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[deprecated] RoR Under Linux

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Re: [Guide] RoR Under Linux

Post#31 » Sun May 15, 2016 4:03 pm

So many thanks, it worked for me with latest Manjaro linux.

Posts: 3

Re: [Guide] RoR Under Linux

Post#32 » Tue May 17, 2016 3:07 pm

I am still having the same problem I did see the post about the data.myp file could any one perhaps upload a windows data.myp file that I could try and replace mine with? As well as say the windows version it was used? I am still stuck at the same spot as I was last month

Posts: 1

Re: [Guide] RoR Under Linux

Post#33 » Sat May 21, 2016 3:59 pm

Hey guys,

I'm a mac user and I've been attempting to create a wrapper, the process I used to create it was built from this forum thread and this one viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2973
Where Vralkhir details the winetricks you need to run, as well as which DLLs you need to configure. Once I changed the operating system from XP to Windows 7 I was able to get the launcher to start, where before I would get .NET errors. The game would start, but it wouldn't connect to Return's server. Once I swapped out the data.myp for one linked in this thread couple posts ago, I was able to get into the game and create a character. However, I'm experiencing crashes after about a minute while playing, similar to what ufthakk stated in page 2, first post of this thread. However I don't believe the crash is directly related to rotating of the camera, I believe it's a general graphic bug. However, I haven't been able to pin out where it's from the crash log.
I'll keep you updated how I get on, once I get a stable wrapper working I'll probably upload it for all you guys to use. If anyone has been able to fix this issue please let me know!

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Re: [Guide] RoR Under Linux

Post#34 » Sat May 21, 2016 6:12 pm

hey! a minute ? guess im lucky then. for my expierence the client crashes most of the time after sc loading screens and locations with many players.. currently im using wine 1.9.10 staging ( dont forget to enable csmt in winecfg) and i think it didnt crash at all, for now.^^
best regards

i forget to mention, i've enabled strict draw ordering with playonlinux helps with some graphic issues..

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Posts: 17

Re: [Guide] RoR Under Linux

Post#35 » Fri Jun 17, 2016 10:50 pm

hogo2hogo wrote:Hello, Sorry to be a necromancer.

If anyone could help me out with an updated response (I have looked the forums etc, and this is the most relative post that I could find) to the instructions of how to use RoR in Ubuntu, that would be much appreciated.

Some background info, I have installed Wine + Winetricks , I am not very familiar with ubuntu/terminal/wine, I have downloaded and run various software using wine (so I assume it works? :P) but I would like someone to guide me step by step to avoid F***** things up.

I would be interested too... ^^

Because I tried to follow Demode instructions by installing dlls but Winetricks only wanted to install comctl32. For the others, it gives this error message :
sha1sum mismatch! Rename /home/[MYNAME]/.cache/winetricks/comctl32ocx/ and try again.
My Wine version is 1.8. Tried on Default wineprefix, Windows XP, Unbuntu 16.04 (Xenial).

Could you tell me what is wrong with it? What should I do, please?

Thanks in advance.

Posts: 1

Re: [Guide] RoR Under Linux

Post#36 » Sat Aug 20, 2016 4:07 pm

Hi everyone,

I don't know if this topic still add some visitor but I'll try to share the things I've try to make RoR work under linux, so far I'm only able to get the launcher work but I get the website in red and the login in yellow or the other way, I don't remember, but this is not relevant cause everything works find under a windows 10 on the same computer.

To reply to the previous post, if you get the error "sha1sum mismatch" during the installation of comctl32 and others dll, you'll need to add the latest version of winetricks, I've manage this way to get it :

(I'm using Ubuntu 16.04.1 gnome with wine 1.8 for the testing so if you get an other distro such as arch-base, just adapt the command line)

sudo apt-get remove winetricks
wget ... winetricks
chmod +x winetricks
sudo mv -v winetricks /usr/local/bin

This way you'll get the latest winetricks version, you'll be able to install with GUI the dll you couldn't before.
If you want to roll back to the version of winetricks integrate with wine 1.8 after installing the dll, you can proceed like this

sudo rm /usr/local/bin/winetricks
sudo apt-get install winetricks

Hope it could help someone, i assume this command will also work with a higher wine version, but haven't do the testing it.

So, to get back to the things i've done to make the launcher display using wine, I do the following things :

I'm on a 64 bits version, so, i've try to make a workaround to get a 32 wineprefix without delete anything on the wine install, i've install wine1.8 then I rename the hidden folder ".wine" (created by default after launching wineconfig) to ".wine_old".

