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Magus AoE vs. Sorc AoE, which one is better?

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Magus AoE vs. Sorc AoE, which one is better?

Post#1 » Wed May 29, 2019 11:38 pm

Honest question.

Magus has Dissolving Mists and Tzeentch's Firestorm, Sorc has..? (Trying to know what Sorc can do basically)

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Re: Magus AoE vs. Sorc AoE, which one is better?

Post#2 » Thu May 30, 2019 12:12 am

Sorc has burst.

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Re: Magus AoE vs. Sorc AoE, which one is better?

Post#3 » Thu May 30, 2019 12:15 am

sorc has actual dmg

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Re: Magus AoE vs. Sorc AoE, which one is better?

Post#4 » Thu May 30, 2019 12:39 am

Sorc has a shotgun of death.
Magus has meatgrinder pull, pug aoe kill rotation, and tickling tentacles.

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Re: Magus AoE vs. Sorc AoE, which one is better?

Post#5 » Thu May 30, 2019 12:49 am

Even without proper infernal wave spam sorc aoe is better. Changing aoe is just so meh unless you're top tier gear/gameplay.
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Re: Magus AoE vs. Sorc AoE, which one is better?

Post#6 » Thu May 30, 2019 1:09 am

Changing aoe is meh, daemonology/change aoe however delivers, +unlike sorc magus can spec to survive being in range to deliver it. And then magus has rift.

Glean/Pand, followed by Infernal Blast- Agonizing Torrent- Whip spam, tends to have a nice impact in rvr.
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Re: Magus AoE vs. Sorc AoE, which one is better?

Post#7 » Thu May 30, 2019 1:20 am

8 stacks + Blue Horror + Surging Power tactic w/ AoE ele debuff + DoTs on target + Lash spam = very, very good AoE DPS that has a much larger radius (iirc) than that of the Sorc. Lots of ramp-up time, though.

Posts: 254

Re: Magus AoE vs. Sorc AoE, which one is better?

Post#8 » Thu May 30, 2019 11:04 am

Sorc has shatter (bomb).
You don't need to spec aoe to get bomb. Actually sorc aoe spec is BAD. If I had to rank destruction's dps classes aoe specs I'd put sorc at the bottom, only better than witch elf. Magus, choppa, marauder, squig, even black guard and zealot have better/more useful aoe specs.

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Re: Magus AoE vs. Sorc AoE, which one is better?

Post#9 » Thu May 30, 2019 11:33 am

Aceboltz wrote: Thu May 30, 2019 11:04 am Sorc has shatter (bomb).
You don't need to spec aoe to get bomb. Actually sorc aoe spec is BAD. If I had to rank destruction's dps classes aoe specs I'd put sorc at the bottom, only better than witch elf. Magus, choppa, marauder, squig, even black guard and zealot have better/more useful aoe specs.

funniest post I've seen in a long time

aoe specs in terms of raw DPS potential;
BW >>>>> Sorc >>> Magus > Engi > Slayer > Choppa > Mara > dpsZealot
(that is assuming magus/engi maximum targets hit with every possible DoT and fluff aoe spam going out - which might put them in fact above Sorc, but realistically never reachable compared to usual conditions)

bottom of the barrel trash awards go to SW WL WE WH SH when it comes to aoe pressure creation. I'd press "F" for dps RP but I'm not sure those even exist. Even dps DoK has possibly better aoe spec than some of those aforementioned picks.

then there is the consideration of aoe utility tools;
Mara > dpsZealot > Engi > Magus > Slayer > Choppa > Squig
BW/Sorc utility being their raw dmg, so they do not need ever to compete for utility spots (on destro classic way to design warband picks is to have 4 dps spots and 4 utility spots - on Order you can pick raw BW 8 dps spots and ignore utility options)
Mara has about it all, aoe KD - aoe morale drain - aoe disorient - aoe init debuff - aoe AP drain - aoe Interrupt
dpsZ brings aoe knockback without immunity, aoe armor debuff, aoe healdebuff, aoe corp debuff
Engi brings aoe ranged pull, aoe stagger, aoe KD, aoe disorient, aoe snare, aoe corp debuff (+aoe arm debuff from gear proc +aoe init debuff proc)
Magus brings about same stuff as Engi, minus aoe disorient, spirit instead of corp debuff, (and afaik doesnt have gear proc for aoe arm debuff nor init debuff)
Slayer brings Shatter Limbs, +5sec CDs on enemy abilities can really hurt when they do not realize their group heal spam is not working
Choppa brings the infamous GTDC pull of 4 random targets over 6sec channel at 40ft max range - the current bane and cause of salt for all order zergers because they thought they could stand safe in their blob formations (+ counter to Shatter Limbs, cd reducer, which is also brought by BORK and SM tanks to both sides)
Squig, Bad Gas which is same as Shatter Limbs CD increaser, but also option for weird aoe knockback bouncing, but then lacks the option for continuous AoE dmg pressure and ends up mostly trolling enemies and less about AoE killing them.

Sorc and Magus are both viable AoE classes, just that Sorc is not on same dmg potential level as BW, while still being highest dps class on destro. Magus then like Engi, suffers from their demon/turret having average lifespan of 2-3 seconds in larger fights, causing them some headache.

Obviously you can get kills on any class whether they have valid AoE spec or not - some just are given more tools, whether raw dmg, procs, or utility to perform better in said situation.

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Re: Magus AoE vs. Sorc AoE, which one is better?

Post#10 » Thu May 30, 2019 3:43 pm

Magus has a few different ways to do AoE damage, and can do both spike and fluff.

In the right build a good magus will preform on par with most semi decent sorcs, but it requires a lot more effort to get a subpar result.

But the key thing the remember as a magus is that your job is not doing dps as much as it is CC. getting that pulls / knock downs, staggers / interrupts. Providing utility with AP daemon tactic.

One of the reasons you don't see many AoE magus or Engi pulling in big kill numbers in WBs is not because they cannot push some high level dps, and provide nice burst in AoE builds. It is because they have to focus a lot of their attention, movement, and ability rotations for CC and support that let Sorc / BW get even more kills.

If I were to say the biggest weakness when comparing sorc to magus for AoE is that magus has trouble keeping up dps and moving. You are not going to get / keep stacks in rolling fights even if you focus on dps, and many of your key dps skills in AoE builds are longer duration ground targets, so if enemies move your damage is gimped.

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