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Guilty Soul - Damage on proc

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Guilty Soul - Damage on proc

Post#1 » Wed Aug 30, 2017 5:50 pm

I'll make this short and to the point.

The issue

As it stands now, the Wrath tactic - Guilty Soul - is pretty meh: whenever you critically hit with a Wrath ability, you will deal x spirit damage over 9 seconds.

Now the damage itself is actually very nice - especially when coupled with a Swordmaster's spirit debuffs, and Soulfire. The issue, however, is that it will reset itself upon critting again.

This means that if you crit your target during guilty soul's duration, it will reset itself, and you will potentially not get much damage out of it (when you are rocking 30%+ crit, you see it reset itself a lot).

Why is this an issue?

Wrath WP has enough issues as it is with putting out damage: relatively low tooltip numbers, heal debuff with no damage, an execution that is a pale comparison of WL/Marauder's, only burst being AA/Hammer used together.

Wrath WP is also pretty starved for tactics: Divine Fury, Hasted Divinity and Fanaticism are mandatory, which leaves you one spot.

As it stands now, Divine Justice is the only real contender if you intend to semi-function as a MDPS within a group: it helps with your overall burst, synergises beautifully with a SM (again! I see a pattern emerging here...), and gives you 'somewhat' of a purpose to 'some' groups, i.e. you provide a bit more oomph to everybody's overall damage.

Guilty Soul is only semi-useful if you are doing PvE, given you will not necessarily be focusing on one mob, but when you are trying to DPS assist a single target in PvP, it will reset itself a lot when you have high crit.


My proposal is simple and, in my opinion, effective:

Similar to how Potent Enchantments (SM tactic) was changed so that it would deal damage upon proccing, i.e. initial damage, I would propose making Guilty Soul also deal damage upon proccing.

This would mean that, even if you reset Guilty Soul upon critting, you will always be dealing damage.

It would help with burst ST/AOE dps, too, and would make it a strong contender with Divine Justice - perhaps opening up group options, such as having a heal WP with DJ while you go GS.

Posts: 4441

Re: Guilty Soul - Damage on proc

Post#2 » Mon Sep 04, 2017 2:06 pm

Moving to discussions.

Point to discuss: should GS be set to not refresh itself?

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Re: Guilty Soul - Damage on proc

Post#3 » Mon Sep 04, 2017 2:17 pm

Torquemadra wrote:Would require a ICD or would be a significant buff which cant be done at this point

It could be set to not refresh
This would be the most sensible thing to try first, Its a very minimal change that would see the dps increase as the tactic would work properly.
Khorlar, Thorvold, Sjohgar, Anareth, Toldavf, Hartwin, Gotrin and others -_-


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Re: Guilty Soul - Damage on proc

Post#4 » Mon Sep 04, 2017 3:15 pm

this is also an issue for other tactics in game, is a no brain change rather than a balance changes, i alredy reported once 1 tactic like this that should not be able to refresh and was declined as working as intended which make no sense since an effect over time need to work over time to work jeez.

The effect should not refresh imo, things should work as intended before change them and i add a list of stuff that should not refresh should be done; clear stuff like do x dmg over x sec when y happen ( exept when the tick happen on 0 sec of course) since there is 1 tactic like this on BG i suppose there are other aswell
Last edited by Tesq on Mon Sep 04, 2017 9:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Guilty Soul - Damage on proc

Post#5 » Mon Sep 04, 2017 3:57 pm

In my opinion there's nothing to discuss here. At current state GS is broken and useless. It definitely should not refresh itself. As it is so high in the wrath tree and it takes tactics slot (basically requiring to drop DJ) please reconsider making it to do dmg on proc. I have to emphasize, that it procs only when critted by wrath direct dmg skill and deals relatively low dmg so i don't see it becoming OP, especially that full wrath WP is so squishy.

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Re: Guilty Soul - Damage on proc

Post#6 » Mon Sep 04, 2017 4:05 pm

I'd make it dmg on proc, with 1s-3s icd.
Torque already mentioned this can't be done atm.

Posts: 4441

Re: Guilty Soul - Damage on proc

Post#7 » Mon Sep 04, 2017 4:08 pm

nailinthehead wrote:In my opinion there's nothing to discuss here.
Honestly, I agree. Maybe we can see it implemented and test it (GS not refreshing itself), then continue the discussion? Will need confirmation from Torque.

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Re: Guilty Soul - Damage on proc

Post#8 » Mon Sep 04, 2017 4:45 pm

Penril wrote:
nailinthehead wrote:In my opinion there's nothing to discuss here.
Honestly, I agree. Maybe we can see it implemented and test it (GS not refreshing itself), then continue the discussion? Will need confirmation from Torque.
Sounds reasonable.

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Re: Guilty Soul - Damage on proc

Post#9 » Mon Sep 04, 2017 8:20 pm

As of next patch, GS won't refresh itself.

Damn, that was fast.

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Re: Guilty Soul - Damage on proc

Post#10 » Mon Sep 04, 2017 9:28 pm

Nice work. Look forward to testing it out.

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