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Current RVR state

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Posts: 3

Current RVR state

Post#1 » Mon May 07, 2018 5:49 pm

Is there a write-up for the current plans for RVR?

Almost every RVR fight I've been in for the past week has been a 8-12 hour slog. This is fun? Yesterday I was in DW for 5 hours and the server rebooted resetting everything. There doesn't seem to be much in the way of reward anymore, and everything has become just one continuous player-killing zerg from one end of the zone to the other. :cry:

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Re: Current RVR state

Post#2 » Mon May 07, 2018 5:54 pm

There are systems in place like draw timer which stops such a long fights (usually between 4-6hours per zone) but for now it is disabled so devs can force people to fight keep lords and adjust BO-lordHPregen ratio

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Re: Current RVR state

Post#3 » Mon May 07, 2018 6:09 pm

I'm agree whit you staying like 5h or more on 1 zone its juts not fun at all mainly when you get no reward after 5h ! sometimes its 1 week whitout a t4 zone where you get better rewards seal of the paragon are almost impossible to win when you need to stay in t2 or t3 zone for millions of hours. There is no map rotation du to the latest orvr system no compatible whit player population so far boring and repetitive.

Posts: 64

Re: Current RVR state

Post#4 » Mon May 07, 2018 6:16 pm

I agree it isn't fun but lets evaluate the actual game mechanic. Capture a keep and take 3 BOs and you lock the zone. Lose BOs during the keep fight and the lord difficulty increases. We can all agree this makes sense I hope right?

In the event of DW yesterday, Order had the ability to take that keep. I was in one of the WBs. The reason Order did not take the keep wasn't numbers (we were equal to destro) it was the willingness to work together. I can't count how many times Toq (myself), Solitair, and Chezyban tried to get the other 3 Warbands to try and go through the postern to flank and kill destro. The other warband leaders refused to not only communicate but to do anything but stand at the front of the keep and take morals to the face.

This isn't a development/game issue this is a player/leader issue. Order has completely sucked at any sort of organization. Yet Natherul comes along gets destro rolling and then steam rolls equal numbers. Order needs to work together. WAR is a realm based game (hence RvR and not PvP). The sooner people realize that the better, and if they refuse then they deserve to be roflstomped.

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Re: Current RVR state

Post#5 » Mon May 07, 2018 6:42 pm

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Re: Current RVR state

Post#6 » Mon May 07, 2018 6:57 pm

The draw timer would ago away eventually with introduction of forts. You can start to get used to the idea now.

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Re: Current RVR state

Post#7 » Mon May 07, 2018 7:38 pm

Yesterday i was in 3 Zones fighting with destro (Reik, Praag and Elves T2 i think). Every Zone was done in about 1 - 1,5 hours

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Re: Current RVR state

Post#8 » Mon May 07, 2018 9:46 pm

Primetime keep fights (especially today BC), get so damn laggy its impossible to push the keep without one side or both just lagging to death. Healing + casting anything becomes slowed down because it takes 1-5 second before the cast begins.
If the population is too high, keep capture ends often in stalemate from attacking unable to push against lag, or the defenders simply suicide rush rams which happens almost at every keep siege, either halting the attack or delaying it so much that it loses steam and defenders rally.
So campaigns stall and T4 is somewhat of a rare sight because how often the frontline just has stalled down in T2 T3 maps. (almost funny; my BW has 900 t2t3 green seals, 70 T4 purple seals...)

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Re: Current RVR state

Post#9 » Mon May 07, 2018 10:04 pm

Necrogoat wrote: Mon May 07, 2018 7:38 pm Yesterday i was in 3 Zones fighting with destro (Reik, Praag and Elves T2 i think). Every Zone was done in about 1 - 1,5 hours
Yes because destro dominated so far the orvr everywhere we had 4 wb up and order side 2 or 1 and a half normal to lock so many map like this but its not the subject. I'm talking about balanced fight.

To be back on the main subject

The draw time is way to long .

For me this I'ts just a clock fight when people are bored tired then a side can dominate and lock .

People playing morning or afternoon on orvr arnt able to lock a zone du the population. the orvr need to be more fluide so more lock more zone rotation .

Orvr was far more enjoyable postern locked funneling on doors but i'm agree lord was to easy to kill.

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Re: Current RVR state

Post#10 » Mon May 07, 2018 11:01 pm

Would be splendid if bo xp ticks in t4 were at least the same amount as t1 ones, instead of being a measly 50xp.

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