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Changelog 29/11/16

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Re: Changelog 29/11/16

Post#61 » Tue Nov 29, 2016 6:25 pm

Gachimuchi wrote:
Teefz wrote:
Lektroluv wrote:

You are liying, and you know it... the only way a SH does those hits is using moral 3, and double autoattack damage ability which has 3 minutes cooldown.
My Squig herder has 1052 Ballistic skills, and that is simply a big lie... don't need to argue with me, you are simply liying.
Correct. The only way you are hitting those numbers are with Squig Frenzy and Squig Beast, which at best is at every 3 min, so stop spreading bs.
Um, no. Spiked squig was regularly AA crit for 1k lmao. I'm pretty sure it's just L2P issue on your part. "I can't do it therefore nobody can"

Think for a second that most two-handers nowadays have a DPS of about 79 or so. Squigs were attacking with a weapon DPS of 100. 2Hs crit for 600-800 regularly with seeing numbers in the 1.2k range with armor debuffs applied.

Dude, you telling the higher renow player in server aka Teefz learn to play? he support what i said, so do every Squig herder which played more than first 40 renow lvls.
I really tought we were talking about game, not about use a changelog post for take advantage in game using false information and spreading some lie, like telling everyone SH pet is doing 1k hits, something which doens't happend unless you have scenario both flags bo's, or the moral 3 + 50% more autoattack damage ability with 3 minutes cooldown and you are a easy target.

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Re: Changelog 29/11/16

Post#62 » Tue Nov 29, 2016 6:27 pm

Well I did say that a Wounds debuff based on AAO was goin to be overdoing it.
All we need is the AoE cap increased based on AAO.

Also can we stop cater to small scale fighting style in the ORVR lakes please. It's not like you're trying to make pbaoe bomb groups viable in instance based small scale. The small scale players should need to adapt their group sizes and playstyle to ORVR just like large scale players need to adapt their playstyle and group size for small scale. The standard WB sizee of 24 is there for a reason. But we got a bunch of small scalers just refusing to change specs or run with warbands. Thats their problem. They are the ones not willing to adapt.

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Re: Changelog 29/11/16

Post#63 » Tue Nov 29, 2016 6:28 pm

Azarael wrote:
Squig Herder

- Melee attacks directed at a ranged Squig will ignore the Z axis.
- The range of the Spiked Squig is now 65ft.

Yes, I know the abilities say 100ft. I don't believe that to be indicative of the engagement / AA range. It's the skirmish squig with higher damage to boot so it'll engage at 65ft.
To quote myself from Lesti's topic:
Teefz wrote:This seems to hit Squig Herders especially hard and will only raise the same problems of this class, as Spiked Squig will die just as rapidly as they did pre hotfix 15/08/16(Range fix.). This will ultimately just raise the skillcap in terms of pet control, which ain't a bad thing, but with the long 30s cooldown on pet's that starts when the pet dies results in Squigs Herder losing a lot of dmg output(Spiked Squig, 5%crit, AA on the run).
The DPS nerf to all pets was long overdue and it is good that it is finally being looked at. Having said that, I seriously think that both DPS nerf, range nerf and the overall wounds decrease to the spiked squig is a bit excessive: Squig herder's not only have the longest cooldown on pets in game, but also have their "stance" linked to their pet unlike the SW, which is already a reliable counterplay towards Squigs. Now those little spikey bastards will go back to being bodyguards and taking mid range targets instead of their intended targets(AM, RP, BW, SW).
Last edited by Teefz on Wed Nov 30, 2016 1:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Changelog 29/11/16

Post#64 » Tue Nov 29, 2016 6:28 pm

good point.
Azarael wrote:
Gun Turret after being stationary for 16 seconds: 120ft
Engineer after being stationary for 16 seconds: 140ft
Snipe after being stationary for 16 seconds: 196ft
Akalukz wrote:I would like to think that instead of punishing players on one realm, why not reward players on the other realm instead.

you have had some good thoughts on things, maybe string a few together, instead of a b or c maybe an ab or ac or bc system would work.

Mix in damage reduction / a wounds buff / and an aoe cap increase for the underdog side. This will give a chance to take advantage of the AAO. But don't overly penalize a side that can't prohibit players.

I would really hate to see any type of population caps as that rewards people with hours to play. While punishing casual players who just want to play for an hour or so.
A reward/buff on the outnumbered side is a punish/debuff on the outnumbering side, with the added annoyance that rewards create gain inflation. This is especially dangerous with renown.

If they have tools to "get some kills", what happens? The outnumbering side complains. "I can't help being on the outnumbering faction, don't you dare punish me!
It's not a good situation to be in, i don't envy you guys. You could reduce the effectiveness of AAO -> renown and couple it with the buffs, that way the renown gain potential isn't as crazy. sort of a trade off you get less renown with higher AAO than before, but you also get xxx buff. Because now you can actually kill people. before with 400% aao, "most" were lucky to get a few kills so 400% of 0 is still 0. This way you may only get say 100% renown but you get a lot more kills.

