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Kar Khadath Character Vacancies

Feel like burning like a bright wizard? Being as green as a gobbo? Robust like an Ironbreaker? Bloodthirsty like a witch elf? Feel free to speak as them here.
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Kar Khadath Character Vacancies

Post#1 » Fri Mar 30, 2018 12:27 pm


Are you interested in bringing your Dark Elf to life through character development and roleplay? Not sure where to start?

The Kar Khadath Regiment is an established Druchii guild, and is part of an alliance with Chaos (Tribes of Norsca) and Greenskins (Da Bloody Mugz).

We do all the things that you'd expect in RoR; RVR warbands, scenario groups, lairs, dungeon runs, and have our own Discord server which we use for voice comms and generic communication outside of the game.

We all share a love of Warhammer, and enjoy greater immersion through creating characters for our toons. As well as a weekly roleplay event which is part of the overall storyline of the guild and alliance, we also meet up for random RP and character progression sessions. It makes a great change of pace if you're sick of a run of bad scenarios!


It is our hope in Kar Khadath to represent as much of Dark Elf society as possible. As such we have some sub factions within the guild for those who want to be a part of this.

The Kar Khadath Coven subfaction incorporates sorceresses (and under some duress!) male sorcerers and takes care of arcane affairs.

The Lernean Cabal subfaction incorporates shades, spies, infiltrators, scouts, and assassins and is used for all our shady and sneaky business.

We are also trying to get a Khainite subfaction off the ground to give a better representation within the guild.


As such, character roles we're looking for include:
- Executioners
- Witch Elves
- Khainite Zealots
- Shades
- Assassins
- Spies
- Cold One Knights
- Sorceresses/sorcerers
- and of course, generic Dark Elf warriors and adventurers!

Fancy giving it a whirl? Look out for us in game for an invite, or take a look at our recruitment page for more info -



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