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BW or Sorc?

Knight of the Blazing Sun, Bright Wizard, Witch Hunter, Warrior Priest
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Posts: 39

BW or Sorc?

Post#1 » Mon Aug 27, 2018 5:42 pm

Hello I'm about to roll a rdps and i'm wondering which class between bw or sorc is better for solo and the biggest differences about these 2 classes.

I'm not going to solo all the time, im going to be in warband for orvr, but when get bored I would like to go for some kills alone, so would like to pick the best solo-suited classes of the two (i know these are not designed for solo)


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Re: BW or Sorc?

Post#2 » Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:21 pm

Neither class is suited for solo play.
The majority of solo roamer are WH/WEs and both can negate magic damage for 7 seconds. That's 6 seconds longer than it would take them to kill you.
Both classes have an almost identical single target rotation. So it all comes down to looks/animations/vfx.
BW is more enjoyable.

If you're looking for a solo-ish magic class then Archmage or Magus are better choices.

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Re: BW or Sorc?

Post#3 » Mon Aug 27, 2018 7:02 pm

BW all the way.
I got rr78 sorc and rr74 BW, the BW is better both at ST and at AoE specs, has self cleanse, has self armour buff, has M2 dmg morale, doesnt get pounced by a herd of White Lions from 65ft, gets access to Flashfire (allowing you to cast longer spells with -50% casttime), can access ranged Knockdown, gets so much more AoE dmg with all possible extra juicy tactics and Funnel Power... yeah and less used stuff like AoE knockback at demand, or even Healdebuff if feeling like it - or even get maybe best ranged M4 in-game, Burning Head if feeling like for it.
sure, someone will come and say, "sorc gets to debuff ST spirit and most of their ST rotation is spirit", yeh sure, maybe Sorc can get 10-15% more dmg out of their ST rotation.
Rest of everything is then stacked in BWs favour. :)

edit, both suck at solo, don't go through the pain of that....

Posts: 181

Re: BW or Sorc?

Post#4 » Mon Aug 27, 2018 9:39 pm

I would go for sorc. BW may be better 1v1(arguably) but order as a whole tend to be both worse players and run fewer melee and more squishy classes. You'll kill more people on desto side.

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Re: BW or Sorc?

Post#5 » Mon Aug 27, 2018 9:50 pm

Sorc is better solo-wise, more self healing, better frontloaded single target burst, more ranged "safe" aoe skills for wb usage.

If you want to go solo, honestly, roll magus/engineer or sh/sw - every one of those can be seriously potent as solo roamers and do well in every aspect of rvr/sc when played well. And, the most important stuff - doesn't require healers close.

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