Rdps dok mk2- lifetaps from hell.

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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Rdps dok mk2- lifetaps from hell.

Post#1 » Thu Oct 19, 2017 12:06 am

Returned to RoR, and playing the dok (Lxul). Eventually, just like back on live at t4, switched from from Torture to Sacrifice, this is the current spec:

http://waronlinebuilder.org/#career=dok ... 90:4984:0:

Sc str chalice in offhand, all tali toughness, renown maxed toughness+ maxed Deft Defender. Since I mix 3 sets (dom/merc/genesis), I still however have a pretty decent str.

I mostly solo roam, and it works very nicely for that.

Some points:

The main points about the spec is high mitigation, making heals whatever from lifetaps or direct much more effective. The build is hybrid, and because of chalice in offhand if needed I can detaunt and heal without running out of SE, then start dpsing again (for example, vs kiters, or vs high parry dps tanks that I can't heals off with lifetaps). After the last patch I put the will tactic in, both helping with disrupts, and increasing direct healing- very worth it despite DF heal debuff.

Ranged dmg- Khaine's Imbuement dot procs both off Fist and off Devour Essence ticks (since its direct dmg and not dot), combined with base dmg and with Cov procs giving me quite decent ranged dmg. In quite a few cases I go ranged only (for example in zerg situations), and still manage to do quite a nice dmg- up to 150 renown from a single target while solo riding zerg for example. As an extra bonus, since Khaine's Imbuement ignores toughness, it is very nice vs tanks as well.

Morals- since coming back there wasn't a single time that I used FM, so giving on this one was easy enough. Divine Favor heal took some thinking, however so far think I like Steal Life more- with will tactic in, I can compensate for the lost healing, from other hand I gained a 100 f ranged dps moral which charges fast (unlike m3 which I very rarely get to) , and which has quite a few uses (kill runners, extra dmg in zerg situations, help with spike, ets). And Rampaging Siphon can occasionally be a very nice butt saver, assuming there are enough targets around.
"Can we play with him, master? He seems so unhappy. Let us help him smile. Please? Or at least let us carve one on his face when he stops screaming."

— Azeila, Alluress of Slaanesh

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Re: Rdps dok mk2- lifetaps from hell.

Post#2 » Thu Oct 19, 2017 7:02 am

>losing FM was easy

Posts: 1

Re: Rdps dok mk2- lifetaps from hell.

Post#3 » Thu Oct 19, 2017 8:37 am

I'm playing a similar char, only r31/rr36 atm.

I understand your build, and find it quite fun, being able to always do something in every situation.
Still i fail to get why you slot Khaine's Blessing, even more with 1h+chalice.

Btw, do you lose a lot of dps with 1h+chal instead of dual wield ? still got to test this, but it shouldnt be a large due do icd change.

Posts: 1430

Re: Rdps dok mk2- lifetaps from hell.

Post#4 » Thu Oct 19, 2017 4:19 pm

Salmakia wrote:I'm playing a similar char, only r31/rr36 atm.

I understand your build, and find it quite fun, being able to always do something in every situation.
Still i fail to get why you slot Khaine's Blessing, even more with 1h+chalice.

Btw, do you lose a lot of dps with 1h+chal instead of dual wield ? still got to test this, but it shouldnt be a large due do icd change.
Khaine's Blessing is the same as the rest of the spec- its good in the situations when I need it, which is when I need the max dps (when spiking healers, when I'm at melee range in zerg, ets)- hitting Steal Life m1 if available, then putting Devour Essence on myself, and then spamming Transfer Essence with hasted aa hits in the same time is the best spike doks got. When I need something else- ranged dmg, max lifetaps heals, ets- I got other abilities covering it.

Back on live I used Potent Covenants tactic, but with icd nerf on ror its only good for ranged dmg- in melee with Devour Essence hitting in same time with Rend or Transfer Essence + aa, too often it adds 0 dmg.

As for loosing dmg from chalice, since I'm using str sc one, only dmg lost is from offhand hits. With aa haste from KB in theory its offhand hit once every 2.4 sec, in practice however no dmg is lost obviously when I go ranged, and in melee when I need max lifetap heals I spam Rend- and since you don't aa during channel, no dmg is lost 3 sec out of every 8 (40% or so of the time). So only time when its really noticeable is during spike- however the extra dmg is not worth loosing the sustain from chalice which is good for other situations.
"Can we play with him, master? He seems so unhappy. Let us help him smile. Please? Or at least let us carve one on his face when he stops screaming."

— Azeila, Alluress of Slaanesh

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