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Feedback for latest Patchnotes

Post#1 » Sun Dec 23, 2018 11:00 am

Dear Devteam,
first of all, i want to thank you for all your good work here. Me and my Guild really enjoy the game you provide for free.
Sadly i need to write you after i saw latest Patch and its little hidden weekly. I enjoy the Ideas of dailys/weeklys like in other mmorpgs. I also think its great if Players are forced to do PVE to get Sentinel equip for example. But the rewards for this weekly cant be serious. I like the Epic gems, but arent they one Step in a Direction this Realm wanted to avoid? the Powergap is getting bigger. And nobody ive talked to in my Guild thinks its nice to farm the Dungeon weekly just so we all have that gem geared when queuing.
Personally i cant find words how frustrating this is for me. In my opinion it would be much better if you could earn that gem Permanent, which will be less frustrating for casuals, and pve-haters (me not included here fyi) like the Sentinel jewelry for example. Its a mediocre effort for big reward. Which at least wont despawn after 7 days. At least all Ppl i have talked to in my Guild seem to share this opinion. I hope you will check it out and maybe consider some other solutions for this.
Friendly greetings, Ganja.

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Re: Feedback for latest Patchnotes

Post#2 » Sun Dec 23, 2018 11:09 am

Not everyone is going to put in the time to earn it. This is expected, and was considered when things were put together. It's a temporary reward for a difficult task and really not intended to farm on a weekly basis. But if you're really so inclined to do so, it's there for you. Depends on what you want out of the game. Some people need more incentive than others.
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Re: Feedback for latest Patchnotes

Post#3 » Sun Dec 23, 2018 12:44 pm

If you don't have the gem slotted do your guild members explode? oO

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Re: Feedback for latest Patchnotes

Post#4 » Sun Dec 23, 2018 4:07 pm

Once people complete this set, they will have a incentive to still help out other guild mates acquire theirs also... so I see this carrot and stick ... so people who acquire first are even less inclined to abandon those who are behind.

Will be alot of effort for multi characters but multi character people are not the norm :lol:

Personally im fine with how it is in its current form... but maybe if decay was longer like 10-14 D... and the power was slightly less (but still useful) could of been a alternative choice as i think some people will feel forced to do pve to get potential BIS (alot of casualness / hate for pve in this game)

I've done 5 gunbads in a week so its no biggy to me if motivated :lol:

Ultimately its a extra choice, and it won't be that difficult to acquire once people are more experienced with dungeon and more players are warded in general in a few months. So it is what it is, if intended as bonus then cool... will make the content be used atleast 8-)
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Re: Feedback for latest Patchnotes

Post#5 » Sun Dec 23, 2018 6:59 pm

The idea isn't bad at all, it encourages people to keep doing the dungeon once they have completed their Sentinel set.

The problem is that the Redeye requirement scares most people away way before even getting to that point. Last time i did BE/BB i waited 4hrs to find others, then the group got tired and went in with 5.
They done stole my character's names. Can't have **** in RoR.

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Re: Feedback for latest Patchnotes

Post#6 » Sun Dec 23, 2018 7:17 pm

Nefarian78 wrote: Sun Dec 23, 2018 6:59 pm The idea isn't bad at all, it encourages people to keep doing the dungeon once they have completed their Sentinel set.

The problem is that the Redeye requirement scares most people away way before even getting to that point. Last time i did BE/BB i waited 4hrs to find others, then the group got tired and went in with 5.

Yesterday there was 50 people in dungeons and 250 people in open T4 zone. So somebody is doing it.

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Re: Feedback for latest Patchnotes

Post#7 » Sun Dec 23, 2018 7:38 pm

the issue is... there is a backlog of players to be warded, because before there was no incentive so majority of people couldn't be bothered before... so now there is a incentive people are slowly going through the grapevine and getting warded... so every week that passes the amount of warded players grows and improves the player pool / chance of finding a pick up team (which of course will be hard, its why i recommend guilds or alliances of small guilds together so its easier to pick a date and time in advance, instead of spam lfg and pray... but thats personal choice)

just need to give it 2 months aprox before the backlog of players catches up and the player pool will grow over 100%... the bigger the player pool more chance for random LFG...
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Re: Feedback for latest Patchnotes

Post#8 » Sun Dec 23, 2018 7:56 pm

while I don't agree with the ring per se, because it's in fact the definition of powercreep (standalone piece, has a tali slot which provides better stats than current BIS 4pcs boni + providing lotsa stats on it's own) I also wonder what ppl wish as designed content.

when you read through the forums:

gunbad was a fail (3 runs)(set usuable as 3pcs combination for certain classes in certain NON pve situations)

PQ22 crap (~3 warband sessions)

RvR redesign garbage (lootsystem totally away from performance benchmark with loading dice mechanic; I mean you can permanently play like trash and still get loot and finish high tier sets in sub a week)

Sentinel unobtainable because wards (again 3 gunbad runs lol)

and it seems like it's every week the wrong pug scenario (other games just have a ranked q and no normal mode, especially not something where you can obtain the same amount of currency / rewards)

I mean, lucky me I'm not a content designer here, but damn that sounds like a trash tier job.

investing 2 hours for a tali if you have 8 hours per week playtime isn't maybe a wise decision.
investing 2 hours for a tali if you have 20 hours or more per week playtime is maybe a wise decision, maybe that's the part were "ELITIST" and "pugger" seperate.

3rd BT is a very layed back guild, check there excel, they play with one arm behind there back cause racial roleplay, and still manage to get there stuff sorted in more than reasonable timeframe, and no, I don't imply they are trash guild that way, I just state how it is, cause if they would run more efficient combitnations they would probably clearout way more IDs / week. (maybe it's also just PvE LUL attitude like in aprox 30% of our guild; some will just start to sort out stuff after xmas)
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Re: Feedback for latest Patchnotes

Post#9 » Sun Dec 23, 2018 9:32 pm

Gunbad has been out essentially for a year now. Backlog on people in Redeye gear is a tough sell for me. People were happy to do RvR, feel free to do RvR. Forts will be coming soon and yet another step of gear for people to acquire that doesn't involve in PvE.
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Re: Feedback for latest Patchnotes

Post#10 » Sun Dec 23, 2018 11:17 pm


First Sentinel Groups ready for the runs in week 1 in 2019.
And ofc these arent all Bitterstone Members.

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