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And then they say WAR released unfinished xD

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Re: And then they say WAR released unfinished xD

Post#61 » Fri Jul 22, 2016 1:19 pm

Eathisword wrote:
Luithicca wrote:Not going to lie, iv got my eyes on Camelot Unchained just because its supposedly daoc 2.0 (WAR being 1.5)
I am in alpha testing (NDA = cant say much), but it doesn'T feel like a Daoc clone at all. People only say its Daoc 2, because its Marc Jacobs and it is a 3 factions game. That's about where it stops being Daoc.

All in all, it might be better than WAR and Daoc combined. Or it may totally fail. The crafting/economic/geographic designs are awesome (a lot of it is public on their website). The big question mark is combat. If they pull it off and make it engaging enough, its gonna be the greatest MMO-rpg of the decade, imo. Atm, they seem to be walking a thin line between a super innovative system and a clunky can of over-complicated rubbish.

Time will tell. Beta start soon TM.

With regard to Camelot Unchained, the one interesting thing that I saw them implementing was the shared cool-downs on abilities. That is, using one ability can trigger the cool-downs on a couple other abilities, making it impossible to spam particular sequences of powerful abilities.

It's an idea that I had to fix some of the problems of the SM/BO stance mechanic that we got in War while, at the same time, retaining the rhythmic feel (I've always seen the SM/BO mechanic as a type of waltz: 1-2-3, 1-2-3, ...) of that type of stance mechanic.

I wouldn't be surprised if the CU devs were thinking of the SM/BO mechanic when they developed their new system. It will be interesting to see how it works.

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Re: And then they say WAR released unfinished xD

Post#62 » Fri Jul 22, 2016 2:11 pm

Camelot Unchained probably wont release before 2018.
Dalgri - Ftp/Sens - Sadboi - Fanboy


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Re: And then they say WAR released unfinished xD

Post#63 » Fri Jul 22, 2016 2:18 pm

Reading how they plan to implement abilities on CU just has me repeating "No, its not going to do that" more than i wish it did.

FIrst was the casters getting together to cast more powerful spells like giant ice walls, afaik they dropped that, now its the myriad of combinations they aim for making you able to mix up skills and what they will target.

They dropped the ball on daoc and War with their class balance, how in hell they think a much more complex system is something they will be able to balance is beyond me.

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Re: And then they say WAR released unfinished xD

Post#64 » Fri Jul 22, 2016 2:39 pm

sry to go back to the section in the thread about WoW and the nerf/buff train. (btw the video was of PoM /Pyrobalst plus trikets , a one buttone instant death (miss that it was fun) )
The thing that I most remeber about wow nerfs and buff and what finaly made me give that game up was that the nerfing/buffing was neevr realy about one class being superios it largly followed the population and amount played. Once mages got the nerf bat realy realy hard the pop went down they got buffed hard to a decent population nerfed etc. But the hunters who were always fairly powerfull got buffed and buffed till they were very good , no nerf as the population was in check.
Maybe I am cynical but WoW buff nerf seemed to be based in finacials of player base increase and retention.

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Re: And then they say WAR released unfinished xD

Post#65 » Fri Jul 22, 2016 3:00 pm

just balance the game

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Re: And then they say WAR released unfinished xD

Post#66 » Fri Jul 22, 2016 8:45 pm

Ahhh WoW balance. I started out the game playing a Warlock back when they were considered so weak that people on PvP servers used to use their underwater breathing spell to grind mobs underwater so they wouldn't get ganked.

And then when I hit 60 and was working toward Grand Marshall we got buffed and were considered more difficult to take down than raid bosses. Those were fun times. I'll never forget having one enemy warlock salute me as I singlehandedly took down him and his 3 buddies at the same time. :)

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Re: And then they say WAR released unfinished xD

Post#67 » Fri Jul 22, 2016 9:46 pm

Balance of WOW, changes with each expansion to FORCE you to lvlup once again yours NEW overpowered hero.
2.4.3 - age of OP warlocks (endless fear without diminishing),enchantments shaman WF from 2h+earth shock with dispel.
3.3.5 -DK hero class okay he a god, but why Retribution Paladin can put macros (/castrandom) and still win a duels ...
song about paladins :
4.0.9 if i got it right -times when ROGUE come to shine with OP healing and 1vs3 arenas.
5.x.x LVLup monks better to be on their side - when they come for ya.
And now we just waiting for "Demon Hunter" i am sure he will be devil on earth 6-9 months after release of expansion.
jojomen wrote:Oh comon man, ofc its more based on ppl preference :
Order : (GUNS+FIREBALLS+bowmaster) ofc all ppl wonna be sexy archer or mage.
Destro : (SWORD+muscle CHOSEN, big foot orcs, alex mercer) tough and Manly males.

