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[Chosen] Optimal build.

Chosen, Magus, Marauder, Zealot
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[Chosen] Optimal build.

Post#1 » Sun Jul 15, 2018 7:04 pm


I am kinda new to the game and it will be great if somebody help me to find out the most optimal and flexible build for Chosen (not 2H) and which stats i should concentrate on. I am mostly soloing RvR (not quiet skilled for Scenarios) but want to have fun with group in PvE as well. I have read a lot of posts about it but still can't find the answer.

Thanks for attention!

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Re: [Chosen] Optimal build.

Post#2 » Sun Jul 15, 2018 8:37 pm

Dunno if still viable as I've been out of the loop for quite long time but for PvE i'd go for some corruption/dread or corruption/discord build but for PvP I tried out and enjoyed the Tri-Spec Chosen (but I'm not sure I posted the correct one) for some time but I also enjoyed to tinker with builds (imagine me being a moron throwing stuff at a wall to see what sticks) but I find tri-spec to be the most flexible base for any SnB build as you can easily spec for either TR (Tzeentch's Reflection) or Oppression

As for stats - If you want to just be a tank - Wounds, Toughness, Armor and Resists are going to be your bread and butter.

If someone's more up-to-date (or has better memory) then go right ahead and correct me.


Posts: 32

Re: [Chosen] Optimal build.

Post#3 » Mon Jul 16, 2018 12:36 pm

you need mixed defenses tactic for snb

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Re: [Chosen] Optimal build.

Post#4 » Mon Jul 16, 2018 6:30 pm

Uthernor wrote: Sun Jul 15, 2018 7:04 pm I am kinda new to the game and it will be great if somebody help me to find out the most optimal and flexible build for Chosen (not 2H).
Sword and Shield builds are very utilitarian in RoR. Guard is your main responsibility and to do that, you will need defensive stats. You role in a group is to assist the main damage focus by controlling the field of battle all the while soaking up (avoiding) Guard damage so that your MDPS or Healers can survive focus. What I mean by controlling the field of battle is using your Dizzying Blow to slow kiting targets, using Tooth of Tz to increase damage output, using Downfall to stop players, using Repel to punt enemy tanks away from their Guarded players, etc. All the while, you are debuffing resists, adding Toughness to your group, and Heal debuffing the enemies within 30 feet of you.

The trick to being a good SnS tank is knowing when to use your CC and when not to. Handing out free CC immunities using Quake for no reason does not help the group, as does knocking down players who don't need knocking, etc.
Uthernor wrote: Sun Jul 15, 2018 7:04 pmWhich stats i should concentrate on.
As a defensive Specced Chosen running S&S, you will want to use a build like this: - Chosen

You did not provide your current level or Renown Rank, so I assumed 40/40+. I will also assume you have Ruin Gear.

With no talismans slotted in Ruin Gear, and slotting Rugged for Toughness, you should be around 600+ toughness. You want to get as close to 700 as you can get (for that gear/RR level), which means enough Toughness Talismans to hit a base of 700 without toughness aura. With Toughness aura you will be at around 800 which is good.

After that, you will want your Percent Chance to be Crit as close to zero as possible. You can slot the Tactic Flawless Armor for a -10% chance to be crit, and then slot 1-2 +21(or higher) Initiative talismans to decrease your % chance to be crit even further. Do not go below 0% until you are much higher RR. If you are at 0% chance to be crit without using Initiative talismans, you should slot Strength Talis of +21 or better. Strength helps land Punts and Knockdowns. You need around 500 Strength to assure consistent Punts and KD.

At 40/40+ your Renown Points at the renown trainer should all be spent on the following in this order:

Reflexes: increases % chance to Parry
Block: increase Block chance
Deft Defender: Dodge and Disrupt chance increase

Assuming you are rank 40, you will have 40 points to spend. As such, I recommend you take 3 levels of Reflexes for +12% parry, 4 levels of Block for 10% more Block, and 3 levels of Deft Defender for 12% increased chance to Dodge or Disrupt. With Ruin Gear and a decent shield, you should be at around 18% to Block all damage - including Guard damage.

Your main survivability defensive stat as a Chosen is going to be Parry. With Renown points, you sit at ~12% to Parry. To increase this, you need to use attack Suppression on cool down ( +25% chance to parry for 15 seconds with a 10 second Cooldown) as well as have Mixed Defenses tactic slotted so that every time you Block an attack, you gain another 25% chance to parry for 5 seconds (thus why we like high block on this build). Base 62% chance to parry (without any other modifiers when everything aligns) is damn good.

