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[Runepriest] Dps in endgame

Ironbreaker, Engineer, Slayer, Runepriest
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[Runepriest] Dps in endgame

Post#1 » Sat May 28, 2016 1:32 pm

Hello guys,

I'm trying all the different classes gameplay and for now I'm enjoying my first runepriest dps.

My noob questions are:

1) Is rp dps considered in endgame? What about in warband?
2) Is rp dps just for solo roaming?
3) Is possible to swith dps to healer without trouble? (because I like to be hybrid dps/healer)



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Re: [Runepriest] Dps in endgame

Post#2 » Sat May 28, 2016 1:42 pm

In wb you're there for the aoe hdebuff on crits and the aoekb channel can be fun.
They are ok solo but ttk is much lower than the am and finishing fights fast is important solo before you get company.

Its hard to be a hybrid in war as you will still be limited by renown spec.
Put all your renown into defence as it benefits both and go full dps on gear. Its nice not needing 2 sets though but endgame you will build 2 sets anyway.

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