Patch Notes 9/02/18

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Re: Patch Notes 9/02/18

Post#41 » Sat Feb 10, 2018 10:21 am

I think 2K is not enough. Spending 3, 4 hours for such a value does not encourage people much, since before, when this value was variable with possibility of a great value was what pushed people to the siege.

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Re: Patch Notes 9/02/18

Post#42 » Sat Feb 10, 2018 10:51 am

Natherul wrote:
Fallenkezef wrote:
Natherul wrote:

Yes it applies to both attacking and defending, and its only for the keep, the big reward is for zone locks. (this is also where you are rewarded if a zone take takes multiple hours)
Is there a danger this would encourage zone swapping or just plain giving up on the part of the attacker? If the enemy is too large to quickly take down and with a cap on the renown, there is the encouragement to move on instead of taking a large amount of time for a little reward.
Well without giving too much details lord gives contribution and zonelock has always been the major income of rr/xp/inf not keep.
That explains well enough, thankyou.
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Re: Patch Notes 9/02/18

Post#43 » Sat Feb 10, 2018 10:54 am

Alfinnete wrote:I think 2K is not enough. Spending 3, 4 hours for such a value does not encourage people much, since before, when this value was variable with possibility of a great value was what pushed people to the siege.
Up to you really but if you want the reward for a zone lock you either need to 5 star lock (which grant nothing extra) or take a keep which gives you extra RR XP inf and contribution.

Your choice

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Re: Patch Notes 9/02/18

Post#44 » Sat Feb 10, 2018 11:05 am

Question regarding that 2000 cap from keeps;

if under old system you would have been at a keep siege where at win you gained 32k renown, and at zone lock 18k renown (as an example, remember some wild values in past)
Would under new system it mean you get 2k from keep, and the rest 30k transfers to zone lock bonus giving you 58k from zone lock, or would it mean that you just get 2k + 18k and the previously juicy keep ticks are gone with the wind?

Because 2k sounds extraordinarily abysmal for a keep victory if you have fought in some of the massive EU evening battles and have amassed gigantic contributions over hours before sieging.

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Re: Patch Notes 9/02/18

Post#45 » Sat Feb 10, 2018 11:18 am

Aurandilaz wrote:Question regarding that 2000 cap from keeps;

if under old system you would have been at a keep siege where at win you gained 32k renown, and at zone lock 18k renown (as an example, remember some wild values in past)
Would under new system it mean you get 2k from keep, and the rest 30k transfers to zone lock bonus giving you 58k from zone lock, or would it mean that you just get 2k + 18k and the previously juicy keep ticks are gone with the wind?

Because 2k sounds extraordinarily abysmal for a keep victory if you have fought in some of the massive EU evening battles and have amassed gigantic contributions over hours before sieging.
It's not added. As as I just stated previously, it's either taking keep which gives you a bonus or 5 star lock which does not.

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Re: Patch Notes 9/02/18

Post#46 » Sat Feb 10, 2018 11:38 am

Worse and worse RVR contributions open.
Frankly the RVR open system and the contributions have lost a lot of interest.
( Lock 5 Stars , resources to transport etc etc )
To make a post for the contribution when bug ..., a ordeal

look at the number of remark, post...Yes that's right, you do what you want :)

Sorry for my English :)

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Re: Patch Notes 9/02/18

Post#47 » Sat Feb 10, 2018 12:38 pm

wargrimnir wrote:
RR34 scen weapons are largely overshadowed by the T4 epic quest weapons anyway. They haven't been relevant in a very long time.

Renown gating on Boxes/Satchels is aimed at people that ignore keeping their renown rank high while leveling. Hitting RR20 before T2 is fairly easy. Same with the other brackets. It only punishes people that ignore RvR and Scens, as do many of our other similar changes. Even Beastlord gear has a RR requirement on it, so grinding straight to R40 leaves you with limited options.
Thanks for the answer. As i have stated - i understand the idea behind it and quite ok with rvr medallions - you can get them when kill people in orvr. With SC emblems that is not the same.

I got it that you want to punish people that are ignoring sc and oRvR, nothing wrong with this.
Sadly you caught in it people who level up linearly (lvl= rr).
And they exist because you can't use overflowing rr before you get the same lvl.

Again being overshadowed and completely irrelevant are different terms - epics are lvl 36 and there are only 3 different items, this is esp true for tanks who has 1h, shield and 2 hand, with epic 2handers being best and/or unique traits. You could have filled this gap with with sc 34 before, now you are stuck with only pve.

Currently lvl 31-40 are the hardest times for any character as you are not over-buffed like t2/t3, have neither gear nor best skills.
Removing those few options available at this lvls increases the power gap between 40+ and 30+, returning us to the Live where you had to fight Sov's in Conq/Ruin. At least you felt like a walking brick back then.

As i already stated getting rr 20 is no prob, at 25-30 you basically float soldier emblems as you get only them from sc. Leveling a twinke now, i had like 170+ when i was ~25 so no prob with buying full devastator and 24/29 lvl weapons.
T4 is a different story - firstly you cannot get officer emblems at an adequate rate so now you cannot buy any officer items before you hit rr40. You can buy merc gloves/boots at AH, and thats it - all other merc items are 40rr now.
BL has 30-33 RR equipping requirement, but can be acquired at any RR. In order to use full set you need RR33(book) - no prob here.

That is why i'm asking to consider the option of reducing the rr requirement (NOT removing it) for SC Conq emblems from 40RR to 35RR - so you wont be able to use when you ignore sc/rvr (like break a conq at any rr and you are good), but you can use it if you attend sc and orvr on daily basis, not just live there.

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Re: Patch Notes 9/02/18

Post#48 » Sat Feb 10, 2018 1:58 pm

When you don't grind pve your rr will be always higher than your character rank.
I see no problem with having a min-rr to buy boxes/satchels.
I had my doubts at first too but the 10, 20, 30, 40 rr requirements are fair for the gear you can buy with it.
Not to mention that you get sets matching your rank/rr in gold bags now.
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Re: Patch Notes 9/02/18

Post#49 » Sat Feb 10, 2018 2:35 pm

"2000 RR for hours of sieging...."

Guys, am i the only one who gives a crap about the capping of the reward? Does that cap take away your fun in RvR?
Honestly, i dont get the complains. It doesnt sound like your PLAYING this game or enjoy yourselves when the shiny rewards dont meet your expectations. Sure its nice to get rewarded, but im certain that the ideas about the quantity of a reward varies greatly.
If the devs decide to set a cap... fine with me, it doesnt shorten my joy in any way.
Anyway, thats just my own opinion, yours may differ...
Lorekeeper Noergl Morgrimsfind & Sgt.Maj.Finvjer Hugnirsson
(Co-leader of 3rd Bitterstone Thunderers)

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Re: Patch Notes 9/02/18

Post#50 » Sat Feb 10, 2018 2:44 pm

Noergl wrote:"2000 RR for hours of sieging...."

Guys, am i the only one who gives a crap about the capping of the reward? Does that cap take away your fun in RvR?
Honestly, i dont get the complains. It doesnt sound like your PLAYING this game or enjoy yourselves when the shiny rewards dont meet your expectations. Sure its nice to get rewarded, but im certain that the ideas about the quantity of a reward varies greatly.
If the devs decide to set a cap... fine with me, it doesnt shorten my joy in any way.
Anyway, thats just my own opinion, yours may differ...
Allot of it is the fear of change
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