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Prevention of faction swapping

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Posts: 125

Prevention of faction swapping

Post#1 » Fri Jul 20, 2018 4:39 am

I know a big issue with balancing the playerbase is that many players will jump ship if their faction is losing and get on an alt on the other faction. I suggest and option in the character select window to "activate" a faction, locking you out of using the other faction for 24 hours (maybe with a countdown timer). After that 24 hours is up that player can either continue to play that faction or hit the switch to play the other faction, incurring another 24 hour lockout timer.

Posts: 2524

Re: Prevention of faction swapping

Post#2 » Fri Jul 20, 2018 4:48 am

Not a balance topic. But since we're here: this has been discussed previously. It's really not worth implementing. Plenty of people play both factions and there's little proof that players hop to the winning side or that it swings fights. Additionally, what's to stop people from simply creating a second account when they want to play another faction? Consider it an "always no" unless you hear otherwise from a member of the dev/GM staff.
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