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Ironbreaker roadblockstyle.

Ironbreaker, Engineer, Slayer, Runepriest
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Posts: 3

Ironbreaker roadblockstyle.

Post#1 » Wed May 25, 2016 2:31 pm

I've been looking around a bit on this forum and I have a question.

I'm leveling an ironbreaker and I wanted to know if it is viable to make an Ironbreaker that is focussed mainly on defense.
Getting my Armour,Toughness, wounds, block, parry and dodge up as high as possible.
Then build my skills around defence skills as well for instance oathstone, Grumble an' mutter and stuff like that.

Here is the way I play my ironbreaker now (and used to play in live).
I debuff MDPS or tanks running into our pack. As soon as they are in the middle of our pack and they start taking damage that's when they try to get out again after doing their stuns or AOE damage. That's the moment I stun them and body block them from the rear so they have difficulty getting to safety. Usually this delays them just long enough for our MDPS to run in and burn them down.

So as you see I don't care at all about doing damage and DPSing I just annoy the **** out of them and once they overextended (sometimes out of pure frustration) I try to make it as hard as possible for them to leave again. That's the reason I want to go all defense. Make myself a roadblock getting in but afterwards that same roadblock getting back out.

I am a Warhammer fan since 1995 and my main army always has been dwarves.So I know a thing or 2 about Ironbreakers and their lore. In a tabletop game I always used them as deterent and mayor near unkillable roadblock but they never did much damage. That's the way I like to play here.

Can someone suggest a build or maybe give some tips for this type of playstyle? OR am I just gimping myself doing this.

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Re: Ironbreaker roadblockstyle.

Post#2 » Fri May 27, 2016 3:22 pm

To play the way you want :

Step 1 : Get Ruin gear set from T4 PQ. Gives you best block rate increase, best armor value and good toughness.

Step 2 : Use toughness talisman in all gear slots + put all your renown in block, reduce chance to be crit.

Step 3 : Spec like this -; ... :;0:0:0:0:

Now ''roadblock'' doesn't really translate well to preventing the enemy to escape. You can do that, but it is more beneficial to your team to use your skill to reduce the damage enemy do, by using your guard (30 feet range), use taunt, using challenge, CCing them.

Of course you can AoE snare em or root em in place if they try to escape but that cant really be your main job as a tank.

You can roadblock more efficiently at keeps, preventing enemy to pass through the door. In the open, not really a thing.
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