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Feedback - Xrealming.

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Feedback - Xrealming.

Post#1 » Sat Mar 02, 2019 9:49 pm

This thing needs a 24 hours lockout timer, so if you switch from one faction to another... you're locked for 24 hours.
And when you click on another factions toon to login, you get a warning about the 24 hour lockout.

I've raised this question in a few channels and there seem to be quiet a few people that
really hates what active and unpenalized Xrealming does.
For example, you can have 4-5 warbands defending a keep, and when things goes bad
and you see the other side start to win, suddenly you start hearing about warbands losing
alot of players .. apparently to Xrealmers that loggs onto the other faction in "order" to get the freenown.

There needs to be a penalty in terms of a 24 hour lock for switching factions on this server.

Anyone who's against it, is quiet obvious a Xrealming who wants to keep their freenown by switching.

Posts: 35

Re: Feedback - Xrealming.

Post#2 » Sat Mar 02, 2019 10:47 pm

A few months ago they implemented a one-hour lockout but I don't know if that's still in game

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Re: Feedback - Xrealming.

Post#3 » Sat Mar 02, 2019 10:49 pm

Oh god, another x-realm whine post.

1. The x-realm you refer almost does not exist. Only marginal minorty actually is doign that, and them switching sides does not effect population nor outcome in RvR.

2. You do not contribute the fact, that maybe most people leaving game for other stuff or just log off out of boredom or just dont want to "lose" anymore when population shifts. You do not contrubute the fact, that there are players who live in different timezone than you or cant play long or at certain time or has other resonsibilities.

3. Why would you force people to play for side that while getting keep locks, get literally nothing from fights and kills? Or the fact that often there is nothing to fight and you can maybe get 1 kill per hour?

4. What if i log my 1 toon to find out few minutes later, that my faction has no aao and all my friends/guildies log other side, and now i cant play with them because some stupid lockout?

5. Why do players needs to be punished for wanting to have fights and dislike zerging?

I strongly disagree with you and hope nobody would heed your suggestion for this porposal. Not everyone is a realmhero or a zerger like you. Some of us wants to pvp in a pvp game and not pve empty keeps. You do you, but dont you assert your tinfoil hat conspiracies about x-realm on other players.
Wasnotme Corazon Jizo Jeorr Ilzen

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Posts: 62

Re: Feedback - Xrealming.

Post#4 » Sun Mar 03, 2019 1:41 pm

Saftdryck wrote: Sat Mar 02, 2019 10:49 pm Oh god, another x-realm whine post.
1. The x-realm you refer almost does not exist. Only marginal minorty actually is doign that, and them switching sides does not effect population nor outcome in RvR.
Xrealming DOES exist, and should be penalized.
2. You do not contribute the fact, that maybe most people leaving game for other stuff or just log off out of boredom or just dont want to "lose" anymore when population shifts. You do not contrubute the fact, that there are players who live in different timezone than you or cant play long or at certain time or has other resonsibilities.
Being in a different timezone is not the same as quitting your team and joining the enemies when your side is losing.
3. Why would you force people to play for side that while getting keep locks, get literally nothing from fights and kills? Or the fact that often there is nothing to fight and you can maybe get 1 kill per hour?
It's called fighting for your side, not only when the sun shines, but also when it rains.
4. What if i log my 1 toon to find out few minutes later, that my faction has no aao and all my friends/guildies log other side, and now i cant play with them because some stupid lockout?
God forbid if you can't fight without AAO, what on earth will you do ?!.
5. Why do players needs to be punished for wanting to have fights and dislike zerging?
By disliking zergs but promoting Xrealming, you're obviously not against joining the zerg.. so you want to
have the option to switch sides to always be on the zerg-side... coolio´- thanks for making my point.
I strongly disagree with you and hope nobody would heed your suggestion for this porposal. Not everyone is a realmhero or a zerger like you. Some of us wants to pvp in a pvp game and not pve empty keeps. You do you, but dont you assert your tinfoil hat conspiracies about x-realm on other players.
What's so wrong about having loyalty to your realm.. isn't that what Warhammer is about ?.
You pick a side and you stay with it through thick and thin.. or are you a turncoat that always
abbandon your brothers if the wind blows in a direction not in your favor ?.

Posts: 493

Re: Feedback - Xrealming.

Post#5 » Sun Mar 03, 2019 1:54 pm

Oh god, not this again
Inb4 lock

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Re: Feedback - Xrealming.

