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Re: Contribution

Post#21 » Wed Mar 14, 2018 11:49 pm

xanderous wrote:
Aethilmar wrote:A question about the "cross-realming" contribution penalties:

Does the contribution take into account switching from the populated side to the lesser populated side? For example, if I start the day on my Order toons then notice that Destro is getting rolled due to a pop imbalance and I switch to Destro will that slow down (or even prevent) contribution for my Destro toons?
No you will just lose all contribution gained on the previous character and your new one will start from scratch.
What that means is that it's not just 'cross realming' - this will happen if you switch character on same side.

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Re: Contribution

Post#22 » Wed Mar 14, 2018 11:50 pm

Aurandilaz wrote:Question, how do you get contribution from attacking Siege Tools, if Ram blocks you 100% because you are magical dps? (sorc/BW)
Go wild with that staff AAs. Swing it hard.

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Re: Contribution

Post#23 » Thu Mar 15, 2018 12:17 am

Aurandilaz wrote:Question, how do you get contribution from attacking Siege Tools, if Ram blocks you 100% because you are magical dps? (sorc/BW)
Use your own siege to attack other siege. ;)

Posts: 572

Re: Contribution

Post#24 » Thu Mar 15, 2018 1:10 am

Sedok wrote:
Eh, I'm just worried we may see trends of people sitting at BOs for a bit, heading to keep to kill the siege weaponry, then dying to the Lord. Hopefully, I'm wrong.
Hate to burst your bubble, but plenty of people do this already (other than specifically dying to the lord, dunno what you mean there, are you implying they would lose to lord on purpose for some reason?). I don't see any activity on that list that I would be upset at seeing a realm mate doing so really don't see a problem.
Destro: Chompy, ShroomStew, TrollBlood, DoomBeast, DoomDoctor, DoomDisk, Doomshadow, FunkFoot, Bloodwell
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Re: Contribution

Post#25 » Thu Mar 15, 2018 4:47 am

So if a tank defends their guard damage, do they prevent contribution?

Don't know if it really matters just curious.

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Re: Contribution

Post#26 » Thu Mar 15, 2018 6:58 am

Natherul wrote:
Grolar wrote:
Kragg wrote:in short; play the game!
Play the game properly, yes. To encourage more players to play healers and tanks is a good thing. Far too many dps in game as it stands. GG \o/
Its more of a offset as tanks and healers get generally less kills. Looking at the data observed from locks its pretty even between tanks, healers and dps with this current system.
Nice , used to be a bit different

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Re: Contribution

Post#27 » Thu Mar 15, 2018 6:58 am

adamthelc wrote:So if a tank defends their guard damage, do they prevent contribution?

Don't know if it really matters just curious.
Its actually a really valid question as some tanks just are better at deflecting specific things then others. (Example some tanks have better Disrupt options which arn't negated by guard dmg while others have better Parry options which is. So by having higher disrupt you take more guard dmg but less direct dmg and therefor increase contribution if thats the case)

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Re: Contribution

Post#28 » Thu Mar 15, 2018 7:36 am

Hey m8, great work!

Does "defending" a BO also include "just holding it without any fight" or does it have to involve fighting to get any actual contribution?

Related to the whole RvR system: can we please disable teleporters? They can be exploited by xrealmers/people with a 2nd account just to sabotage the other faction.

Thanks again

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Re: Contribution

Post#29 » Thu Mar 15, 2018 7:52 am

If you actually can kill cross-realming cancer with some changes then this will be first good news in years.
Also kill nerfed buttons cancer.
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Re: Contribution

Post#30 » Thu Mar 15, 2018 8:02 am

Why would devs bother with putting effort to limit xrealming when it's certainly a community issue

It was brought tons of times
1. you can have any number of accounts so even faction lock wouldn't help
2. there have already been implemented various contribution loses when you xrealm
3. it's a playerbase issue
4. putting more workforce to alleviate this issue will needlessly delay new content/fixes
5. devs don't want to put hard faction lock on accounts because they want every player to have access to all content in the game (one faction per account theoretically limits half of the content available to player, but it can be bypassed with 1.)

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