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[BO] 'mor hardcore

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[BO] 'mor hardcore

Post#1 » Thu Mar 01, 2018 3:07 am

In response to the recent post here viewtopic.php?f=95&t=25579. I have had some thought on this also (incredibly about 10 mins before i seen this posted up). I agree on the issue of 'Mor Hardcore being lackluster with having to spend 12 points into the mastery to select it, and to actually slot a tactic to use it, while granting unnecessary immunities.

I believe that this tactic was implemented to add to the effects of a big hulking Black Orc sending enemies flyin' everwhere on the battlefield and looking da bestest.

-My proposal, would be to keep 'Mor Hardcore sending the enemy flyin with those 2 abilities, but to reduce the immunity timer on the victims to 10 seconds.-

This I think still keeps the theme of the Black Orc sending his victims flyin' making him look 'mor hardcore, and to maybe make this 12 point tactic more viable as a cc.
CRUDE big boss! (Scrubs can lead too)
Yardpig- Black Orc

Posts: 2524

Re: [BO] 'mor hardcore

Post#2 » Thu Apr 19, 2018 6:38 pm

Immunity timers on punts are unlikely to be changed, especially that low. BOs already have an aoe kb for the purpose you describe, and I believe Torque is already looking at Mor Hardcore.
<Salt Factory>

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