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Good Ideas for improving the Game.

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Posts: 5

Good Ideas for improving the Game.

Post#1 » Mon Jul 09, 2018 7:55 pm

I ll tell this as simple as i cant. Instead of making changes at skills and **** around every class , try to import the higher tier gears.
Trying to balance one thing and changing around every class, nerfing it to the ground with "balance" changes like chosen suffered or boosting others doesnt mean you fix something. YOU FIX ****. Im playing since day one and i love that game and the community in that realm and im sad to see that you take that way of "improving" it. Im realy sure that many of us here knew since start how the game was and we just wanted to play the game as it was.

I am aware of my bad language and all and this post is for some ******** devs( NOT ALL)

LET THE BANHAMMER FALL. Cheers Fellow players and have a nice whatever you do.

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Re: Good Ideas for improving the Game.

Post#2 » Mon Jul 09, 2018 7:56 pm


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