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Changelog 13/09/16

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Re: Changelog 13/09/16

Post#61 » Tue Sep 13, 2016 6:18 pm

Theseus wrote:Only out of curiosity, why did you make the sc quests rather a win the sc questtype than a kill player in this sc type? Was there a particular reason or did you just want to do something other for sc than for orvr?
Think the objective of the SC is to win, not to kill, this has been muddled down to the point where winning on objectives is almost taboo. Incentives for killing players versus objective win has always been a looming issue of SCs. Any effort to remedy this is a win in my books.

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Re: Changelog 13/09/16

Post#62 » Tue Sep 13, 2016 6:22 pm

Theseus wrote:Only out of curiosity, why did you make the sc quests rather a win the sc questtype than a kill player in this sc type? Was there a particular reason or did you just want to do something other for sc than for orvr?
Mostly to test this new feature. We already have RvR killquests; making the same ones for Scenarios is something we're planning to introduce at a later date. First the focus will be on capture a keep/BO RvR quests, then we'll work on the Scenario killquests. Eventually, we'll be able to make scout a keep/BO quests, once that functionality works.

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Re: Changelog 13/09/16

Post#63 » Tue Sep 13, 2016 6:44 pm

Jaycub wrote:
>"I dont want to have to level up"

That's not at all what I am saying, if anyone in this game has an easy time leveling up it's me. Literally only take me 2 hours to get 32 then im pvping 100% aside from ruin farm from that point on. What I am arguing is the lack of ability for other players to do the same. New players to the server in NA come to a totally dead low tier environment and washout before even making it to T4 because PvE leveling on this server is excruciatingly slow and boring but this is their only option. This has a major impact on the t4 population to the point were we are dropping to 50 people at a time, with the only thing going on being 1 or 2 scenarios until the Russians log on at like 2 in the morning and start some RvR.

I'll stop posting because I do realize this is getting way offtopic and that is a problem I have, but I don't think it's fair to say my points are only for my own personal gain or are not valid problems. While I do constantly reroll, the leveling process for me at this point is a nonfactor 95% of the time from 1-40 is spent doing scenarios or RvR because I do take advantage of powerleveling and my guild has become extremely good at it.
I just wanted to add for a specific point you made.

This change barely changes how a "new" player will experience the game. Unless that brand new player, joined a worthwhile guild, he will have little to no chance of being Power leveled in the Arena. People just are not that nice and offering Free PL's to random noobies. And they are new, so they cant afford Gold for Levels..

Now I cant say what actual % of player this will ACTUALLY effect, but its pretty easy to say, that it really only effects the old hands, with established guilds, who PL Daily because they are farming for Gear/Mats anyway, and the friends that they bring into there guilds personally.

This fact and this fact alone is where I agree with Torque that you are pushing your own agenda, and in fact not actually worried about how the new players will experience the lvling to t4.

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Re: Changelog 13/09/16

Post#64 » Tue Sep 13, 2016 7:02 pm

RyanMakara wrote:
Theseus wrote:Only out of curiosity, why did you make the sc quests rather a win the sc questtype than a kill player in this sc type? Was there a particular reason or did you just want to do something other for sc than for orvr?
Mostly to test this new feature. We already have RvR killquests; making the same ones for Scenarios is something we're planning to introduce at a later date. First the focus will be on capture a keep/BO RvR quests, then we'll work on the Scenario killquests. Eventually, we'll be able to make scout a keep/BO quests, once that functionality works.
Ah thanks, for your answer. Makes perfectly sense.
Andyrion Ulthenair
Arphyrion Soulblade

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Re: Changelog 13/09/16

Post#65 » Tue Sep 13, 2016 7:17 pm

I totally agree your concern about Arena. PL will become a problem.

I suggest to set all new characters LVL40 RR80 full top gear + 10M gold on all new characters.

This should solve the problem definitely, cause if we push just a little the logic, this exactly what you ask for when you complain on PL : EASY GAME 1 spot, fast rewards, fast progression.

Those arguing that the game purpose is the RvR and not anything else make laugh a lot. No need to be top stuff or lvled to do RvR. PLing your character is YOUR problem, not ours, cause PLing is NOT the aim of this game and there is no need to. T2 and T3 quests are X3 xp. Not enough? Well go play on the other WAR PRIVATE SERVER.

We are not here to serve YOUR OWN purposes and i'm fed up with this day after day whining.

If sometime you could just forget to post your mood and just play...

We ALWAYS will make the worst choices. Thats said. So now you know.

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Re: Changelog 13/09/16

Post#66 » Wed Sep 14, 2016 2:21 am

very nice work keep going staff!!!!

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Re: Changelog 13/09/16

Post#67 » Wed Sep 14, 2016 3:15 am

Well, I appreciate T4 RVR being playable again. The keep lords, while annoying for late night NA players with a small population, make for some interesting fights in prime time. Oil does massive damage again, which I am glad for as it adds another element to a siege. All in all, so far so good- except you changed my Marauders helmet appearance again... ugh. RIP Chosen helmet. RIP.

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Re: Changelog 13/09/16

Post#68 » Wed Sep 14, 2016 4:19 am

a rank 40 mara in altdorf :O

I call haxx
Agrot 35/40 Aggychopp 32/40
Grelin of Magnus/Badlands ;)

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Re: Changelog 13/09/16

Post#69 » Wed Sep 14, 2016 6:28 am

Awesome job as always!

Posts: 420

Re: Changelog 13/09/16

Post#70 » Wed Sep 14, 2016 7:07 am

great work!
lider of Da fat squigs guild

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