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Total War : Warhammer - Armors, Weapons files in RoR ?

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Re: Total War : Warhammer - Armors, Weapons files in RoR ?

Post#21 » Wed Jul 20, 2016 6:58 pm

Novgoroth wrote:
Deadpxxl wrote:Hi,

I would like to know if it was possible to take "Total War : Warhammer" armors, weapons, beards etc.. files and use them in RoR ? I suppose there is copyrights but GW let RoR Server live so it might be possible ?

I made this character ...
And i can tell you this: it is absolutly not possible to do it. Creative Assembly and Games Workshop would shut down RoR immediatly.
And btw, it's not the same shadding technology. WarTW is using PBR shaders, and RoR is using an old method, it would take so many times to convert them.
Woaw, nice job, Byrrnoth is awesome and thanks for the details !
Azarael wrote:Using assets from any other game in this project is a copyright violation, and not the kind that we are forced to accept for the sake of keeping this project running.

We will not even consider that.

That's notwithstanding the technical restrictions that Novgoroth already pointed out. This engine ain't built to handle modern shading techniques and performs badly enough as it is.
Thanks for the answer.
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Re: Total War : Warhammer - Armors, Weapons files in RoR ?

Post#22 » Wed Jul 20, 2016 7:03 pm

potz wrote:If the artwork or designs in Total War Warhammer seems recognisable from Age of Reckoning, it is really not strange at all. TW Warhammer is not inspired by AoR in their designs. The two games are both built on Games Workshops Warhammer Fantasy Battles, ie inspired by the same source.
Never said there was anything odd about it; it'd actually make sense to re-use art designs from AoR to be used in W:TW, which is what I assume actually happened. To say both games have the same source, that much is evident. However, I've never seen AoR's armor/weapon designs outside that game itself, whereas W:TW includes some identical designs, 8 years later, in a similar Warhammer setting. Just seems a little too coincidental.

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Re: Total War : Warhammhttp:/er - Armors, Weapons files in R

Post#23 » Wed Jul 20, 2016 7:46 pm

saupreusse wrote: and I really hoped for a WOW - WAR mashup :'(
Ew no

then you would get over the top things like this


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Re: Total War : Warhammhttp:/er - Armors, Weapons files in R

Post#24 » Thu Jul 21, 2016 9:12 am

TenTonHammer wrote:
saupreusse wrote: and I really hoped for a WOW - WAR mashup :'(
Ew no

then you would get over the top things like this
that design made me shiver

Posts: 5

Re: Total War : Warhammer - Armors, Weapons files in RoR ?

Post#25 » Mon Aug 08, 2016 12:13 pm

make a little diffrence to the armor would solve the copyright issue, the question is, are there any blender devs ?

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Re: Total War : Warhammer - Armors, Weapons files in RoR ?

Post#26 » Mon Aug 08, 2016 12:16 pm

macmonstercz wrote:make a little diffrence to the armor would solve the copyright issue, the question is, are there any blender devs ?
No, because that makes it what we call a derivative work.


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