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New RvR sytsem

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Posts: 16

New RvR sytsem

Post#1 » Tue Jan 30, 2018 10:45 am

Hello dear developers,

I would like to thank warmly you have started sometimes the fight against xrealmer. This pleases me very much.

I find this what is very much appropriately, however, the disadvantage for all the others the influence renown concerns namely. I think one 8 or 12-hour unwieldy by this change of the respective parties is more adequate. To let feed as this on rewnon. It would be also many years' more fairly towards the players or also of many months only one side play.

What considers I still as a main problem is also just not thus for approval by this patch very much some players are pleased. Because they play certainly also in different Gruppen-konstallationen where one also his character must change. Resume there again then with the rewon influence of 0 could be very discouraging.

I hope this to her this still does!

Your welcome, greetings Xarborn

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Posts: 16

Re: New RvR sytsem

Post#2 » Tue Jan 30, 2018 10:47 am

Hello dear developers,

I would like to thank warmly you have started sometimes the fight against xrealmer. This pleases me very much.

I find this what is very much appropriately, however, the disadvantage for all the others the influence renown concerns namely. I think one 8 or 12-hour unwieldy by this change of the respective parties is more adequate. To let feed as this on rewnon. It would be also many years' more fairly towards the players or also of many months only one side play.

What considers I still as a main problem is also just not thus for approval by this patch very much some players are pleased. Because they play certainly also in different group-constillations where one also his character must change. Resume there again then with the rewon influence of 0 could be very discouraging.

I hope this to her this still does!

Your welcome, greetings Xarborn

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Re: New RvR sytsem

Post#3 » Tue Jan 30, 2018 10:57 am

In fact i don't get why the contr suppose became 0, should had been accountwide and consumed by last logged char when loot roll or playing char if log on

This would also encourage ppl fix group and provide best challenge with out be useless because the population cant support the n 'x dps with out guard or heals.

Even if some rr 60 mara farm and log his rr 30 magus what's the prob? the person playing is still the same....
Even to prevent way efficent farm just a reduction in contribution would had been fine.
Regardless due loot being personal there ia no abuse against others.

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