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Re: Revolution

Post#51 » Sun Jul 23, 2017 9:12 pm

WAR is a dead rotten corps. Big thanks to the ROR project for dispelling any illusions about that.

But I still, somehow, care, so here is the list of radical ressurection procedures :lol: :

What can you not:

1). Eliminate outdated liniar structure of the game.
2). Kill carrots
3). Automatic debolster
4). Dynamic campaign with earning benefits in the next tier from winning previous one.
5). Eliminate retarded party dependance.
6). All skills from level 1.
7). Include PQs in the rvr-zone resourse mechanic.
8). Bring back old mechanics of claim and keep upgrades.
9). Impliment "Winds of Magic" mechanic, which randomly enforces different rules in every rvr-zone once in a few days.

What you can:

Gear in WAR is not a reward - it's part of a build. With your grinding mayhem it's impossible to even test what a person might like.
So, make all the gear 1 gold for piece tops, eliminate medals. If you have balls.

Carrot is a lie, concept of "progression" is the root of all evils - pvp interaction with people is it's own reward.
Another good example of someone who has no concept of showing respect to the Devs working on the game and think being a salty bro, flinging insults, and disregarding server rules will get you anywhere.

This thread isn't intended to be a trap for people who cannot grasp the basic concept of showing respect towards the team,
but I will happily use it as such.
Means determine end.

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Re: Revolution

Post#52 » Sun Jul 23, 2017 9:22 pm

Biggest problems of the game are: lack of endgame and powercreep. If you fix everything without solving these problems, this game gonna die aswell.
I am agree with u. The motivation of players should include the method of "carrot and stick". Victory for one side should mean problems in opportunities for the other, in PvP, in PvE.

But Warhammer is about the WB's balance. The order had a crit, the destruction had debuffs. Removing the crit and leaving the debuffs, we get different opportunities for hardcore players. I think this should be the main theme of the next changes.

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Re: Revolution

Post#53 » Sun Jul 23, 2017 9:28 pm

Aurandilaz wrote:
pattonb wrote:I'm confused how Witch Hunters and Witch Elves are supposed to play with no CC?
hunting in packs :D :D :D
2 WH or 2 WE that open same target, do together enough dmg in 2-4 seconds with their openers that no CC might even be needed.

anyway, most of the stuff in OP looks quite radical.

what I maybe myself mostly want would be being able to queue for SCs when in WB, or even those 18v18 or 24v24 warband sc fights. (testing for city sieges?)
I don't know the limits of code nor what bug prevents people from joining scs when in WB, but I hope one day we will be able to queue from wb. :)
This is why I believe the suggested changes support poor gameplay principles, if such fundamental alterations to the game such as the removal of Crown Control and Morale Abilities change a class so it requires multiple of one class to do their own job - That shows a lack of understanding of gameplay principles by the OP.

Making small changes over time that build up together will result in time for the large playerbase to test the changes and see what needs to be brought up or taken down so all paths of the game are fair are able to be played equally by anyone.

Posts: 2524

Re: Revolution

Post#54 » Sun Jul 23, 2017 9:58 pm

I'd be ok with radical testing. Ideally I think it should be advertised in advance, but I wouldn't mind having a "test weekend" once every month or two to try out something new, like a +50% wounds buff in the RVR lakes.
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Re: Revolution

Post#55 » Sun Jul 23, 2017 10:22 pm

dansari wrote:I'd be ok with radical testing. Ideally I think it should be advertised in advance, but I wouldn't mind having a "test weekend" once every month or two to try out something new, like a +50% wounds buff in the RVR lakes.
OR how bout a nice 25% increase to base movement speed and 100% run speed mounts. :)

I know Id LOVE to test that
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Re: Revolution

