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Witch Hunter improvements

Knight of the Blazing Sun, Bright Wizard, Witch Hunter, Warrior Priest
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Re: Witch Hunter improvements

Post#41 » Mon Jul 24, 2017 8:28 pm

we's whiners..bla bla got all what you need to fast kill and you dont have squigs and shammy's enemies)
Feroze - wh | Faiz - bw
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Posts: 340

Re: Witch Hunter improvements

Post#42 » Mon Jul 24, 2017 10:18 pm

It will not be so powerful AOE that has a slayer. It's rather the equivalent of what WL can do through Slashing Blade and Whirling Axe. The main specialty of WH will be still the Path of Judgment and Burn Away Lies. It's just an extra option that gives you the chance to be useful during a battle in a castle and other massed battles.

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Re: Witch Hunter improvements

Post#43 » Mon Jul 24, 2017 10:37 pm

TenTonHammer wrote:
qwerty113 wrote: And second one - stealth class need some speed bust like "odjira" in live, cus its insine to use always flee to catch any shammy or squig.
Because of 2 classes

No screw that, 1 tactic

You want to re add one of the most broken proc nonsense from live?


Why after all the CC tools on order is it still not enough to deal with 2 classes? Why does there need to be even more CC?

At this point how about we just get rid of run away! and in retun slash the amount of CC option on order in exchange?
No i loved Odjira on live. It was the entire reason promenades could kite a warband. That 60% move speed just made every snare in the game near completely irrelevant.

Now I am completely happy with what ever the community decides to do with odjira because if it comes back i'll have it on every tank, healer, mdps and rdps i own and if it never returns that's one less headache to deal with when trying to kill people.
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Re: Witch Hunter improvements

Post#44 » Tue Jul 25, 2017 12:08 am

Jaycub wrote:An example that would work, but would be OP would be if Dragon gun had a 50% incoming healdebuff effect. Or a zergbusting ability that dealt damage in an AoE everyone someone used a skill effected by it, so if you hit 9 ppl and they kept spamming abilities near each other they would take insane damage.

Really that's where you would start with WE and WH is giving them a powerful effect on an AoE move and then adjusting from there. Really tho you want to play off of their in and out disruption style play that is assisted by stealth. So get into the fray, use something to cause a big disturbance or cripple a group, maybe get a st kill and get out, instead of the traditional front line brawling of say a slayer.
Agreed, its about complimenting the play style of the class that exists, not conforming to the default warband specs of AoE damage. An ability effect for the AoE finisher to give a warband role. I support the idea of 'use and ability, over the following 10 seconds, take X damage. The damage taken increases over the duration.' As this forces active gamepla and can include counters through cleanse. Could another alternative include an increase in cast time. For example 'Targets hit by Dragon Gun recoil at the shock and explosive sound, the resulting distraction and disturbance increases cast times by X seconds for X seconds. This impacts both healing output and dps output and provides combinations with subsequent interrupts. What do you think?

The duration or scale of damage can be tied to the WH mechanic as well.
Sia - DoK - Lords
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Posts: 413

Re: Witch Hunter improvements

Post#45 » Tue Jul 25, 2017 2:34 am

qwerty113 wrote:
TenTonHammer wrote:You want to re add one of the most broken proc nonsense from live?
And speed shammy's tactic and autodetaunt its not broken live tactics ? that is disbalance)
so does rkd , and dwarven racial tactics . and u should remember these still are procs, ence luck based , the aforeminated tactics are worn .

or that we wh 5 secs stagger ,,,,

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Re: Witch Hunter improvements

Post#46 » Tue Jul 25, 2017 7:15 am

Played WH after playing nothing but magus for 3 weeks, it's just so **** bad. It's a wish you were RDPS while you get raped by RDPS and everything just /lol cheese out of melee range or burst with focused mind/CW/RD etc... It's not even the class, all melee just seems so awful right now. You don't even do more damage than RDPS while having to put yourself in the fray, and having to be 5ft from something that can easily run out of that range then blast you into oblivion from 100ft away. Even with good heals and guard it's just an exercise in frustration.
<Lords of the Locker Room> <Old School>

Posts: 671

Re: Witch Hunter improvements

Post#47 » Tue Jul 25, 2017 8:27 am

Jaycub wrote:Shitpost:
Played WH after playing nothing but magus for 3 weeks, it's just so **** bad. It's a wish you were RDPS while you get raped by RDPS and everything just /lol cheese out of melee range or burst with focused mind/CW/RD etc... It's not even the class, all melee just seems so awful right now. You don't even do more damage than RDPS while having to put yourself in the fray, and having to be 5ft from something that can easily run out of that range then blast you into oblivion from 100ft away. Even with good heals and guard it's just an exercise in frustration.
100% Hagrid.

Posts: 340

Re: Witch Hunter improvements

Post#48 » Tue Jul 25, 2017 9:09 am

Jaycub wrote:An example that would work, but would be OP would be if Dragon gun had a 50% incoming healdebuff effect.
I thought I knew a bit about this class but I have never tried it before. :oops:

Posts: 7229

Re: Witch Hunter improvements

Post#49 » Tue Jul 25, 2017 3:22 pm

Faef wrote:Cast time would need to be reduced as well otherwise you would never be able to activate it, unless it's uninterruptable.
It is already easier to re-stealth during a fight than on live. The setback on stealth is almost negligible.
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Posts: 88

Re: Witch Hunter improvements

Post#50 » Tue Jul 25, 2017 4:34 pm

Gerv wrote:
Jaycub wrote:An example that would work, but would be OP would be if Dragon gun had a 50% incoming healdebuff effect. Or a zergbusting ability that dealt damage in an AoE everyone someone used a skill effected by it, so if you hit 9 ppl and they kept spamming abilities near each other they would take insane damage.

Really that's where you would start with WE and WH is giving them a powerful effect on an AoE move and then adjusting from there. Really tho you want to play off of their in and out disruption style play that is assisted by stealth. So get into the fray, use something to cause a big disturbance or cripple a group, maybe get a st kill and get out, instead of the traditional front line brawling of say a slayer.
Agreed, its about complimenting the play style of the class that exists, not conforming to the default warband specs of AoE damage. An ability effect for the AoE finisher to give a warband role. I support the idea of 'use and ability, over the following 10 seconds, take X damage. The damage taken increases over the duration.' As this forces active gamepla and can include counters through cleanse. Could another alternative include an increase in cast time. For example 'Targets hit by Dragon Gun recoil at the shock and explosive sound, the resulting distraction and disturbance increases cast times by X seconds for X seconds. This impacts both healing output and dps output and provides combinations with subsequent interrupts. What do you think?

The duration or scale of damage can be tied to the WH mechanic as well.

I like these sort of ideas, but you have to do something about exposure in light armour or there's no point. I've already posted a few ideas on stealth in this thread, a few others seem to think along the same lines. Shorter bursts of stealth more often would work in tandem of what your talking about here, a sort of pre big attack skirmish/disruptor

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