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DPS AMs post dot nerf/disrupt buff

Swordmaster, Shadow Warrior, White Lion, Archmage
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Re: DPS AMs post dot nerf/disrupt buff

Post#81 » Mon Oct 23, 2017 4:12 pm

szejoza wrote:Beat me for my ignorance but all I see are whines that you can't nuke everyone in 3GCDs now
That's not an ignorant statement. To be sure, sorc/BW can burst someone in a 3s timestamp (not necessarily 3 gcds since it requires some buildup.. i.e. Blood Boil +tactic normally has to proc to provide the burst in the same timestamp as a fireball and it takes 5s to pop). However, it normally requires the target not to be guarded, not detaunting, etc. When some of the best rdps players on the server (Xiuxiu, as an example), are saying it's pointless to target healers now because of their disrupt potential, it gives credence to what all sorcs/BWs are seeing as a massive decrease in threat potential to, arguably, the people you need to take out the most.

But, this is also an alpha, so stuff is gonna change all the time and we just need to roll with it and provide feedback :)
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Re: DPS AMs post dot nerf/disrupt buff

Post#82 » Mon Oct 23, 2017 4:36 pm

Honestly, AMs could never burst people down in a 3s gcd, so. While yeah, the discussion turned towards the impact the changes had on all caster dps classes, the point I was originally making is that they pushed a whole "class" into non-viability.
Giladar - rr 80 DPS AM

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Re: DPS AMs post dot nerf/disrupt buff

Post#83 » Mon Oct 23, 2017 8:50 pm

live4treasure wrote:
Annaise16 wrote: You might have missed the part where I wrote that it's a comparison of the old and new systems. In this case, 'new' means 'new'.
No, I know that, it's just that you said that the new system makes certain targets have less disrupt chance. I simply wished to point out, that according to my experience, that does not seem to be the case.

Anecdotal evidence is meaningless. You tend to see what you want to see and ignore the rest. In this case, you have read that there is a change and every time you see a toon get a lucky string of disrupts you believe the game is broken. Meanwhile, you ignore all the times that the target doesn't get a lucky string of disrupts. This is called confirmation bias.

Do a proper statistical test. Cast 500+ hits on a target with known willpower and +disrupt % and measure the disrupt rate. Compare the results with the the values in the table. I and a couple others did tests like this and posted the results in this thread. viewtopic.php?f=8&t=23384
The test results agreed the with published formulas for defense as shown in the table above. They did not agree with your anecdotes.

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Re: DPS AMs post dot nerf/disrupt buff

Post#84 » Mon Oct 23, 2017 8:53 pm

i mean the fact that a lot of people who engage in competitive/highend PvP with BIS toons are reporting the same things surely warrants some credence to said claims?

Posts: 341

Re: DPS AMs post dot nerf/disrupt buff

Post#85 » Mon Oct 23, 2017 9:02 pm

peterthepan3 wrote:i mean the fact that a lot of people who engage in competitive/highend PvP with BIS toons are reporting the same things surely warrants some credence to said claims?

Do the statistical tests.

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Re: DPS AMs post dot nerf/disrupt buff

Post#86 » Mon Oct 23, 2017 9:12 pm

peterthepan3 wrote:i mean the fact that a lot of people who engage in competitive/highend PvP with BIS toons are reporting the same things surely warrants some credence to said claims?
Not really. Doesn't matter who you are, some evidence should be needed to back up your claims. There are also people saying they've tested it and it seems fine, or that they haven't noticed much difference.

I'm surprised people haven't been rushing to post meaningful screenshots and videos of actual tests/examples if it's actually such a significant, game/class-breaking issue for them.

Edit: should add that I'm not actually saying there is or isn't a problem. I haven't noticed much difference in terms of disrupt on my chars but can't really comment on casters. It's the hyperbole and lack of evidence (yet still with an expectation that "something be done!") that I have a problem with.

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Re: DPS AMs post dot nerf/disrupt buff

Post#87 » Mon Oct 23, 2017 10:13 pm

Fair points. I'll see to it that I stream some Magus play tomorrow or something so as to show.

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Re: DPS AMs post dot nerf/disrupt buff

Post#88 » Wed Oct 25, 2017 7:14 am

peterthepan3 wrote:Fair points. I'll see to it that I stream some Magus play tomorrow or something so as to show.
How did it go? Managed to record some sweet proof we all need so much? :)
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