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The Unlikely Plan [TUP]

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The Unlikely Plan [TUP]

Post#1 » Thu Mar 30, 2017 5:46 pm

The Unlikely Plan [TUP]

Warning flashing lights inc :D

Click here to watch on YouTube

We are ex Karak Norn Destro Guild.

We are a international english speaking guild active 7-11 pm GMT (Mon,Tues,Wed + Other*)

Rule 1 = No Drama.

We have a relaxed mature friendly helpful team orientated atmosphere.

We are not Casual, we are not Hardcore... we are unlikely ^^

we are somewhere in the middle of the spectrum by what i would assume most people's usual standards, we are experienced veterans who like to be organised and fairly competitive with what we have available without selling our soul to the devil ;)

we have discord for comms.

Our goals and aim's is simple...
Play the game, have fun and kill order (killing ex Karak Norn players is a bonus ;) ) helping our realm where we can.

New players go through a trial period to see whether we are the right fit for you and you for us...

What we are generally looking for in new members

Classes can be changed and skill level improved easily but Mentality and team ethos is alot harder to change in people... (we don't want people who quit when the going gets tough)

People who appreciate teamwork & communication in a friendly enviroment and able to follow whoever is leading at that moment.

What we are not looking for

Trolls, Criers, Ragers, Exploiters...

We are open for recruitment for those interested and of similar mindset

We all have lives we don't expect 24/7 players... real life comes first, we are relaxed and if you miss a raid life goes on... but if your online regular and don't want to team with rest of the guild then that's a issue (whats the point of joining something if don't want to get involved)

We only kick people with behaviour issues or fail trial for whatever reason.

We have some players who can play multiple classes and will rotate to create a better balance for our setup's

This is the classes we are looking for

Classes Spots Updated *

Most Classes spots are closed bar exceptions

Not looking for Blackguard/witch elf/Choppa ATM

So if your interested pm Wamizzle ingame for more info/any questions or any of our recruiters Ragah, Tombow, Astral, Panodilz, Nynaewe

Search Wam ingame if you want to find me, thanks for reading.
Last edited by Wam on Thu Nov 16, 2017 4:13 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Wamizzle Guild Leader [TUP]
Wamizzle Guild Leader [The Unlikely Plan]

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Re: The Unlikely Plan [TUP]

Post#2 » Thu Mar 30, 2017 11:49 pm

This should show some T4 Orvr action from the other day in dragonwake ... pQfZZWWJ6K

and some other older videos, mostly t4 orvr, one t3, one t1... guild, alliance or pug ^^
Wamizzle Guild Leader [TUP]
Wamizzle Guild Leader [The Unlikely Plan]

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Re: The Unlikely Plan [TUP]

Post#3 » Sun Apr 02, 2017 7:55 am

Wonderfull [TUP] !

Nice to see another Des organized WB !!



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Re: The Unlikely Plan [TUP]

Post#4 » Sun Apr 02, 2017 11:39 am

Hello and welcome to RoR. If you need anything in game /w Haojun.

Haojun of Phalanx.
Guildmaster of Phalanx

K8P - Karak Norn

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Re: The Unlikely Plan [TUP]

Post#5 » Sun Apr 02, 2017 3:43 pm


In War(live) we was usually two fg aprox and liked to skirmish alot in orvr/premades in sc, plus also alliance warband with other destro guilds in orvr...

in Gw2 we was a warband or so for awhile.

