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Reduce defence in general

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Posts: 29

Reduce defence in general

Post#1 » Fri Aug 24, 2018 2:32 pm

At the moment the Game is really focused on defense/survivability.
it happens to hit as WH a Zealot and 3/4 or even 4/5 of dmg gets mitigated. whats the poiont on playing WH or any solo dps class in the game then ? or my alternative option is to always join warbands/ scen groups and run round? as it happens many times i run solo due to guild/alliance lack of people. i do target the soft armor classes but they are tankier than tanks nowadays.

Please lower the defenses in general so people will focus on their role (healers becoming healers than tanks with some minimal heal. etc etc)

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Re: Reduce defence in general

Post#2 » Fri Aug 24, 2018 2:54 pm

Far too vague, anecdotal examples and not following the correct format as per balance regulations/guidelines.


I would suggest that you ask in the class subforums if you are seeking advice on how to deal with specific classes as a WH.

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