Post#56 » Sun Jul 23, 2017 10:23 pm

ragafury wrote:I think a dev diary / podcast etc. would be good. or more like picking up this good habit again.
In my experience, from a project management point of view. rather finish the project and than polish it. means patch in the missing content, (PQ rework, Fortress, City raids, instances) etc. than polish combat / bugs / etc.
the testing suggestions for: polish combat, which hao offered are good, some are excellent imho to test things out, still I feel, if you patch them now in, you simply can't benchmark them. perhabs for small scale. I rather see not the missing content delayed. Minor balance changes if something is truly overperforming is enough. right now it's more working and good than notworking and bad for an Alpha.
I think this will if patched in right now for testing purposes, just result in a delay of content and not much information gain cause of the benchmark problems. and this game needs content. Perhabs I'm totally wrong, I truly don't know.
This IS the point.
Although I agree with some of OP's proposals, and I trully believe that some of them would be really funny to test, I'd like to enlight the fact that doing it NOW would be nearly pointless, why? Because the number of variables and unknowns in this game (all the abilities, stats, morales, rr level, gear and so on...) is too big to create a valid correlation between the collected data and its cause. Maybe removing snares could work for the current state of the game in RvR (stupid example, don't take this litteraly), but could have the opposite result in city sieges, since a sudden change (planned) in the game can have unepected results. And even if you collect data, it's not necessarely true that it will hold true if the conditions change (new gear is added and changes everething, for example).

In conclusion, the continous changes made to the state of the game give results that are so unpredictable that every test would be of little utility, once the game is stable (all gear relased and all the instances available) we can talk about that. You can't test different soultions if the enviroment and the models are different for each test, the results can't be compared.
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Posts: 2249

Re: Revolution

Post#57 » Sun Jul 23, 2017 11:33 pm

Maybe I am incorrect in this, but based upon previous amour, and reading what the Team writes on these forums, I don't foresee any truly game altering gear in the future. It's a slow power creep upwards. They have stated explicitly that broken lotd items won't exist, and I don't believe anyone with Authority believes the RR abilities currently off should be allowed.... so I disagree with your premise HastyKrasty.

Turning off RR abilities(CW/RD)would be an interesting test. How drastically different would your strategies need to change for that, and what inherent flaws/strengths are they covering?

Again though, it depends what stage the Team is at. Do they want to dedicate time towards balance in this manner?
Azarael wrote: It's only a nerf if you're bad.

(see, I can shitpost too!)
Secrets wrote: Kindly adjust your attitude to actually help the community and do not impose your will on it. You aren't as powerful as you think.

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Re: Revolution

Post#58 » Sun Jul 23, 2017 11:37 pm

dansari wrote:I'd be ok with radical testing. Ideally I think it should be advertised in advance, but I wouldn't mind having a "test weekend" once every month or two to try out something new, like a +50% wounds buff in the RVR lakes.
If it is possible, one could think about limiting these tests to a specific tier/zone to allow for the normal buisness to commence to not rile up more people than necessary (time constraints and such; possibly gamebreaking tests + perceived 'hardcore' grind = 'lolno' for most, I guess).

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Re: Revolution

Post#59 » Sun Jul 23, 2017 11:51 pm

I don't agree with a lot of what the OP says, pretty much because I know it would force organized WB play.

But I'm down for whatever, id be ecstatic to see the other side of "it's an alpha" meaning frequent testing of crazy stuff in patch cycles.
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Re: Revolution

Post#60 » Mon Jul 24, 2017 1:53 am

Jaycub wrote:I don't agree with a lot of what the OP says, pretty much because I know it would force organized WB play.

But I'm down for whatever, id be ecstatic to see the other side of "it's an alpha" meaning frequent testing of crazy stuff in patch cycles.

I'd honestly be down with them having regular Tier 4 "resets" where everyone's T4 Gear gets reset (armors and weapons; gold and all crafting stuff can stay) but don't touch their RR. This way every month/other-month/season or whatever time period there is an artificial push to get everyone to gear up again. This would mean reducing costs of dom/conq and opening Beastlord back up (Maybe only during weekends if it gets farmed too much at the end, IDK) and changing the Bag's rewards to a Ruin Fragment System with Conq/Subj/Genesis (I know that'd take a huuge amount of dev work). This way new people don't have to go that long in T4 to get geared, hardcore players can farm their BiS in a week or two (depending on length of season I guess) and still have plenty of time to dominate, and people who want gear/item progression can get that experience over and over (I don't know if people who only play for gear progression are into that but who knows).

This would also give finite room for changes to stuff where they can get more "data" about how changes are affecting the game: such as okay for this "season" wounds are going to be X% more effective or whatever and they can see how that affects low end of T4, high end, and the progression it takes. Plus I think it'd be pretty funny to see everyone for the first couple days (or hours depending on the person I guess) just going at it in T4 with all greens :)

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