At the moment we are still growing and are aiming for a regular but flexible 2 FG, and if we grow into a full warband size I don't mind leading that size either (I know 2 FG can have its limits vs Zerg, but thats what makes it interesting and fun especially if you get ambush or flank headstart )
Wamizzle Guild Leader [TUP]
Wamizzle Guild Leader [The Unlikely Plan]

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Re: The Unlikely Plan [TUP]

Post#6 » Tue Apr 04, 2017 10:16 pm

Last 3 days we have been playing in T3 with some of the guildies

(Sunday) First day Order attack a keep, we create a warband to defend but order was numerous and we was too late for setting up for the keep... but then I lead warband and we stopped the lock for a few hours as we farmed many kills for destro while holding a few of the bo's... I was lvl 16 dok and we had aao most the time :) order eventually lock zone after my warband wipe them again at tavern and push wc, we was 9 guildies in warband (1 debolstered 40, 2 x 22... rest was 16-17) it was good renown, order can lock the zone but never take our tower (even with cannons outside trying to farm us but one charge stopped that :D)

(Monday) Day Two
I recorded a little below

was maybe 7 guildies eventually

Part 1 ...

Part 2

(Tuesday) Day Three
We start to group up as BFP gets locked by order then Talbacland is next... we go there, its fairly even we kill what we find and do sc's / run supplies / quest for scroll... sc's was straight forward besides so much cannon fire (one order tank did 120k dmg with only 5 kills) we come out and assist destro warband ramming... order had a premade group/warband as well which we had to focus, preventing their postern plays and countering, we eventually wipe them inside and take keep, fight them a couple more times before destro lock the zone (for once). Order seemed to lack resolve compared to previous days when they would fight harder but It was fun because our setup lacked tanks so heals had to be on point, and teamed with 2 new guildies in the process :) finish at lvl 30 / renown rank 27... soon i'll be a chicken
Wamizzle Guild Leader [TUP]
Wamizzle Guild Leader [The Unlikely Plan]

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Re: The Unlikely Plan [TUP]

Post#7 » Thu Apr 06, 2017 11:31 pm

(weds) Day four

we met more organised groups in T3 and had some AAO

(I thought i'd show more than just defense farming ^^)

Tonight we came back to T4 as not many of our lowbies was on when we gathered... we tried to do our own thing in praag but it was zerg wars Destro had a massive zerg, then order had special event of what seemed like 4-5 warbands running together... so our 1.5 parties got swarmed, when we worked closley with our allies we could still get swarmed as a warband.

Eventually Destro zone worked together and it was too easy capture tonight.

We are growing day by day and still open for recruitment see original post for details :)
Wamizzle Guild Leader [TUP]
Wamizzle Guild Leader [The Unlikely Plan]

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Re: The Unlikely Plan [TUP]

Post#8 » Wed Apr 12, 2017 11:02 pm

This just a little fun from the other day

To the Chosen that Pm Zizzygirl tonight and asked... sorry he lost his chat/he tried region and search couldn't find you :) (feel free to pm me)

Recruitment is open and we are still growing, Starting to hit our 2 FG Target... we have been pretty active daily for awhile

send pm to me via mailbox in game @ Wamgraw or search for me in game @ Wam
or find and talk to a officer if interested about joining us / any questions

We use Discord & Ts3 and also run with our deviant unoffical allies from time to time ;)
Wamizzle Guild Leader [TUP]
Wamizzle Guild Leader [The Unlikely Plan]

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Posts: 803

Re: The Unlikely Plan [TUP]

Post#9 » Sat Apr 22, 2017 5:27 pm

we are close to 2/3 FG with a decent setup if everyone's around but we are looking for more depth to our roster

we are looking for team players who play/main the following classes (read Original post)

2-4 chosen
2-3 bork
2-3 dok
2-3 sorc
2-3 zealot
2 shaman
1-2 choppa
1-2 SH
1-2 WE

low interest in Blackguard/Mara but if your good enough active team player it doesn't hurt to ask :)

contact me or a officer in game if any further questions
Wamizzle Guild Leader [TUP]
Wamizzle Guild Leader [The Unlikely Plan]

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Posts: 803

Re: The Unlikely Plan [TUP]

Post#10 » Mon Apr 24, 2017 12:21 pm

just some footage from last saturday in CW & BC and some bonus =D ...

we are pretty active and still recruiting team players
Wamizzle Guild Leader [TUP]
Wamizzle Guild Leader [The Unlikely Plan]

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