not block / parry hard target and the person who needs heal and start rend soul. While rend soul is running you can switch heal target so you could heal max 4 ppl a bit or one really. If noone needs heal anymore break running rend soul an hit normal, don't use rend soul on cooldown, only use it for needed heal or if a tank has much more armor than resi, coz you lose a lot of dmg when using it. If you can't hit sth at the moment you can apply one or two hots or a grp heal(thats why NO murderous intend tactic) or devour essence on the one being hitted, but have a look for essence(ap->soul while walking is only 30). That sounds like a lot of work ? right but only if you are the only healer in grp if you have one or two more healers less klicking is needed.

But if that is too much, i would advise to play marauder he also has usefull selfheal and much more utility in pure tunnel vision for kill.

Greetings Starilas

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Re: [DoK]help and advices

Post#5 » Sun Jan 31, 2016 6:06 pm

TenTonHammer wrote:i play heal dok with this spec:
Spoiler: ... 0:4983:0:0:

i hear that if you want to do dps dok that sacrifice is the best path to go up atm
I have to admit that heal DoK looks tempting. Im surprised you are not using Khaine's bounty, to me it looks like a really good tactic. Also I have a quetion on Khaine's refreshment. In its full duration of 3 sec it restores 537 health at 30 feet radius with the cost of 60 SE and has a cooldown of 13 sec. Khaine's embrace only has 1 sec cast , restores 643 health , 100 feet radius , 60 SE cost and only 1,5 sec cooldown. Its clear that Khaine's embrace is superior and there is no reason to waste point on KR. Pls explain me if im counting something wrong.

Posts: 54

Re: [DoK]help and advices

Post#6 » Tue Feb 09, 2016 4:06 am

panakon1 wrote:
TenTonHammer wrote:i play heal dok with this spec:
Spoiler: ... 0:4983:0:0:

i hear that if you want to do dps dok that sacrifice is the best path to go up atm
I have to admit that heal DoK looks tempting. Im surprised you are not using Khaine's bounty, to me it looks like a really good tactic. Also I have a quetion on Khaine's refreshment. In its full duration of 3 sec it restores 537 health at 30 feet radius with the cost of 60 SE and has a cooldown of 13 sec. Khaine's embrace only has 1 sec cast , restores 643 health , 100 feet radius , 60 SE cost and only 1,5 sec cooldown. Its clear that Khaine's embrace is superior and there is no reason to waste point on KR. Pls explain me if im counting something wrong.

Khaine's Embrace is group heal, Khaine's refreshment is all allies within 30 feet of u

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Re: [DoK]help and advices

Post#7 » Tue Feb 09, 2016 11:30 am

Fist of Khaine damage scales with Int or Str?

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Re: [DoK]help and advices

Post#8 » Tue Feb 09, 2016 12:56 pm

Mcz wrote:
Khaine's Embrace is group heal, Khaine's refreshment is all allies within 30 feet of u
Besides that Khaine`s Refreshment can be used for one tick as a instant heal while kiting.
Slacking (checking out EvE)


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