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Dwarf Warband every WEDNESDAY, 8pm Altdorftime

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Re: [Video Up from 06.06] Dwarf Warband every WEDNESDAY 8pm Altdorftime

Post#211 » Wed Jun 13, 2018 10:20 am


Tonight we march!

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Re: Dwarf Warband every WEDNESDAY 8pm Altdorftime

Post#212 » Thu Jun 28, 2018 8:02 am

Yesterday was pretty hard, but good fighting in Praag.
Heavy use of Concussive Mines and Barbed Wire withe the Snare Tactic ensured some slowed down Casters in the Backline. ;)

We had 24 Dwarfs with 3 solid 2-2-2 groups and an "Expendable Group" which consists of a ragtag of Dwarfs without heal.
So we had for the 3 solid groups:

6 IB
3 EN
3 SL
6 RP

And then on the Expendable Group:

6 EN

I would usually call that the Sniper Group, except we had them fitted for close combat AoE. ;)

So for the Future we need two more Ironbreakers and two more Runepriests for the warband.
Putting then some of the Engis in the Dwarf Overflow Group.

If you want to support the Dwarfs War Effort please give me a call in Discord, here or PM me.
If you have a not so often played Runi give us also a call. Bathing in purple rain will make him strong soon.

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Re: Need 2 IB, 2 RP for Dwarf Warband every WEDNESDAY

Post#213 » Wed Jul 04, 2018 11:07 pm


From this Wednesday 04.08.2018.

Orkni the Slayer was promoted from Recruit to Warrior.

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Re: Need 2 IB, 2 RP for Dwarf Warband every WEDNESDAY

Post#214 » Fri Jul 06, 2018 6:47 pm

Well done, Orkni
Sergeant-Major Drengk Burloksson, RR 85 Sniper
Hulfdan Irongrip, RR 81 Ironbreaker
Rordin Brightrune, RR 70 Runepriest
Proud Founder of the 3rd Bitterstone Thunderers

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Re: Need 2 IB, 2 RP for Dwarf Warband every WEDNESDAY

Post#215 » Mon Jul 09, 2018 8:24 am


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Re: Need 2 IB, 2 RP for Dwarf Warband every WEDNESDAY

Post#216 » Wed Jul 18, 2018 2:07 pm


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Re: Need 2 IB, 2 RP for Dwarf Warband every WEDNESDAY

Post#217 » Tue Jul 24, 2018 10:10 am


This Wednesday we march again!

Usually we attract quite a number of Engineers and some Slayers. But for a working Warband we need of course Ironbreakers and Runepriests. Be them of of any level above 16.

For the past weeks we run a solid 12-18 Dwarfs in 3 groups with a 2/2/2 Setup. The 4th Group is something like the "Expendables" Group. ;)
So for the 4th Group we need more IBs and RPs.
Also for the new lads who want to hop in and have a look; We don't spread the Healers on the 4 parties evenly. We build first 2 or 3 solid parties with two healers before putting healers on the next party.

We don't do this to hog the healers for guild players or anything but to strengthen the Warband Core. 1 Healer in each Party is not helpfull to survive in any RvR Enviroment.

Also please be on time to the Warband. I form the Core Groups at 08:05 pm. If you aren't there you can be only switched in at the 09:00 pm Beer Break. If there is place you will of course get into the warband in the 4th Group.

If you need more information please ask here, or join the Bitterstone discord and ask there in the #Wednesday-Warband Channel:

Rule No.1
STAY on the Warbandleader. AT ALL TIMES. No Goblin chasing, no checking out your quests, no spying in the Keep.
We do a break after 1 hour usually at 9pm. Until then you are near me. And I'm on Balin the Runepriest.

Rule No.2
DON'T RELEASE on your own. Wait till I give the Command. We have usually an Ally Warband nearby to rezz our Healers and then we get combat ready.

Rule No.3
DON'T RETREAT. If we die split up it take ages to regroup if half of us respawn in keep, some in Warcamp and some in PVE. It is RvR, we will get whiped or overrun. Don't shame your ancestors and flee.

We don't enforce Builds, but are in need of some basics for the Warband to generate Synergies.
Engineer Specific Tactics Selection is usually done at the Warband building.

@Ironbreakers and Engineers:
Collect +Moral Jewels, Belt and Cape. If you reach something like +14 in extra Moral builduptime it is good. Yes, you need to remove your Genesis Jewels and Beastlord Cape to equip them. But we go into RvR and not Small Scale. A Warband moral buildup and synchronous drop is more important than +40 BS on one Dwarf even if that Dwarf is you.
As a dwarven Warband we don't have access to Moral Pumps or Drains, so we need to generate it on our own through our gear.

Please equip Hand Weapon and Shield. We have usually Plenty of DPSs Dwarfs Available. We need some Tough Ironbreakers to protect them.

Any Build Accepted. Be it pure Heal, ST DPS or whatever. Even if ye are medicore DPS you will at least keep yourself alive. ;)
Also we are looking for for an AoE Heal Debuff Runepriest. - Runepriest
For that you need high Renown and some extra Magical Critical items and Renown Skills.

Preferabely AoE specced with the ever Usefull shatter Limbs.
Make sure to be near your Ironbreaker at all times.

RvR is AoE Country. So make sure you have some Tinkerer Power up to your Keg, or be a full Grenadier or Tinkerer.
We will be fighting in the Frontline so having a squishy High DPS build is good, but not TOO Squishy. So 'Fighting chance' is off the table as we can't keep you alive in any Funnel situation.
More Specific Engi Tactics at the Warband build phase.

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Re: Need 2 IB, 2 RP for Dwarf Warband every WEDNESDAY

Post#218 » Wed Jul 25, 2018 9:18 pm


Thanks all for joining today lads.
Hard fighting, sweet victories.

Please make sure to get yer +Moral Gear for the next Wednesday.

Posts: 102

Re: Need 2 IB, 2 RP for Dwarf Warband every WEDNESDAY

Post#219 » Thu Jul 26, 2018 5:19 am

Good job dwarfs last night ! Was good fighting ,
Now go back to the pub and drink till your next event .

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Re: Need 2 IB, 2 RP for Dwarf Warband every WEDNESDAY

Post#220 » Mon Jul 30, 2018 10:29 am


This Wednesday we march again! As every Grobidamned Wednesday in the past. :)

Last weeks Group composition was great. Lots of IBs, and Runis. DPS Engis and Slayers in between.
But there is always room to improve.

So grab yer axe and shield and join us this Wednesday.
And if you are at it, search also for some +Moral Gear as we don't have any Moral Pumps in our Setup.
More Ideas on your Equipment look here: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=23459&start=210#p311590

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