Now i created a 32 wineprefix this way using the following commands line :

export WINEARCH="win32"
export WINEPREFIX=~/.wine
wineboot -u

This way i get a .wine folder using only 32 bits without deleting the default one. I've using this workaround cause I haven't the knowledge on how to select another wineprefix in winetricks, this way the default one is the 32 bits, I assume you can do it by modify the right text file but I'm a lazy sometimes and i've already spend two days to understand the things I was doing with a lot of install and uninstall of wine so, if someone want to explain a better an maybe an easier way, i'll be gratefull to use it myself too :)

After the creation of the .wine folder, I've use the first things i've explain to install the dll with the error "sha1sum mismatch" and i roll back my winetricks to the "stable" version I get when i install wine 1.8

I've place the RoR folder in this places : ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/
Then I rename the RoR folder into : WAR-ROR
The path to the RoR launcher is now : ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/WAR-ROR/RoRLauncher.exe

Now I've using the compatibility windows 7 under wineconfig, don't use XP, the launcher will not work, you'll see nothing or if you launch it via terminal you'll see a terminal open and close itself immediatly.

You can launch the game launcher using this command line (change the path if your folder is different than mine) :

wine ".wine/drive_c/Program Files/WAR-ROR/RoRLauncher.exe"

Now you might have the launcher in front of your eyes but sadly, you can't connect to the game, or if you can, then you're a lucky one cause mine don't work, I can't manage to add the green light :/

I've several things to make it work with no success so far, want i've done :

- Disable both router and computer firewall then launch the game : no success.
- Change DNS to default router's one (cause i'm using OpenNIC DNS under linux) : no success. (I know it's advice to using a vpn in France if you run into trouble for connecting to the game, sadly for me, I'm french ( jokes are welcoming of course ;) ) and my DNS and IP are in France too but, it doesn't seems to change a thing)
- I've try to open the port that Windows 10 is using when i'm in game, on the same computer with NAT/PAT rules for this port also, with no success either.

I think I've almost try everything that i could for now, so if someone add an idea to make RoR work under linux, or if someone already running RoR under linux at this moment I'll be greatfull to know the OS and the wine version.

Have a nice day / night / WAAAGH everyone.

I apologize if my English make you eyes bleed, haven't done it in purpus :)

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Posts: 269

Re: [Guide] RoR Under Linux

Post#37 » Wed Oct 05, 2016 9:07 pm

hey! the connect button on my launcher works. but ingame nothings happens. it worked 2 months ago. wine 1.9.16.

Posts: 14

Re: [Guide] RoR Under Linux

Post#38 » Tue Nov 01, 2016 1:57 pm

I got RoR working in Gentoo Linux with wine 1.9.19-r1. Details below:

My wine is built with these use flags:

Code: Select all

X alsa cups fontconfig gecko gsm jpeg lcms ldap mono mp3 ncurses nls opengl perl png pulseaudio realtime run-exes ssl staging threads truetype udev udisks xcomposite xinerama xml
Of special importance are the "mono" and "staging" useflags. Make sure they are specified for app-emulation/wine in /etc/portage/package.use. This is the equivalent to "wine-mono" which is mentioned earlier in this thread for other gcc-linux distributions. The dev-lang/mono ebuild itself does not need to be installed.

In /etc/portage/package.keywords:

Code: Select all

app-emulation/wine            ~amd64
app-emulation/winetricks      ~amd64
I patched my wine installation with vertex blending because I thought I needed it in order to see my characters. It turns out it was probably just a nicety. I did so by populating /etc/portage/bashrc as seen here:

Code: Select all

pre_src_prepare() {
    [[ ${EAPI:-0} == [012345] ]] || return
    if ! type epatch_user > /dev/null 2>&1; then
        local names="EPATCH_USER_SOURCE epatch_user epatch evar_push evar_push_set evar_pop estack_push estack_pop"
        source <(awk "/^# @(FUNCTION|VARIABLE): / { p = 0 } /^# @(FUNCTION|VARIABLE): (${names// /|})\$/ { p = 1 } p { print }" ${PORTDIR}/eclass/eutils.eclass)


    for name in $names; do
        unset $name
I made a directory for app-emulation/wine patches:

Code: Select all

sudo mkdir -p /etc/portage/patches/app-emulation/wine-1.9.19-r1
Then I populated it with a vertex blending patch from winehq (here):

Code: Select all

sudo wget -O /etc/portage/patches/app-emulation/wine-1.9.19-r1/vertex-blending.patch ''
I built and installed the app-emulation/wine and app-emulation/winetricks ebuilds:

Code: Select all

emerge app-emulation/wine{,tricks}
Set up a 32-bit wine prefix:

Code: Select all

WINEPREFIX=/home/XXXXX/.local/share/wine32 WINEARCH=win32 wine wineboot
Configure the prefix:

Code: Select all

WINEPREFIX=/home/XXXXX/.local/share/wine32 WINEARCH=win32 winecfg
Under the UI window that pops up, click on the "Applications" tab and select "Windows 7" under the "Windows Version" drop-down (suggested here). Then click on the "Staging" tab and check the box next to "Enable CSMT for better graphic performance". Click the "OK" button.

In the process of running wine commands, you may see this error if you are using proprietary Nvidia drivers. Ignore it, it's fine.

