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Why don't more people join SC groups from /5?

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Re: Why don't more people join SC groups from /5?

Post#51 » Wed Jan 11, 2017 7:09 pm

pugging as order is definitely more painful than pugging as destro

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Re: Why don't more people join SC groups from /5?

Post#52 » Wed Jan 11, 2017 8:12 pm

It can suck on both sides. People seem to be very cliquey in general, can be hard to get a random pickup group depending on time of day/night/timezone.

on Order unless it was with my own guild, I was never ever ever able to find a group to queue with. On any class lol

On Destro at least my chosen Tyr gets a little love now and then if my guildies cant put up a group.

Posts: 42

Re: Why don't more people join SC groups from /5?

Post#53 » Wed Jan 11, 2017 8:52 pm

Hi There this is my first post.
I want to add something from me what I dislike about rewarding system in SC. I play for example Howling Gorge for 10 minutes made 4 DB alot of damage we still lost and my total reward was 48 renown 0 emblems. I can understand the reward of emblems but cmon after 10 min of SC I played more than good on it and no reward for me because my team was unbalanced and had no healer. So maybe thats why ppl not really playing alot SC and only Nordenwatch as they can make some rewnown and emblems there easier. I would be very happy for such scenarios u get renown after u kill a dude not based on if u win or not the sc it would be more fair because sometimes u dont even stand a chance with the balance of chars at SC

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Re: Why don't more people join SC groups from /5?

Post#54 » Wed Jan 11, 2017 9:00 pm

I don't bother with pug groups because my character builds/playstyle aren't always welcomed, or simply cannot commit to them- sometimes I don't have the time, or only feel like playing 2-3 matches.

although I'm not a fan of the current pug sc, "Hold fort and we'll win," it's still more enjoyable than pugging against a premade.

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Re: Why don't more people join SC groups from /5?

Post#55 » Wed Jan 11, 2017 9:05 pm

I don't adv in /5 often but when I have, I've rarely been able to get into a coordinated group. But it is possible! I've 6-person grouped with players I "know" and unless we've had a clear-ish strategy and built the group around that strategy the best that we are able, our results are extremely mixed and generally do not work out very well in T4. Basically, just getting six people together in a loose arrangement in T4 rarely offers better rewards than zerging in an open WB or just solo queuing in SCs (in my experience).

Try out some guilds, keep advertising in /5, cold invite some people and explain to them your desired strategy, ask on forums in the proper channels. Lower tiers are a good place to find people too since loosely grouping with others can be much more lucrative and maybe facilitate better coordination for T4. I've met a few people in T3.
Vagreena Auntie Dangercat
Porkstar Hamcat Coolwave
Penril wrote:So you are saying that a class you never touched is OP?
Go play it before posting about it pal...

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Re: Why don't more people join SC groups from /5?

Post#56 » Wed Jan 11, 2017 10:25 pm

Having a high RR means anyone I kill solo in the lakes gives me a whopping 15-40 renown points. If I have 200 AAO I can get up to 150-300 renown points per solo kill- that's without a hungry squig herder popping my target over my shoulder, before fleeing and leaving me to die to the other 2 order players that come around the corner. Winning a scenario promises me 700-2.5k renown points. When I log in I'm trying to spend my time efficiently getting kills and subsequently pulling in purple numbers, so I'm going to first try to find a competent group of 5 players I know aren't going to chase butterflies on their own. I want a healer that is going to say, in voice comms, when he has a witch hunter pop on him behind me. I'd like a tank that slaps guard on me, never strays out of range and knocks down my targets and punts their guards. The first place I'm looking is my guild, then alliance, then /5.

Short answer to a complicated question and long thread: It depends.

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Re: Why don't more people join SC groups from /5?

Post#57 » Wed Jan 11, 2017 10:35 pm

I don't have much to add to what already stated by others before, but I think that maybe someone could be intimidated by the "cheap" (to not use other more colorful expressions) behaviour of a part of the community. I'm talking about the costant criticism by someone to the others playstyle.
So, yes, someone could have fear to be judged harshly and start over a discussion about a damn game.

Maybe some people should remember that this is a game and not a worldchampionship final, and stress less the others with their complains, pretending to have the truth in their pokets.
Suffer Not The Eretic To Live

Posts: 23

Re: Why don't more people join SC groups from /5?

Post#58 » Wed Jan 11, 2017 10:57 pm

NoRKaLKiLLa wrote:Having a high RR means anyone I kill solo in the lakes gives me a whopping 15-40 renown points. If I have 200 AAO I can get up to 150-300 renown points per solo kill- that's without a hungry squig herder popping my target over my shoulder, before fleeing and leaving me to die to the other 2 order players that come around the corner. Winning a scenario promises me 700-2.5k renown points. When I log in I'm trying to spend my time efficiently getting kills and subsequently pulling in purple numbers, so I'm going to first try to find a competent group of 5 players I know aren't going to chase butterflies on their own. I want a healer that is going to say, in voice comms, when he has a witch hunter pop on him behind me. I'd like a tank that slaps guard on me, never strays out of range and knocks down my targets and punts their guards. The first place I'm looking is my guild, then alliance, then /5.

Short answer to a complicated question and long thread: It depends.
Id probably get 15-40 renown if I saved my pull for level 32 runepriests fresh into t4 in level 17 gear too. Damn...sure wish they were worth more, huh?

(also...thank you disrupt) :p
Fraulein- RP

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Re: Why don't more people join SC groups from /5?

Post#59 » Wed Jan 11, 2017 11:38 pm

You're wandering into the lake unprepared, you're going to get slapped down. What do you want, pity? To be allowed to ride avocetiis mindless train of pugs, clammering for scraps of purple numbers by be allowed to heal indefinitely? You're anyone's first target. Try looking for a group in /5 and making yourself more of an asset and less a liability. Until then you're going to get farmed for your 15-40 renown indefinitely.

Posts: 23

Re: Why don't more people join SC groups from /5?

Post#60 » Wed Jan 11, 2017 11:53 pm

NoRKaLKiLLa wrote:You're wandering into the lake unprepared, you're going to get slapped down. What do you want, pity? To be allowed to ride avocetiis mindless train of pugs, clammering for scraps of purple numbers by be allowed to heal indefinitely? You're anyone's first target. Try looking for a group in /5 and making yourself more of an asset and less a liability. Until then you're going to get farmed for your 15-40 renown indefinitely.
It was in Praag, as soon as I went up the stairs to enter the lake, good try there though hero. Im not complaining about getting picked to be ganked, I just thought it was funny how you had to justify how you do things to get renown. You do you, breh. Nobody cares how you do it.
Fraulein- RP

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