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[Zealot] DPS questions

Chosen, Magus, Marauder, Zealot
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Re: [Zealot] DPS questions

Post#11 » Fri May 03, 2019 12:07 pm

Thank you for your response Nidwin! That is the information I was looking for.

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Re: [Zealot] DPS questions

Post#12 » Fri May 03, 2019 3:46 pm

Yeah, Zealot/RP channel ability is for some reason 20 AP/s instead of 13 AP/s like it is for Sorc/BW/AM/shaman.

The instant cast ability is 35 AP, which is also pretty high. And Demon Spittle is 45 AP.

I would be in favor of just making the Restorative Burst tactic work on both heals and hits. DPS AM/Shaman wouldn't take anyway as they don't have AP issues, some DPS WP/DoKs might, but then they have to give up another pretty essential tactic.
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Re: [Zealot] DPS questions

Post#13 » Fri May 03, 2019 4:45 pm

i'll never stop being dumbstruck at people who wonder why the games purest healers can't match a true dps

Posts: 19

Re: [Zealot] DPS questions

Post#14 » Fri May 03, 2019 4:52 pm

Maybe because there are mastery options outside of the standard cookie cutter healing build? Also it can be boring to play a class only one way for some people and if options are there we should be able to take them. If not then they illusion of being able to do DPS should just be removed and all classes should be one dimensional and shoehorned into a single spec and mastery should be just one tree. I don't think a pure healer that chooses to do DPS should be able to heal meaningfully or even at all really. I enjoy how zealot plays and looks and when I look at the other things in mastery that are available but aren't worth taking because they won't work kind of sucks.

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Re: [Zealot] DPS questions

Post#15 » Fri May 03, 2019 6:01 pm

zealot needs more interesting healing options not dps. you mentioned the one cookie cutter healing build - that is the ONLY healing build, outside of taking winds for shenanigans

destro has 4 rdps and only 2 functioning healers. i do not get this obsession with turning every class into a "viable dps." tanks and healers get zero love meanwhile everyone's primary complaint is that they never have reliable guard or heals. be honest - you do not want a new off spec, you want a class that can do absolutely everything so you never have to worry about group comp or teamplay

demon spittle does not deserve the guardbot that it needs just roll a sorc and stop dicking around

Posts: 19

Re: [Zealot] DPS questions

Post#16 » Fri May 03, 2019 6:29 pm

I think it would be best not to tell me what you think I want as you don't not seem to have a firm grasp on it. See the thing is this thread isn't in the suggestion section so you don't have to defend anything here and get all upset over someones opinion. Also I would be definitely be pumped to play a class that I don't have any interest in as I don't pick classes based on one point of interest. I like the style and spells that the Zealot has already available to it not sorcerer.
Be honest you just want something to be mad at instead of realizing that both having a "viable DPS" and more healing options can be accomplished as well as tank changes too. I mean going by your logic we should remove 2H tanks as they aren't viable damage sponges like sword and board and any utility they have can be sent to another class. I mean 2H tanks take away from guards available too. People aren't complaining about that as much either.

Posts: 11

Re: [Zealot] DPS questions

Post#17 » Fri May 03, 2019 6:35 pm

There are three kinds of players going for gimmicky, sub-optimal specs:

The derp that runs the spec in a small, ragtag group of friends without any expectations and within reasonable environments (e.g.: PvE, ORvR); primarily for shits and giggles, bothering no one but their friends.

The derp that runs the spec in an attempt to create niche wumbo-combos with their group; with realistic expectations, knowledge about its limitations and means to adapt if necessary.

The dead weight that runs the spec and exclusively solo-queues, entirely unprepared and unwilling to adapt - knowing, beforehand, that they'll contribute next to nothing, and still having the gall to litter public channels or feign surprise in, and about, the aftermath.

If people would embrace the holy trinity of this game, its premise or the plain fact that its a niche game ~ that there are millions of games that offer less mechanically 'restricted' and less group-based PvP ~ everyone involved would have a significantly better time all around.

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Re: [Zealot] DPS questions

Post#18 » Fri May 03, 2019 6:37 pm

we absolutely have complained about how hard 2h tanks have been pushed, culminating in the 2h guard changes because nobody bothered with shields anymore, for several years now

3 trees, limited mastery and tactic slots, don't want to see one wasted on solo dps healer babbies. if you want to try something new, just do it. i've had a throw mara, melee maw magus, gun wh. doesn't mean i expect the devs to cater to or balance around my idiocy in order to make it viable. if you go off meta, expect off results

Posts: 19

Re: [Zealot] DPS questions

Post#19 » Fri May 03, 2019 6:58 pm

It's as if you guys just want to project your anger about the way game presently is on to anyone who asks a question here. Totally derailing the topic because you guys want to stamp your feet and throw a fit about the current state of tanks and healers.

A single meta when the ability for more choices makes a game stale. You can spin it as a generalization of all people who want to try something a little different than you are comfortable with or go against the grain as being derpy or idiotic. It's disingenuous to sit here and argue against having more options available. There will always be a shortage of healers and tanks because people don't want the responsibility not because of the options of tanking one way or another. It is like that in any mmo regardless.

I mean you guys assumed automatically I didn't want to heal and just want to DPS without even remotely knowing that I actually want to DO BOTH (not at the same time obviously) and still be somewhat efficient. Most people can walk and chew gum at the same time and that certainly applies here as well.

(Edited for spelling)

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Re: [Zealot] DPS questions

Post#20 » Fri May 03, 2019 9:11 pm

It would be nice if RP/zealot had even one new healing ability gained from mastery trees. All the options for abilities are for DPS and offensive utility. Most of the tactics are offensive based or completely useless and a waste of space.

(don't count rituals as healing abilities - the healing is only good for a 30 second top off while you wander away from your group while attacking a keep or pumping heal numbers in scenarios)
Detangler and alts - 84 Chosen, other 40s - DoK, Zealot, SH, WE, BG, BO
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