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DEV DIARY - March 2016

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Re: DEV DIARY - March 2016

Post#51 » Mon Mar 21, 2016 12:33 am

"To clarify, me asking to developers to go test their own changes is not sign of toxicity or anger, but a sign of hope that the people punching in the numbers remain aware of potential consequences and test their own changes"-Teefz

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Re: DEV DIARY - March 2016

Post#52 » Mon Mar 21, 2016 12:39 am

Razid1987 wrote: 5:30 - Each level of power (Sets) as a separate thing:
I'm a bit concerned about this. On live, the moment you hit R40 (Or possibly even before that) the entire game was a kind of race for everyone to get to a high RR fast, so you would get better gear than the opposing faction. That allowed you to defeat them, even if outnumbered. I believe it was a very important part of the competitive ORvR scene, because it rewarded activity, effort and commitment. And it also sparks rivalry (the good kind) between guilds of opposing factions.
If you do it with only 10 new RRs and 1 new set each patch, what you'll end up with, is that everyone is gonna be bored with the current content, because there's nothing to do on your main, and once the new patch is released, most organized guilds will be fully geared within 14 days, at most. Which will then again make them be bored of the current content, etc.
On top of that, people who don't play very much, compared to the very dedicated players, are gonna have no problem keeping up in gear level. This isn't a bad thing necessarily, but it takes away the reward of getting the gear - Every one can get maxed, every patch, before new and better gear gets released, no problem. It defeats the purpose of trying. Every average Joe can do it. It basically becomes like the "welfare epics" that the second expansion of WoW, Wrath of the Lich King, got infamous for.
Now, I know that the alternative is waiting (a lot) longer for new content and patches, but I can only speak for myself, when I say I'd really prefer that, over what it sounds like you have planned at the moment.
We could take that approach after forts are done, but unfortunately, the way we've set up our releases in T3 prevents us from taking a long time to get patches done until then. Frankly, between releasing level 35 and shifting the caps, we've got power gaps in every tier that are kind of painful to suffer through at the lower end, and the lack of gear still distorts the endgame. Releasing tier 4 with the zone-capture mechanic will give people something to do, but there's still not a satisfying cap to that experience of pushing a warfront all the way to the enemy's gates.

So we need to revise the RvR system, but whether we do that before or after getting forts working, the end rewards (Conqueror) aren't going to be significant enough for people to really grind out like you're suggesting. After that though, we could take our time fixing things, getting city sieges planned out in a really satisfying way, and releasing the last three gear sets all at once. That's certainly an option.
Razid1987 wrote:How will the Devs handle RvR-balance in Tier 4? Will it be decided by the most outspoken players? By the average player's opinion? By the Devs? Or do we have some kind of "expects" hidden somewhere?
Glorian wrote:My Question would be also about RvR balance. Aza has mentioned that the Devs are thinking of some kind of Career Representatives and a Forum section where there is some kind of special rules for posting and constructive criticism.
So the Question is how and when this will start its working?
If you're referring to class balance discussions, those will be done in the (existing) career balance forums, according to the rules laid out there. Those will start shortly after T4 is launched. If you're referring to balancing an RvR campaign system, I would say the capture mechanics and rewards would have to scale based on the size of each faction and the number of players logged on at any time. There's no hard plans there.

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Re: DEV DIARY - March 2016

Post#53 » Mon Mar 21, 2016 12:58 am

Actually extra question and discussion about PVE stuff.

Just for a preface:
So we can all agree that implementing the full extent of PQ would be extremely time consuming, and also would be straight up ignored for the most part (shame due to the idea, also because some PQs have some nice scripting to them). Same goes for a lot of specific quests, which some still require debugging and whatnot.

Also kinda agree that WAR is not a pve focused game so it's never expected to be "top priority" compared to t4, sieges, forts and cities etc.

However I really liked what you guys did with the little skaven event, even if simple. It's one of the nice things of also having a "private" server where you can have customized quests and events. I wondered if you guys had more planned in terms of these little events down the line, especially when scripting gets along, and would they be actually just a nicer alternative than just redoing the whole PVE content randomly. I don't know if you guys are interested in an approach with a mix of customized quests and using certain PQs or locations at your advantage (to fullfill objectives and whatnot), as to also palliate the non-usage they had on live.

