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[WH/WE] Stealth reliability improvement

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Posts: 178

[WH/WE] Stealth reliability improvement

Post#1 » Sat Apr 21, 2018 2:33 am

Hello, I have noticed that there is a bit of fluff on how unreliable stealth is when in midst of the combat, and I would like to see this improve.

- Stealth build up gets pushed back and sometimes cancelled in midst of the battle.
- Stealth build up has a cast time that I feel like should not be interrupted that easily, you can rather sometimes just opt out to press AW to be more effective than restealth to pop up on someone as it seems like a gamble.
- If these issues are remedied by someway, it will make WH/WE class defining (one of them, as others are finisher/bullet/kiss systems) system more reliable and more usable in combat akin to charge or pounce to reposition in a battle.
- You sometimes just get brought out of stealth willy nilly by some random dot, which is mind you rather annoying.
- Stealth has limited time, has cooldown, has cast time and is unreliable as of now.
- WH/WE has a poor mobility compared to others par some 1337 self punts.

Solution 1:
- Make stealth cast always succeed and not be interrupted by normal direct dmg abilities. Only ones that have specific interrupt element in them should do this though. This makes enemy react to the fact you are trying to restealth.
- I would also want to add to this that dots just do not break the stealth, that simple. Sure they hurt your butt while you are in stealth but they should not bring you out of it, single target focused abilities and application of dots can bring you out though. This makes people to react to the fact they see you through stealth.

Solution 2:
- Make stealth always succeed (cast time), but have its duration lowered to fit a heated battle state where you can reposition yourself with before coming out of it. This is a solution I have sort of played with in mind, like have it be 5 seconds or such. (duration of when the cast has succeeded and stealth is active)
- You can be brought out of stealth only with knockdowns or stuns with this short of time available, prompting people to use reactive abilities again to bring you out of stealth, even though it is a short time.
- This solution would follow the first solutions dot fix.

These are my thoughts that have been sort of circling about in my head as of past weeks. They are in no way perfect and I would also want to have some discussion to be had about this. Because for example the Solution 2 would be rather disgusting for people who love solo gank roaming all over the place in stealth and also I would guess it would need some serious testing to be anywhere balanced enough. So improving stealth usage while in midst of the combat to have some mobility and survivability in combat with decent reliability would be the focus of this discussion.


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