I don't think the "populated" side will be overly concerned about it, primarily because they game is the same from their screen, their damage maybe a bit less, but they aren't taking more damage and they can take the same amount of damage. The only iffy thing would be the AoE caps, but that could be piece mealed in, 100% aao = 25% aoe cap increase etc.
Last edited by Akalukz on Tue Nov 29, 2016 6:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Changelog 29/11/16

Post#65 » Tue Nov 29, 2016 6:29 pm

That harsh of a wounds debuff is a gamechanger. I'm not going out into the lake if other side has any siginificant AAO. I would change to the other faction, but with the way the Orvr is now, the faction AAO will probably have swapped.

The solution to population imbalance shouldn't be to give incentive one side NOT to play, but the other way around. Increase AAO rewards. Make it more lucrative to switch over to the other side. Make reverse AAO buff where zerging side gets less renown from Orvr.

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Re: Changelog 29/11/16

Post#66 » Tue Nov 29, 2016 6:31 pm

Torquemadra wrote:
Lektroluv wrote:Can we fix this too? this rotation happened in space of time of 2 seconds, and from much longer range thant Squigh herder class and out of detaunt range.

see that whole "12 mitigated"? That means you are mitigating a mighty 0.015% of incoming damage so must have been under the mother of all armour debuffs none of which can reach you at 150ft and running pick on yer own size. Go glass cannon expect to break.

Torquemadra you told me many times, you wanna level up a Squig herder, and even offered myself for power level you, even if you regreted my proposition of power level!

I really want you to play one in the future, so you can see how gamebreaking is the Squig herder damage if you don't go glass cannon, look at pet damage in picture... well imagine how fun is play a even weaker version of it, and still the nerf instead of hit the person hiting for 900hp in a chained ability... the nerf hits the pet which hits for 198 - 42 - 87 hp in a runepriest.

It is totally unlogical.
Last edited by Lektroluv on Tue Nov 29, 2016 6:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Changelog 29/11/16

Post#67 » Tue Nov 29, 2016 6:31 pm

For clarification:
Will the spiked squig advance on its own to 65ft then engage, or not engage until the herder is within 65ft of the target?
Since "skirmish" was the defining reason to decrease the range, will Shooting With the Wind also increase the spiked squig range to 97ft like all other skirmish ranges?
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Re: Changelog 29/11/16

Post#68 » Tue Nov 29, 2016 6:34 pm

Teefz wrote:
Azarael wrote:
Squig Herder

- Melee attacks directed at a ranged Squig will ignore the Z axis.
- The range of the Spiked Squig is now 65ft.

Yes, I know the abilities say 100ft. I don't believe that to be indicative of the engagement / AA range. It's the skirmish squig with higher damage to boot so it'll engage at 65ft.
To quote myself from Lesti's topic:
Teefz wrote:This seems to hit Squig Herders especially hard and will only raise the same problems of this class, as Spiked Squig will die just as rapidly as they did pre hotfix 15/08/15(Range fix.). This will ultimately just raise the skillcap in terms of pet control, which ain't a bad thing, but with the long 30s cooldown on pet's that starts when the pet dies results in Squigs Herder losing a lot of dmg output(Spiked Squig, 5%crit, AA on the run).
The DPS nerf to all pets was long overdue and it is good that it is finally being looked at. Having said that, I seriously think that both DPS nerf, range nerf and the overall wounds decrease to the spiked squig is a bit excessive: Squig herder's not only have the longest cooldown on pets in game, but also have their "stance" linked to their pet unlike the SW, which is already a reliable counterplay towards Squigs. Now those little spikey bastards will go back to being bodyguards and taking mid range targets instead of their intended targets(AM, RP, BW, SW).
Exactly like Teefz has said. The Spiked squig took a massive blow in this patch. Problem is that most usefull stuff on herder is directly linked to spikey basterd. When it dies (and it will die with only 2k hp now - it can be one shoted) SH becomes a rug you clean your boots in. 5% crit, AA, disarm and run away - all this lost for 30 seconds which is more than enough to execute any green herder. SH has no reliable stance like SW.
This change in pets is a good thing but it was done in a very irresponsible way without taking all of the important factors in.

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Re: Changelog 29/11/16

Post#69 » Tue Nov 29, 2016 6:38 pm

Stinkyweed wrote:For clarification:
Will the spiked squig advance on its own to 65ft then engage, or not engage until the herder is within 65ft of the target?
Since "skirmish" was the defining reason to decrease the range, will Shooting With the Wind also increase the spiked squig range to 97ft like all other skirmish ranges?
*Edit* The squig will advance on its own.
Nope SWDW won't. Aza already stated so in Lesti's thread. That would be the fix for it I agree, as Spine Fling and Poisoned Spine is actually part of the QS tree in the Mastery Training. Which might just be a UI bug which will be fixed in the future...
Last edited by Teefz on Tue Nov 29, 2016 6:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Changelog 29/11/16

Post#70 » Tue Nov 29, 2016 6:39 pm

Thelen wrote:That harsh of a wounds debuff is a gamechanger. I'm not going out into the lake if other side has any siginificant AAO. I would change to the other faction, but with the way the Orvr is now, the faction AAO will probably have swapped.

The solution to population imbalance shouldn't be to give incentive one side NOT to play, but the other way around. Increase AAO rewards. Make it more lucrative to switch over to the other side. Make reverse AAO buff where zerging side gets less renown from Orvr.
Wouldn't this do the exact same thing? Instead of "I don't want to RvR on zerging side because I die in 2 hits" becomes "I don't want to RvR on zerging side because it's not worth my time"
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