It's more also of a curiosity question as to : How much power would you guys eventually have to push stuff like the skaven events but with more and more complexity (in terms of quest scripting, potential power over instances you can reuse, especially lower dungeons but with higher monsters, monster abilities and even access to tome stuff). I think there might be potential there, also to offer a nice little side distraction and helping narrow down on potential pve content not related to dungeons. Cuz with the amount of cool assets the game had PVE wise there might be some potential for some really cool stuff in there. And could also potentially help in doing "alternate gear" appearance quest or something
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Re: DEV DIARY - March 2016

Post#54 » Mon Mar 21, 2016 1:35 am

Genisaurus wrote:
Razid1987 wrote:How will the Devs handle RvR-balance in Tier 4? Will it be decided by the most outspoken players? By the average player's opinion? By the Devs? Or do we have some kind of "expects" hidden somewhere?
If you're referring to class balance discussions, those will be done in the (existing) career balance forums, according to the rules laid out there. Those will start shortly after T4 is launched. If you're referring to balancing an RvR campaign system, I would say the capture mechanics and rewards would have to scale based on the size of each faction and the number of players logged on at any time. There's no hard plans there.
I was referring to Tier 4 Class balance in RvR. I'm sorry, I should have been more specific, and I know it's not your area. The reason I ask, is simply because I fear that it's gonna be only one or the other, of the options, I mentioned:

If you do strawpolls, for example, the average player is gonna have a big say in the balance, since they consist of the majority of the playerbase, and therefore would be the largest part of the votes.
If you base it on the one's on the forums that posts the most, or scream the loudest, then you encourage that kind of behavior. Communication is of course important, but I fear this behavior might surface when the balance discussions starts.

I guess what I'm actually trying to ask is: Do you want to balance the game after the highest "skill-cap"? Or an average skill-cap? I know it's all suppose to be decided on the balance forum, but by the end of the day it is players and Devs talking, like in all other threads.
At some point, a decision must be taken on the policy of the balance. Do you have any visions with the class balance?

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Re: DEV DIARY - March 2016

Post#55 » Mon Mar 21, 2016 4:33 am

Does anyone know if the first Empire PQ in RoR is still semi-working and still scripted? As I had it working as a kind of proof of concept. Although this was very early on in the development of WarEmu.
Max Hayman

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Re: DEV DIARY - March 2016

Post#56 » Mon Mar 21, 2016 4:51 am

aelic wrote:Also T4 Finnaly confirmed!!!!!
TWO WEEKS! If you didn't catch it!
Sloppynachos, Ronnieraygun, Ronnyraygun, Phungi.

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Re: DEV DIARY - March 2016

Post#57 » Mon Mar 21, 2016 5:40 am

MaxHayman wrote:Does anyone know if the first Empire PQ in RoR is still semi-working and still scripted? As I had it working as a kind of proof of concept. Although this was very early on in the development of WarEmu.
Just checked on dev, there's some issues with the spawn locations of some of the NPCs. Father Sigwald and the giant are both supposed to spawn at the road and walk toward the farmhouse, but the spawn on top of each other at their final destination. That's just a DB issue though, so if you had their movement and audio scripted, and nobody beats me to it, I'll fix the spawns tomorrow.

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Re: DEV DIARY - March 2016

Post#58 » Mon Mar 21, 2016 6:43 am

Kudos to all the team

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Re: DEV DIARY - March 2016

Post#59 » Mon Mar 21, 2016 9:00 am

Genisaurus wrote:
MaxHayman wrote:Does anyone know if the first Empire PQ in RoR is still semi-working and still scripted? As I had it working as a kind of proof of concept. Although this was very early on in the development of WarEmu.
Just checked on dev, there's some issues with the spawn locations of some of the NPCs. Father Sigwald and the giant are both supposed to spawn at the road and walk toward the farmhouse, but the spawn on top of each other at their final destination. That's just a DB issue though, so if you had their movement and audio scripted, and nobody beats me to it, I'll fix the spawns tomorrow.
Niceeeeeeeee :D :o
Check Wiki for all available Public Quests!

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Re: DEV DIARY - March 2016

Post#60 » Mon Mar 21, 2016 11:13 am

please, can you put that film from t4 in full screen, without text, on youtube?
and can you record such film from empire and elfs too?
lider of Da fat squigs guild

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