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[Feedback] XREALMING

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In this section you can give feedback and share your opinions on what should be changed for the Return of Reckoning Project. Before posting please make sure you read the Rules and Posting Guidelines to increase the efficiency of this forum.
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Re: [Feedback] XREALMING

Post#51 » Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:35 am

Tankbeardz wrote:
Telen wrote:I used to be against a total faction lock since I like being able play all the careers and do the des storys. Since playing again and installing that realmpop addon Ive seen that every keep fight the same number that one side loses the other side gains. So yeah xrealming has gotten worse from 6 months ago when I played. Maybe a faction lock is the only solution.
That's funny...I always see one side remain the same and the other side log off after winning or giving up. I would like to see actual analytics instead of hearsay. I long for the day when I don't have to hear people whine about losing because x-realming instead of better players or coordination on the other side.
Well just in Dragonwake before and during the keep take I was constantly updating realmpop and des lost 20 players and order gained 20. Maybe coincidence but Ive seen the same during multiple keep takes when it becomes clear it wont be walk over and the defenders are getting renown.

Posts: 627

Re: [Feedback] XREALMING

Post#52 » Mon Dec 05, 2016 5:03 am

Telen wrote:
Tankbeardz wrote:
Telen wrote:I used to be against a total faction lock since I like being able play all the careers and do the des storys. Since playing again and installing that realmpop addon Ive seen that every keep fight the same number that one side loses the other side gains. So yeah xrealming has gotten worse from 6 months ago when I played. Maybe a faction lock is the only solution.
That's funny...I always see one side remain the same and the other side log off after winning or giving up. I would like to see actual analytics instead of hearsay. I long for the day when I don't have to hear people whine about losing because x-realming instead of better players or coordination on the other side.
Well just in Dragonwake before and during the keep take I was constantly updating realmpop and des lost 20 players and order gained 20. Maybe coincidence but Ive seen the same during multiple keep takes when it becomes clear it wont be walk over and the defenders are getting renown.
I'm sure it does happen. More often than not, I see people switch to the side with AAO. I'm just tired of hearing people whine about it constantly. Alas, I know if x-realming is dealt with...people will always find another bandwagon to hitch their whine to.

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Re: [Feedback] XREALMING

Post#53 » Wed Dec 07, 2016 12:12 am

NoRKaLKiLLa wrote:For whatever it's worth, I play only one faction, and only one character at that, and I think an 8 hour lockout- if possible would be perfect. That way if someone wants to switch sides they more or less have to log out and go to sleep, but can play whatever they want the next day.
My name is Arthur Arnbitter, and I am all for this. If Devs have some extra restrictions lying in wait, I will wait. It matters not to me what they are. I welcome them. What matters is the battle, and the game we all love so dearly.
Don't use forums much, you will hear from me when it matters. This dude had the idea I had and I support it.

Another idea that popped up in a focus group on the matter, was to implement some more metagames around participation. Say for instance that capturing BO's and being present there would also grant you a small boon, a minor buff of +X % Damage/Heal
and +Y % HP.
Say for instance that the first captured BO awarded 4% HP, second one awarded 2% Damage/Heal.
These boons would then stay for either X minutes every time one captured a BO, say for instance 30-60 minutes, or until you lose that particular BO. So it becomes a regular arms race that everyone participates in - Whoever is doing ORvR in the zone, basically, will all have this at some point, and it would be much desired to keep it up always.
A balance should be struck as such; the boon itself is not what wins the battle, neither individual nor largescale, if everyone has earned it from participation in the battleflow. But it could very well make a difference in outcome if one side does not have it entirely.
I spent some days shooting holes in this idea. One downside could be that if the aggresive side, who wears the boon, is truly dominating in numbers and are keeping BO's safe while besieging, they become so much harder to repel for any true defenders, who will be excluded from obtaining this boon. It adds to the suck of getting no supplies.

The idea is to punish inactivity. Sitting around lazily waiting for The Thing to Happen should land you in trouble.
Arthur - Slarti - Halgal - Binwin
Each and every Dawi under my command owes me one hundred scalps.
And I want my scalps.

Posts: 193

Re: [Feedback] XREALMING

Post#54 » Wed Dec 07, 2016 12:56 am

Pumatouch wrote:
NoRKaLKiLLa wrote:For whatever it's worth, I play only one faction, and only one character at that, and I think an 8 hour lockout- if possible would be perfect. That way if someone wants to switch sides they more or less have to log out and go to sleep, but can play whatever they want the next day.
My name is Arthur Arnbitter, and I am all for this. If Devs have some extra restrictions lying in wait, I will wait. It matters not to me what they are. I welcome them. What matters is the battle, and the game we all love so dearly.
Don't use forums much, you will hear from me when it matters. This dude had the idea I had and I support it.

