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Feedback for latest Patchnotes

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In this section you can give feedback and share your opinions on what should be changed for the Return of Reckoning Project. Before posting please make sure you read the Rules and Posting Guidelines to increase the efficiency of this forum.
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Re: Feedback for latest Patchnotes

Post#11 » Mon Dec 24, 2018 1:42 pm

Im not quite sure ppl got my point. I think its nice if ppl need to work through redeye and sentinel to get those gems. Not a biggie for me if wanted. The point discouraging me is that part of the progress i will have worked for (and with current redeye/sent state sent accesory and gem are the ONLY interesting gear for me in dngs) will dissappear after just a week. Premades who reign non isha scs will be even harder to kill for more casual people. I just think its another step towards overpowered elitists wrecking anything else like ive seen it in WAR live vids. Next i dont see a point in crying beyond any Feedback Post how hard beeing a Dev must be. This post originally had NO intention to do any harm, just wanted to to what this Topic is for, giving Feedback. I also dont see why ppl bring up the missing Redeye of others and Roleplay-dwarfs here, which both had nothing to do with my oridinal Post. Ive discussed Patchnotes in guild, many of us felt that way and i wanted to give report. I enjoy Pve, i enjoy beeing rewarded for it. But not like this on a weekly base.
Btw, merry christmas to all of you celebrating it. =)

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Re: Feedback for latest Patchnotes

Post#12 » Mon Dec 24, 2018 1:47 pm

If you don't enjoy it don't do it.

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Re: Feedback for latest Patchnotes

Post#13 » Mon Dec 24, 2018 2:27 pm

So if elitist can get it you cant? I am solo player without guild after Phalanx left game. If I want something I will rather try organize groups then complain how something is hard. I did gunbad in 2 weeks, I had always look for group and ppls. Now we have city dungeon grp who is running every 4 days.
Playerbase is small and if we dont need do city dungeons weekly in few months it will be hard to find group for everyone, especially those who waiting to get invited.

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Re: Feedback for latest Patchnotes

Post#14 » Mon Dec 24, 2018 2:31 pm

it also leads ppl to roll main toons more often.
i don't think i can afford more than 2 toons for weekly quests.
have to pick main toon with cool jewel or play many alts with -3%/-20 -ish less stat than BiS.
maybe that's big in 6vs6 cage fight.
though it's not much in big orvr. just bring 1 more cannon podder and gear gap is gone :D
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