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Re: And then they say WAR released unfinished xD

Post#68 » Mon Jul 25, 2016 2:35 pm

Some ppl dislike UNmirrored class system in WAR(RoR)....
But what if i we look into game with actualy mirrored classes and where difference between races only in 2-3 skills.
WOW Pve statistic 1-10 places belong to Horde.
Then what about PVP? 1 horde player in 1-50 spots.

And this is "mirror class" balance that all you need so much?
jojomen wrote:Oh comon man, ofc its more based on ppl preference :
Order side cool-looking (GUNS+FIREBALLS+bowmaster) ofc all ppl wonna be sexy archer or mage.
Destro side tough and MANLY (SWORDS+muscles CHOSEN, big foot orcs, alex mercer) bring ur axe to fight. (destro side didnt have ANY GUN nor big sexy elf-bow-woman)
jojomen wrote:Oh comon man, ofc its more based on ppl preference :
Order : (GUNS+FIREBALLS+bowmaster) ofc all ppl wonna be sexy archer or mage.
Destro : (SWORD+muscle CHOSEN, big foot orcs, alex mercer) tough and Manly males.

Posts: 12

Re: And then they say WAR released unfinished xD

Post#69 » Mon Jul 25, 2016 4:11 pm

jojomen wrote:Balance of WOW, changes with each expansion to FORCE you to lvlup once again yours NEW overpowered hero.
2.4.3 - age of OP warlocks (endless fear without diminishing),enchantments shaman WF from 2h+earth shock with dispel.
3.3.5 -DK hero class okay he a god, but why Retribution Paladin can put macros (/castrandom) and still win a duels ...
2.4.3 was actually TBC where warlocks were only bullshit OP as SL/SL paired with a druid in 2v2, and enh shamans were garbage. You're looking for early vanilla, perhaps around 1.2 or so as fear went on diminishing returns shared with seduction very, very quickly.
As for 3.3.5 and late WotLK in general, it had pretty decent balance overall. Shamans sucked **** as per usual outside of wizard cleaves, but other than that it had much more viable comps than ever before.

But in general yes, WoW is and always was about FotM op class, often dominating an entire content patch, and in case of druids entire expansions (or multiple expansions).

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Re: And then they say WAR released unfinished xD

Post#70 » Mon Jul 25, 2016 4:36 pm

Blodia wrote:
jojomen wrote:Balance of WOW, changes with each expansion to FORCE you to lvlup once again yours NEW overpowered hero.
2.4.3 - age of OP warlocks (endless fear without diminishing),enchantments shaman WF from 2h+earth shock with dispel.
3.3.5 -DK hero class okay he a god, but why Retribution Paladin can put macros (/castrandom) and still win a duels ...
2.4.3 was actually TBC where warlocks were only bullshit OP as SL/SL paired with a druid in 2v2, and enh shamans were garbage. You're looking for early vanilla, perhaps around 1.2 or so as fear went on diminishing returns shared with seduction very, very quickly.
As for 3.3.5 and late WotLK in general, it had pretty decent balance overall. Shamans sucked **** as per usual outside of wizard cleaves, but other than that it had much more viable comps than ever before.

But in general yes, WoW is and always was about FotM op class, often dominating an entire content patch, and in case of druids entire expansions (or multiple expansions).
the same is true in this game with a select few classes even being needed in any pvp setting. 3.3.5 was probably the best PvP experience I ever had due to its relative balance (shadowmourne aside) and high caliber pvp: every spec/class in the game could shine in PvE or PvP (2s/3s/Bgs)

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