Another idea that popped up in a focus group on the matter, was to implement some more metagames around participation. Say for instance that capturing BO's and being present there would also grant you a small boon, a minor buff of +X % Damage/Heal
and +Y % HP.
Say for instance that the first captured BO awarded 4% HP, second one awarded 2% Damage/Heal.
These boons would then stay for either X minutes every time one captured a BO, say for instance 30-60 minutes, or until you lose that particular BO. So it becomes a regular arms race that everyone participates in - Whoever is doing ORvR in the zone, basically, will all have this at some point, and it would be much desired to keep it up always.
A balance should be struck as such; the boon itself is not what wins the battle, neither individual nor largescale, if everyone has earned it from participation in the battleflow. But it could very well make a difference in outcome if one side does not have it entirely.
I spent some days shooting holes in this idea. One downside could be that if the aggresive side, who wears the boon, is truly dominating in numbers and are keeping BO's safe while besieging, they become so much harder to repel for any true defenders, who will be excluded from obtaining this boon. It adds to the suck of getting no supplies.

The idea is to punish inactivity. Sitting around lazily waiting for The Thing to Happen should land you in trouble.

Sadly, a mass-buff like that would promote zerging once again, since ppl would love to get the buff and blob on those BOs (unless farming in/at keeps).
And devs are working on a way to promote splitting up the zerg.

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Re: [Feedback] XREALMING

Post#55 » Wed Dec 07, 2016 11:06 pm

Funny enough back on live (on one of the earlier implementations of the BO/RvR system the BOs used to give buffs (I can only remember that one used to increase healing)...

But yeah something else is planned in regards to xrealming and I cant wait until its out, because I as well only play one faction.

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Re: [Feedback] XREALMING

Post#56 » Wed Dec 07, 2016 11:45 pm

punishing people for xrealming will never work, back in the days people just used two accounts if they had to get around it.
rather, you need incentives to remain on a losing side and fighting tooth and nails, even if it means heroic death time after time.

Maybe start handing out some kind of medallions for heroic deaths in the service of realm, if done during defending keeps and BOs... I dont know.

However the issue remains; the winning realms is usually winning because of better organization and keeps winning due to being better organized for offensive warfare, and no matter what the losers do; if they keep remaining unorganized chaotic mass of walking Ahrpee bags, it is no surprise they keep losing and switching sides.

So what you actually need is some way to give better incentives for all underdogs to get organized, so that people find motivation to group up, reform their ranks and participate in effective defensive battles. "Most Valuable Player" medallions in service of realm? :D

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Re: [Feedback] XREALMING

Post#57 » Thu Dec 08, 2016 12:14 am

Natherul wrote:Funny enough back on live (on one of the earlier implementations of the BO/RvR system the BOs used to give buffs (I can only remember that one used to increase healing)...

But yeah something else is planned in regards to xrealming and I cant wait until its out, because I as well only play one faction.
One used to increase crafting crit chance. So youd have a bunch of crafters trying to keep a BO. Weird idea.

Posts: 2249

Re: [Feedback] XREALMING

Post#58 » Thu Dec 08, 2016 12:14 am

Natherul wrote:Funny enough back on live (on one of the earlier implementations of the BO/RvR system the BOs used to give buffs (I can only remember that one used to increase healing)...

But yeah something else is planned in regards to xrealming and I cant wait until its out, because I as well only play one faction.

I too only play one faction. At a time. :twisted:

Gonna be nice to have the system in place, regardless what it is. I'm truly curious what the next #ReasonIDon'tWinConstantly will be....
Azarael wrote: It's only a nerf if you're bad.

(see, I can shitpost too!)
Secrets wrote: Kindly adjust your attitude to actually help the community and do not impose your will on it. You aren't as powerful as you think.

Posts: 43

Re: [Feedback] XREALMING

Post#59 » Thu Dec 08, 2016 12:17 am

I think xrealm is interessting for some to get def ticks.
Make attacking a keep attractive, give attack ticks.
Xrealm faction lock for 8 hours is one part.
I dont like it so much but seems mates play where they can get most rr.
If some one plays with his char often give a buff to guys who constantly play a faction.
First Day +5% rr
Second Day +10% and so on.
with 100% at 2 or 3 weeks which hold on as long they play this faction.
If you change Faction give first a debuff of -50% RR loosing 10% each day until they are at 0% with Day 6.
Make it attractive to play 1 faction and unattractive to change.
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Posts: 193

Re: [Feedback] XREALMING

Post#60 » Thu Dec 08, 2016 12:26 am

Frontenstuermer wrote:I think xrealm is interessting for some to get def ticks.
Make attacking a keep attractive, give attack ticks.
Xrealm faction lock for 8 hours is one part.
I dont like it so much but seems mates play where they can get most rr.
If some one plays with his char often give a buff to guys who constantly play a faction.
First Day +5% rr
Second Day +10% and so on.
with 100% at 2 or 3 weeks which hold on as long they play this faction.
If you change Faction give first a debuff of -50% RR loosing 10% each day until they are at 0% with Day 6.
Make it attractive to play 1 faction and unattractive to change.
But this suggestion won't affect ppl with 2 accounts, as per usual. It would benefit them even, since both of their accounts they're xrealming with would get doubled RR, making xrealming even more profitable.

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