Use Quake as an Anti Kiting tool mainly. Quaking the backlines does give a 3 second window with no heals (assuming you get all the heals and none else had DoT on the healers) but I have found that using it to stagger a fleeing Shammy or kiting Magus so that my MDPS can catch up is a very useful way to go. Again, use Quake sparingly as you do not want to hand out free immunities.
Uthernor wrote: Sun Jul 15, 2018 7:04 pmI am mostly soloing RvR (not quite skilled for Scenarios) but want to have fun with group in PvE as well. I have read a lot of posts about it but still can't find the answer.
Again, you did not include your level or Renown Rank in your post. If you are below 40/40+, it doesn't much matter in all honesty. Your best bet, pre 40, is to join PuG Scenario, GUARD MDPS and stay with them, use the tools you have to help punt tanks away from the guy you are killing, knock down healers so mdps/rdps can burn them down.. but most importantly, use GUARD.

As to your "not quite being skilled enough for SCs" that's where you learn and perfect the art. Do Not Shy Away from SCs at any level. PuG SCs are great low-pressure training grounds for organized play. You will never acquire the skills if you do not practice.

Hope this helps.

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Re: [Chosen] Optimal build.

Post#5 » Mon Jul 16, 2018 8:00 pm

Thanks for all the answers! I just started to play and such helpful and informational replies are great help for me.

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Re: [Chosen] Optimal build.

Post#6 » Mon Jul 16, 2018 8:55 pm

Uthernor wrote: Mon Jul 16, 2018 8:00 pm Thanks for all the answers! I just started to play and such helpful and informational replies are great help for me.
My reply doesn't carry much weight until level 40. Until then, find the best gear you can get with Toughness > Wounds > Strength in that order of importance. Use [Guard] and move [Guard] around your party as different players get focused. Stay in range and follow the main dps target (if guarding a dps) for debuffs, snare, and tooth applications. If guarding a healer, taunt the attacker to decrease damage output. Snare/knockdown, punt away the attacker so you healer can move away and recover.

As a tank, you should download the Addon GES. It helps to let the party know who you are guarding and allows visual cues for finding your Guarded player and monitoring their health.

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Re: [Chosen] Optimal build.

Post#7 » Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:25 pm

dragot wrote: Mon Jul 16, 2018 12:36 pm you need mixed defenses tactic for snb
Thanks a bunch. Forgot about that.

Posts: 32

Re: [Chosen] Optimal build.

Post#8 » Tue Jul 17, 2018 12:43 pm

Luuca wrote: Mon Jul 16, 2018 6:30 pm Heal debuffing the enemies within 30 feet of you.
auras apply on enemys from 17 feet, dont know why.

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Re: [Chosen] Optimal build.

Post#9 » Tue Jul 17, 2018 3:29 pm

dragot wrote: Tue Jul 17, 2018 12:43 pm
Luuca wrote: Mon Jul 16, 2018 6:30 pm Heal debuffing the enemies within 30 feet of you.
auras apply on enemys from 17 feet, dont know why.

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Re: [Chosen] Optimal build.

Post#10 » Tue Jul 17, 2018 4:40 pm

I dunno mate i rock a chosen and solo with it at times. Downside is i do hit a on the low end of damage so sometimes things get away... but hey if they run that means ya won.

Gear wise i like full conc with enough armour talies to make ya sit at 100% with a pot, then i fill the rest in with Toughness tallies, and I run with 4 fleshrender rings with the healthregen. the other pot I use is a Toughness pot to bring it up to about 640; this seems tough enough for me and i don't use the tactic. I run with the Auras Corrupting retribution for that regen, Discordant instability for resists, and Dreadfull agony to add to the fluff damage.

RR points i reduce my chance to be crit, and get my initi up to 260, then i spend up on deft defender for dodge and disrupt. Then I go some str.

Build wise I do this - Chosen

It aint fancy but you do enough backlash type damage to melt some squishies real quick, I keep seeping wound ticking and put touch of palsy on em if they moving around a bit, followed by the ravage spam. If ya getting hit a bit more than you like then oppression and suppression are the first moves to go. Running in this build you will more than likely die when ya get outnumbered, but like i said you will take about 5-10 mins to kill/walk away from a fellow tank, and those WH and WL end up running from ya.
But you can still be great in a group.
CRUDE big boss! (Scrubs can lead too)
Yardpig- Black Orc

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