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stagger + AA = sad panda

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stagger + AA = sad panda

Post#1 » Fri Jun 10, 2016 10:26 am

hi :)

i was playing my Runepriest again for the last days and noticed a difference with using the single target stagger (Rune of Binding) in melee range compared to live

in RoR: pretty much right after the damage of the skill hits you perform an autoattack that "unstaggers" the target hence rendering the skill pretty useless

on live: here it was almost the same, since the stagger also does some damage you will start autoattacking it BUT on live there was a delay of maybe half a second before hitting it in the face with your staff that allowed you to stagger and untarget the enemy right after resulting in not "unstaggering" it

suggestion: maybe it is possible on RoR to implement the same delay or even better to not trigger autoattack from this skill on a Runepriest (Zealot should have the same problem, not tested yet though)
it could work like detaunt: appply a debuff to the target but dont trigger AA
(i mean... who would ever want to autoattack with a RP anyway?? #meleeRPnewmeta)

if this isn't changed i really have to reconsider my spec :/

imagine peace

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Re: stagger + AA = sad panda

Post#2 » Fri Jun 10, 2016 10:53 am

Omg. I started specing stagger on my new zealot and yesterday was a nightmare. I just realised after your post that no others broke my staggers on attacking me WHs and Slayers, but it was me. Lets make it clear, zealot/RP stagger is one of not many CC that can save our arses from melee danger. If own autoattack (the melee one lol) brakes it thats serious problem.
Please can we have this fixed asap?
Slacking (checking out EvE)

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Re: stagger + AA = sad panda

Post#3 » Fri Jun 10, 2016 11:06 am


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Re: stagger + AA = sad panda

Post#4 » Fri Jun 10, 2016 11:32 am

Azarael wrote:Bug.
is it really? on live you had to untarget the enemy like i said to prevent the autoattack so i think it is kinda working like planned but is still a pain in the bottom section...

bug or not: fixing this would be highly appreciated :)
imagine peace

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