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Changelog 28/10/16

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Re: Changelog 28/10/16

Post#191 » Sun Oct 30, 2016 10:16 pm

^it was just a pipedream it doesn't exist lol
<Lords of the Locker Room> <Old School>

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Re: Changelog 28/10/16

Post#192 » Sun Oct 30, 2016 10:24 pm

dur3al wrote:Did you honestly nerf guard range too? Haven't I said couple times now in this forum how range dps dominates 90% of the dps population and how melee dps currently cannot function without guard & healers? And how range dps is much more stronger for one of the realms only?

Not even mentioning the marauder TB change which seems reasonable to be fair, except Shatter Limbs apparently still not strong enough and shall remain AoE plus ID coupled with this bug report #8052 that I did, and remains unfixed gives a huge advantage to them in comparison.

Its fine tho, I'll adapt, I guess commenting and point it out isn't enough so I'm just not playing my marauder and rolling bright wizard or maybe engineer too. :lol:
Guard range was fixed. your argument is invalid. If you think guard needs a buff, open a balance thread and let us know why.
All i hear in the second part of your post: "so I'm just not playing my marauder - the class that has been in a horribly overpowerd state for the longest time - because i like to whine a lot. Your whole thread is build around the idea to call us out for favouring order over destro, which is bullshit and you better drop this mindset if you want to be taken seriously. All your arguments only serve this one purpose.

Posts: 99

Re: Changelog 28/10/16

Post#193 » Mon Oct 31, 2016 12:05 am

Afterlife92 wrote:
Jaycub wrote:Rally master in t4 gives you a quest you can take at level 12 which .levels you to 32, and awards you with a full set of level 31 green PvE gear and defensive accessories. Just let T2-3 Rip in peace until server can support it.
Also agree, I'd be suprised in its current state if we're even getting many new players past t1 due to those 20 levels being in complete limbo, its a huge pve grind due to it being void of any form of consistant pvp to xp from. You hit 12 and the action falls off a cliff, 30-40 min sc queues (if any) and empty lakes.
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Re: Changelog 28/10/16

Post#194 » Mon Oct 31, 2016 1:30 am

Ravai wrote:
Afterlife92 wrote:
Jaycub wrote:Rally master in t4 gives you a quest you can take at level 12 which .levels you to 32, and awards you with a full set of level 31 green PvE gear and defensive accessories. Just let T2-3 Rip in peace until server can support it.
Also agree, I'd be suprised in its current state if we're even getting many new players past t1 due to those 20 levels being in complete limbo, its a huge pve grind due to it being void of any form of consistant pvp to xp from. You hit 12 and the action falls off a cliff, 30-40 min sc queues (if any) and empty lakes.
Yup agreed also.

Posts: 35

Re: Changelog 28/10/16

Post#195 » Mon Oct 31, 2016 1:48 am

Ravai wrote:
Afterlife92 wrote:
Jaycub wrote:Rally master in t4 gives you a quest you can take at level 12 which .levels you to 32, and awards you with a full set of level 31 green PvE gear and defensive accessories. Just let T2-3 Rip in peace until server can support it.
Also agree, I'd be suprised in its current state if we're even getting many new players past t1 due to those 20 levels being in complete limbo, its a huge pve grind due to it being void of any form of consistant pvp to xp from. You hit 12 and the action falls off a cliff, 30-40 min sc queues (if any) and empty lakes.
Levelling my Slayer at the moment has basically been the following (although I should qualify this by saying I'm in Australia at the moment so haven't been able to play primetimes):

1-12 - Normal t1 scs/zerging across Nordland with a few lairs thrown in
12-18 - Destro had massive aao so I blew money I made on other chars on oil and used it solo for mega xp/rr. I got lucky and this took me about 2 hours.
18-21 - Try do some scs/rvr when possible, grinding xp & butchering inbetween. I did t2 just before patch so I dont know how the new changes are playing out
22-29 - Travel quests, epic quests and live event. Haven't even bothered trying to do orvr as /t3 channel has been dead last few days. I do some sc's (when they pop) but my rr has fallen so far behind my level (r29/rr23) that I cant use duelist gear or sc weapons so I do them for fun when I'm bored of pve - I I know I'll get way faster renown in t4 so don't really want to grind it here when pops are so infrequent. I'd love the t3 inf belt for the future but that looks like a pipedream.

Plans for 29+ are grind to 32 & butcher now I have riposte and max parry from rr. From there its back to travel quests/Ruin farm, epic quests and grinding the remainder to 40 after that.

Whilst it hasn't taken me a great amount of time to get to this stage I've been very lucky and have the knowledge of these quests and things from previous characters to try maximise my time. I've loved t2/t3 rvr in the past but it does seem dead and due to currently being in Australia I havent even seen much action at all to join in with in the last week. As it stands I wouldn't mind seeing a Jaycub's boost quest idea implemented as well as a 32-39 scenario for people to learn their classes in.

Edit - if possible, perhaps this should only be available to accounts with no t4 chars

This game is hellishly fun and there's a reason I've played for 8 years now but current t2/t3 really doesn't advertise that fact. I've been speaking to some guildies from my Orrud/Hirn/Norn days but the road to T4 seems to just be putting them off from trying it at the moment.
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Re: Changelog 28/10/16

Post#196 » Mon Oct 31, 2016 7:26 am

Just wanted to tell you guys, that after testing it yesterday, I like the new White Lion pounce. The cd stops the spamming but doesnt bother too much, and the 25% charge is enough to land your follow up most of the times.
Andyrion Ulthenair
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