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Feedback on Gunbad drops

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Posts: 55

Feedback on Gunbad drops

Post#1 » Thu Apr 04, 2019 4:45 pm

I've been running Gunbad on a few tanks to get them the redeye set which is an amazing set. And i am hugely disappointed. Running the entire Gunbad (left middle and right wings) on 3 different tanks and seeing the DPS get the loot bags EVERY time 100% of the time, with healers and tanks having no contribution to get a loot rolls is absolutely retarded. Completely unsatisfied with this and incredibly demoralizing to play the tanks i really want to love and enjoy when i can't get the gold loot bags while a DPS gets gold bags on EVERY pq finish.
Last edited by Goldenbow100 on Thu Apr 04, 2019 9:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Feedback on Gunbad drops

Post#2 » Thu Apr 04, 2019 9:18 pm

Ask them to opt out?

Posts: 55

Re: Feedback on Gunbad drops

Post#3 » Thu Apr 04, 2019 9:26 pm

Not only does the opt out feature bug 70% of the time and not even work, thats not a viable solution because the second dps would then just drop it on contribution. It doesn't make sense to give DPS (the biggest population in the game) the highest contribution when it takes a team of 6 to do these dungeons, and the contribution should be equal across the board and be completely RNG random roll dependent. I don't want to spend 2 hours a day to maybe sort of possibly find a group for gunbad, only to run every single wing and not get a single roll on the bags because DPS (who don't work ANY more hard than a healer or a tank) gets all the loot.

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Re: Feedback on Gunbad drops

Post#4 » Thu Apr 04, 2019 10:48 pm

Goldenbow100 wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2019 9:26 pm Not only does the opt out feature bug 70% of the time and not even work, thats not a viable solution because the second dps would then just drop it on contribution. It doesn't make sense to give DPS (the biggest population in the game) the highest contribution when it takes a team of 6 to do these dungeons, and the contribution should be equal across the board and be completely RNG random roll dependent. I don't want to spend 2 hours a day to maybe sort of possibly find a group for gunbad, only to run every single wing and not get a single roll on the bags because DPS (who don't work ANY more hard than a healer or a tank) gets all the loot.
Opt out works 100% of the time. Every time you leave the Pq area you have to redo it. Sounds like you guys wiped at least once and people forgot to re-opt out.

Posts: 55

Re: Feedback on Gunbad drops

Post#5 » Thu Apr 04, 2019 11:01 pm

The point is still valid that the contribution should be even across the board. Theres not alot of DPS that will run gunbad when they don't need the loot. The point is that contribution for tanks is so low that I would need to A.) Find a gunbad group(already a tough task) B.) Finding DPS that DONT NEED ANY LOOT and are willing to opt out(Yeah, right) and C.) Complete the entire run. I, and other tanks, would like to actually get the set sometime this century.

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Re: Feedback on Gunbad drops

Post#6 » Thu Apr 04, 2019 11:03 pm

OP is somewhat right.

When you main tank you are nearly forced to do it in a premade to get gold bags.

In any pick up situation, its pretty rare that the other 5 players will be willing to opt out. And in 99% of instances they will have a bigger bonus roll than you. Which does suck.
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Re: Feedback on Gunbad drops

Post#7 » Thu Apr 04, 2019 11:13 pm

We can look at tank contrib
Grunbag - 40 - 33 Squig Herder
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Posts: 55

Re: Feedback on Gunbad drops

Post#8 » Thu Apr 04, 2019 11:17 pm

Thank you. I, and quite alot of other tank mains, really quite appreciate it.

Posts: 11

Re: Feedback on Gunbad drops

Post#9 » Fri Apr 05, 2019 3:23 am

In rvr as tank i have that issue too. How are tanks supossed to gain renown??

I think i dont understand the nechanic. I think it is based on dmg done or healing done. But... A tank do neither of those so how are we supossed to win pvp xp? On every casttle at rvr 30 my brother ingenier get around 2 levels when me as blackguard shield tank only get half lvl.

Am i doing something wrong or is intended that tanks win less renown. Xp. And have lower drop chances? ( i only get 1 gold bag on pqs per every 4 bags my dps bro get)

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Re: Feedback on Gunbad drops

Post#10 » Fri Apr 05, 2019 9:14 am

Spoilered as it off topic
At keeps you get contri for fulfilling your archttype role.
Healer - healing( in party and outside), rez, etc,
dps - kill stuff, do dmg,
Tank - absorb guard dmg, tank lord, support others

Swinging the ram also grants good contri.
There are for sure other hidden mechanics, but I rarly have trouble to get close to the rr-cap during keep attacks as a deftard tank, following those rules. Same as a healer, be it solo or in wb. The hardest part is as mdps, as you can't do that much most of the time.
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