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need more in rvr

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Posts: 32

need more in rvr

Post#1 » Mon Oct 27, 2014 7:04 pm

Hello to all.
Need more players in rvr for found real battle zones, but the problem is that the player spends too much time has farme for found armor gale runner. :'( Would it not possible from creates a vendor who would sell these armor weapon on each side. Like that everyone would more often in the area of rvr :)

And the best would be d have a tick for decision-making area.

Thanks to soon in war

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Posts: 5332

Re: need more in rvr

Post#2 » Mon Oct 27, 2014 7:09 pm

A few things:

- Gale-Runner is worthless, even the Strength rings which give you like two points of damage each on a 0.01% drop rate. Even more foolish are the people who use GR over pieces of Wanderer gear with better stats / working stats (I laugh every time). I use the renown gear on my Destruction characters because having GR or not barely affects your combat performance. The only pieces of gear that are important are weapons with high WDPS for WP / DoK / Mara because of their bugged channeling calculations.
- People don't RvR in the lakes because there's no incentive to - scenarios pop anywhere and battlefield objectives don't work.

Posts: 32

Re: need more in rvr

Post#3 » Mon Oct 27, 2014 8:09 pm

agree but why players spend time to farm for the gale runner then it would suffice to allow the lock of areas with loot on the enemy characters killed. As in the times of war :) when the person like the look of gale runner as much available from a seller put.
Thanks again and great job, continue more.

Sorry for the spelling error I am french

Posts: 783

Re: need more in rvr

Post#4 » Mon Oct 27, 2014 11:28 pm

My dreams are that T1 can function with all three Realms Wars and that players will make use of all the RvR areas that those zones. That is what is needed, IMO to make this game better than what it was previously.

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Re: need more in rvr

Post#5 » Tue Oct 28, 2014 5:31 pm

Currently people farm for gear with stats so that is gives them a better chance of survival in RvR. I agree that RvR is one of the many things the needs improvement on. We already have plenty of reasons to fight with BO's, Keeps and City Sieges. BO's are here, but they don't currently work and give RP so people just farm xp or gear from them. Down the road, give people another reason to fight in the game..enemy player looting. :twisted:
THUMP - "MEDIOCRE!!" ...Who's laughing now?


Posts: 22

Re: need more in rvr

Post#6 » Wed Oct 29, 2014 7:50 pm

why not just remove the option of being able to sell gear and weapons from the AH all together and just stock the current gear & weapons vendors at each WC with the absolute best stuff you can get for that tier instead, (ie; gale, storm, deci, and whatever blue stuff weapon items. or maybe purple weapons as well for T1? then conq, annihilator, or whatever for T2. And so on), at very reasonable costs? just set the required xp/rr levels for each of those items. like it currently is with the merchants.

this way folks wont fill the need to have to farm for those items which will in turn bring those same folks to the RvR side. resulting in much more battles and fun for everyone. the excitement of knowing that you can buy the aforementioned items at a WC merchant, I think, would keep people motivated and interested in the game because they know no matter what they will inevitably get their hands some really good stuff and be able to hold their own for a bit versus getting raped time and time again by players that are totally pimped out with the top stuff that folks know they may never be able to get their hands on due to insane AH prices, or because they don't have the time to farm. ( I realize there is some skill involved with this game as well, but obviously gear/weapons is the MAIN determining factor in how quickly one kills or be killed).

Everything else that is normally sold at the AH (ie; jewelry, potions, specialty items, talis etc.) remains the same. this way you still have your in-game economy going.

I realize if this actually happened people would list their items at AH at sky high prices because they feel their items will give an edge to those they possess the top jewelry, talis and what not, and perhaps that may be true in a 1vs1 scenario, but I don't think it will be that much of a determining factor when its a team vs team situation. and as all us oldschoolers know, this game is not about flying solo anyway, its about group play.

not everyone has time to grind for the good stuff (most don't), and not everyone is loaded with gold to purchase the good stuff. especially at the absurd prices people tend to ask for at the AH.

want to make this game super fun for everyone and not frustrate and/or scare off people, make the top **** (gear and weapons) for each tier affordable and easily accessible, all that is needed is you just got to put in the time to throw down in order to get your rank up to the require xp/rr levels in order to get your hands on the goodies. its a win-win. folks don't quit because they simply don't have the time to grind and/or have deep pockets - which leads to a higher pop in the game - which leads to more action.

the game will now be much more enjoyable to play (great RvR battles and one versus one everywhere with toons suited up in their kick ass gear)

just a thought forgive me if this idea has already been discussed before somewhere and was dismissed.

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Re: need more in rvr

Post#7 » Wed Oct 29, 2014 7:55 pm

I personally feel the whole 'easy mode mentality' with vendors and everyone having the exact same items should be dismissed, even in this state of the game.
Sergeant-Major Drengk Burloksson, RR 85 Sniper
Hulfdan Irongrip, RR 81 Ironbreaker
Rordin Brightrune, RR 70 Runepriest
Proud Founder of the 3rd Bitterstone Thunderers

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Posts: 5332

Re: need more in rvr

Post#8 » Wed Oct 29, 2014 8:03 pm

If RR leveling were fixed and the items were given renown rank requirements it would have a positive effect. Grinding for gear pre-AoE fix was boring. Grinding for gear post-AoE fix? Not even going to bother. Counting my blessings that I abused the Ironbreaker while I could.

Posts: 32

Re: need more in rvr

Post#9 » Wed Oct 29, 2014 9:51 pm

I agree more with FERNDOG have not all the opportunity of played 15 h per day for farm equipment l best that one neighbor, so the idea of the Merchant remains for me a good solution. farm less equals more of battle rvr so more fun. Anyway whatever the equipment used can fair no difference on 1 vs 6 .and above all there is to have fun and relive the battle as it was known. especially during the event there are a lot of player in rvr zone should it remains all the temp :)

Posts: 64

Re: need more in rvr

Post#10 » Thu Oct 30, 2014 3:04 pm

Azarael wrote:A few things:

- Gale-Runner is worthless, even the Strength rings which give you like two points of damage each on a 0.01% drop rate. Even more foolish are the people who use GR over pieces of Wanderer gear with better stats / working stats (I laugh every time). I use the renown gear on my Destruction characters because having GR or not barely affects your combat performance. The only pieces of gear that are important are weapons with high WDPS for WP / DoK / Mara because of their bugged channeling calculations.
Whut? The difference between "has Gale-Runner" and "has no Gale-Runner" is pretty big. I don't know about the numbers, but look at SC's and Armory - with Talismans and other things (RR, potions, etc) not working yet, the benefit you get from Gale-Runner - both damage-wise and suvivability-wise - is VERY obvious.

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