Post#6 » Sun Mar 03, 2019 2:09 pm

From a dirty 6-man PoV:

1) You log onto one realm
2) You notice that your realm is zerging
3) You log onto other realm so as to even out the numbers, and get some fights

If this were to be penalised in any way via hefty lockouts, then there will be very little incentive to play in a 6-man if there is risk of half of your squad incurring a debilitating lockout timer.

Loyalty to your realm is a great thing, and noone is suggesting otherwise! However, to presuppose that the issue with RvR pop imbalance is down to x-realming is disingenuous: while it may have a part to play (a very, very small part - still yet to see evidence of xrealming on such a huge scale as is purported to be the case), the main fault lies in those who are content with their realm dominating the opposing realm via number disparity; those who take no measures whatsoever to try and level out the playing field. I can think of maybe two warband guilds who have ever tried to fix balance issues by swapping onto the outnumbered side.

Aside: why do we dismiss the possibility that, upon losing in a Keep defence/siege, people simply log out and go to bed? Could this have anything whatsoever to do with these sudden changes in population (as we have seen, people give up very, very easily in this game). Is it too far-fetched of an explanation?

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Re: Feedback - Xrealming.

Post#7 » Sun Mar 03, 2019 3:28 pm

Diggot wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2019 1:41 pm
Saftdryck wrote: Sat Mar 02, 2019 10:49 pm

Xrealming DOES exist, and should be penalized.

No one dissputed the existence of x-realming. I disputed, that the x-realming you think exist does not. It should not be ever penalized. Who the hell are you to dictate how others should play and enjoy this game? The level of your ego is baffling.

Being in a different timezone is not the same as quitting your team and joining the enemies when your side is losing.

People dont join enemies when they quit, they just quit. Those that do, are so small in numbers, their actions do not affect rvr or realm at all. You just try to justify your own shortcomings, lack of skill and understanding of reality by shifting blame to x-realm

It's called fighting for your side, not only when the sun shines, but also when it rains.

Majority do not care about any of that, they just want to pvp and have fun. For most zerging 1 soloer and afking rest of the time at BO is not why they came to play Warhammer. Like i said you do you.

God forbid if you can't fight without AAO, what on earth will you do ?!.

I cant. Nobody cant. Know why? Because there is nothing and no one to fight. You are really dense aren't you?

By disliking zergs but promoting Xrealming, you're obviously not against joining the zerg.. so you want to
have the option to switch sides to always be on the zerg-side... coolio´- thanks for making my point.

Yes im all for it, if that's what people want to do. I may not like it and cannot comprehend, how you could enjoy playing like that by shifting to "winning" and/or "zerging" side.Yet i will defend their right to play as they please

What's so wrong about having loyalty to your realm.. isn't that what Warhammer is about ?.
You pick a side and you stay with it through thick and thin.. or are you a turncoat that always
abbandon your brothers if the wind blows in a direction not in your favor ?.

Nothing wrong by having " realm pride" even tho it's so 2009. And no, that's not what Warhammer is about. How did you come for such weird idea? Silly...
Favourlable winds for me is fighting for the losing side and actually having fights and something to kill. Lots to kill. Unfavourlable situations are, when scenarios are popping 1 per hour and we or i cannot find anyone to fight in RvR, thus we log off or switch sides.

Like i asked, who the hell are you to enforce your bullshit views how should people play this game? I rather have people the freedom to choose and enjoy however they want to play this game. Also, even if a lockout would be applied, they can be avoided by having multiple accounts. Or will you next try to dictate IP adress lockouts?
Wasnotme Corazon Jizo Jeorr Ilzen

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Re: Feedback - Xrealming.

Post#8 » Sun Mar 03, 2019 4:45 pm

Its funny how this guy says "xrealming is bad because zerg" but then completely misses the point that xrealming allows people to switch off of zerg side and actually create an opposition to fight.

This game is about fighting, thats what everyone wants to do.

Nobody enjoys AFKing at Battle Objectives and having nothing to fight.
Orkni 85+ (in-game Grock is not me...)

Posts: 89

Re: Feedback - Xrealming.

Post#9 » Sun Mar 03, 2019 5:07 pm

in my modest opinion, x-realm:
>is just another important upgrade made to an old game called "xpto vs 0.1"

Posts: 371

Re: Feedback - Xrealming.

Post#10 » Sun Mar 03, 2019 5:10 pm

really liked idea of rewarding those who relog on underdog, but it seems bugged

logged on underdog, got bufff, enter rvr lake - lost buff and contribution from other side

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