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Hotfix 21/08/16

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Re: Hotfix 21/08/16

Post#71 » Mon Aug 22, 2016 2:59 pm

Tough love is in the air!..
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Re: Hotfix 21/08/16

Post#72 » Mon Aug 22, 2016 3:33 pm

Progression from Seige was out of sync with the rest of the game. It doesn't really matter if it's an exploit or not.
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Re: Hotfix 21/08/16

Post#73 » Mon Aug 22, 2016 3:34 pm

Torquemadra wrote:Lets see, "I get 250 renown for killing a dude with my sword yet 1000 renown for killing someone in safety behind a wall using a aoe siege cannon" yep seems legit and fully intended right? You did it, you lost it, deal with it.
That's about it.
Karak-Norn /// Asildur - RR100 WL /// Marsares - RR95 AM /// Nirnaeth - RR64 SW

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Re: Hotfix 21/08/16

Post#74 » Mon Aug 22, 2016 4:34 pm

We are all just testers, nothing more, nothing less... Partial wipe, Full wipe, Level/Renown caps... whatever it doesn't matter, as long as the server stays operating, I could give a **** less!! 8-)

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Re: Hotfix 21/08/16

Post#75 » Mon Aug 22, 2016 5:15 pm

Based on the sheer length of of his posts, that daniel is not taking this very well- not even going to bother reading through all of that b/s.

A r1/rr1 wipe? Bit extreme- wonder how many people will stick around after that.

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Re: Hotfix 21/08/16

Post#76 » Mon Aug 22, 2016 6:02 pm

Why not?) Seems fair)
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Re: Hotfix 21/08/16

Post#77 » Mon Aug 22, 2016 6:05 pm

Torquemadra wrote: Lets see, "I get 250 renown for killing a dude with my sword yet 1000 renown for killing someone in safety behind a wall using a aoe siege cannon" yep seems legit and fully intended right? You did it, you lost it, deal with it.
WE did say we got tons of RR while using the siege engines, shortly after they were implemented. It was defended by future RvR features, so it DOES seem intended and I don't see how we did anything wrong there. If Keep takes would give 300 instead of 200 renown, would everyone abuse that bug by taking keeps?

I don't get 250 or 1000 renown for my kills, it's never such clear numbers. And as I don't know the formula, I don't know how much I'm supposed to get either. The amount of renown recieved depends on many things: players in party, how many others did damage (and how much?) to the player, if it died recently, AAO, close to BO/keep or not, CR/RR. I might not know about other factors. But I'm right, am I not? So we, at least I, don't know how much we're supposed to get. It can easily differ from 10-6k renown. Most of us that were top 30 did play a lot with AAO, since that's how you get the best renown. So we're used to big renown ticks. When I had my full 4 man team, it was still faster to not use the siege engines.

My problem here is that you are accusing part of the playerbase, we who were 50+ for abusing an exploit. Everyone used those siege engines when they were 'legit'. But I guess you didn't, or did you? The reason we got to high RR isn't because we abused an exploit. It is because we played much on one character, and we know how to play effeciently.

If you are refering to:
We reserve the right to wipe any type of progress should the need arise[...]
Aza earlier gave a reason that there was a "need" and I can accept that. If we are getting RR much faster than you expected. Isn't it better to cap the RR now when you see how fast we can get renown, or lower the renown gain to 20 or 15%? (Those who played the most will probably not play as much anymore, so it might not be as fast)

Also if you feel a gold, RR40 or a 1/1 wipe is needed. I won't argue a bit with it.

Torquemadra, you are accusing us (top 30 RR) of exploiting and that we deserve to get punished, I don't see where and how you refer that to the post you linked.
catholicism198 wrote:Based on the sheer length of of his posts, that daniel is not taking this very well- not even going to bother reading through all of that b/s.
Danielles post was good and clear, don't call it b/s if you didn't read it. He did spend a lot of time playing this game, then gets accused of exploiting a bug. And as highest RR, he kind of gets labeled as the main villain.

We're not really upset over a RR wipe, but that we (top30) are labeled as cheaters and collectively punished for something that everyone on the server did. (Since it seems we're no longer refering to the exploit when leaving siege engines after that patch)

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Re: Hotfix 21/08/16

Post#78 » Mon Aug 22, 2016 6:10 pm

If I recall correctly...there was a bug that allowed enemy players to place oil on their recently fallen keep to drench those that were leaving the keep that /some/ WH was exploiting.

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Re: Hotfix 21/08/16

Post#79 » Mon Aug 22, 2016 6:18 pm

You're all playing a WARHAMMER game and crying about fairness?

Seriously go enlist to the Imperial guard and comeback with thoughts of fairness :D
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Re: Hotfix 21/08/16

Post#80 » Mon Aug 22, 2016 7:13 pm

Natherul wrote: - This server is development first, player experience second.
If that's so, then why wipe all 50+ rr down to 50 in the first place? If experience not matter, then make few people upset is don't make sence. You could leave it as is and just continue make server better without mentioning or reacting on this aftermath of issue.

Also I am stupid and don't known about this siege bug untill the very end of it, I was able to use oil only one time and gain about 8k rp. That is it. And due last 2 weeks i gain from 42 to 47 RR or so, by doing scenarios and roaming in small groups. I dont think it really mater how much RP have anyone because 2 things:
1. there is no profit from additional 10-15 RP because there is no any gear that can give advantage (armor or weapon), and 10 more rp spend is not make you sooo powerfull, and mostly will not be noticed by anyone at all.
2. On live (08-11 years with 80rr cap) people wear sovereign and other sets, have very powerfull weapon and many good things, and there still was ballance.
IDK if it really matter who have how much RR if they gain it fair. And just take away RR from all of them (even from fair ones) is not seems very fair to me. It's like fire all cops from one departament because few of them fas dirty.
IMO this issue should be dealt from presumption of innocence positions.

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