Code: Select all

err:winediag:xrandr12_init_modes Broken NVIDIA RandR detected, falling back to RandR 1.0. Please consider using the Nouveau driver instead.
When I saw this error, I googled it and tried to fix it using the line below. DO NOT USE THIS COMMAND, it caused vertex shading to be disabled and thus I was unable to see my character and other characters. I put this here because it was my biggest issue in this process. Don't do what I did:

Code: Select all

WINEPREFIX=/home/XXXXX/.local/share/wine32 winetricks orm=backbuffer glsl=disable
Now, back to what you actually need to do rather than not do. Use winetricks to install several libraries in you 32-bit wine prefix (this line based on Demorde's original post):

Code: Select all

WINEPREFIX=/home/XXXXX/.local/share/wine32 winetricks comctl32ocx comctl32 comdlg32ocx d3dx9_{26,28,31,35,36,39,42,43} msxml3
By the suggestion of this post, I waited to install dotnet40 until after msxml3 was installed. I'm not sure if this is necessary, but that's what I did:

Code: Select all

WINEPREFIX=/home/XXXXX/.local/share/wine32 winetricks dotnet40
As recommended by Ufthakk here I downloaded the DirectX June 2010 Redistributeable found at the Microsoft site. I executed directx_june2010_redist.exe under my 32-bit wine prefix, then gave it a path to extract it to. I chose Z:\tmp\directx9_redist" (/tmp/directx9_redist), and ran "DXSETUP.EXE" in the extracted folder.

Code: Select all

WINEPREFIX=/home/XXXXX/.local/share/wine32 wine directx_june2010_redist.exe
WINEPREFIX=/home/XXXXX/.local/share/wine32 wine /tmp/directx9_redist/DXSETUP.EXE
I then torrented and placed the Warhammer: Age of Reckoning install into my 32-bit wine prefix at /home/XXXXX/.local/share/wine32/drive_c/Program Files/WAR-ROR.

I unpacked the RAR'ed launcher and other files linked by Elven here into my WAR-ROR directory.

Because I couldn't see my character (or other characters) I downloaded Elven's performance counter fix that he linked here, unzipped it into /tmp, and ran it under my 32-bit wine prefix:

Code: Select all

WINEPREFIX=/home/XXXXX/.local/share/wine32 wine "/tmp/Performance Counter Rebuilder.exe"
As an extra precaution I also ran "lodctr /r" (suggested here) into winecosole running in my 32-bit prefix.

Finally I ran ROR, and it seems to work rather well. Here is the shell script I use, which I've named

Code: Select all

pushd '/home/XXXXX/.local/share/wine32/drive_c/Program Files/WAR-ROR/' 
WINEPREFIX=/home/XXXXX/.local/share/wine32 wine /home/XXXXX/.local/share/wine32/drive_c/Program\ Files/WAR-ROR/RoRLauncher.exe

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Posts: 269

Re: [Guide] RoR Under Linux

Post#39 » Sat Nov 05, 2016 10:13 pm

very good and helpful guide. but im still not able to login, stucked in the loading screen. game doesnt connect to the server. maybe there is ip blocking for some regions ? or do i need a static ip? sry but im running out of ideas.

Posts: 14

Re: [Guide] RoR Under Linux

Post#40 » Sun Nov 06, 2016 3:07 am


I doubt this is an issue related to Wine/Linux, so another thread may be more appropriate - but I'll try to help out anyway. Certainly a static IP address is not necessary.

The first thing the launcher does is connect to ( on TCP port 80. It looks like it is then redirected to TCP port 443. If you want to check to see if you're firewalled, or if your packets can't make it to that server, then you can use nmap like so:

Code: Select all

user@localhost ~ $ sudo nmap -sS -p 80,443

Starting Nmap 7.12 ( ) at 2016-11-05 21:28 CDT
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.18s latency).
80/tcp  open  http
443/tcp open  https

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.48 seconds
If the results show "open" for 80/tcp and 443/tcp, then you have succeeded in connecting to those ports. Any other result likely means you cannot connect to those ports. Another method is to use netcat (nc) like so:

Code: Select all

user@localhost ~ $ nc 80
nc: using stream socket
If you don't get a message "nc: unable to connect to address, service 80", then that means you have successfully formed a TCP connection. Repeat for port 443. has ICMP ping firewalled, so don't bother with trying ping.

Next, the client connects to the server on TCP port 8000, which I assume is the authentication conversation with the ROR server itself. Then, on TCP port 8048 and TCP port 10622 (server handoff and finally connection to the game itself?). Strangely, when I NMAP'ed these ports I was unable to connect. My current guess is that the port is only opened to you if you have completed some sort of initial conversation on TCP port 443 as described above. This is perhaps a mitigation step due to recent attacks against the server?

I recommend using tcpdump and wireshark to diagnose your problems. "sudo tcpdump -i <INTERFACE> -s 8192 -w ror.cap" will write a packet capture to the "ror.cap" file. Connect to ROR while it listens. Then analyze it with "wireshark -r ror.cap" and compare to the results I talked about above.

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