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What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

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Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#41 » Sat Jun 15, 2019 4:30 pm

Playing a healer on order is too frustrating honestly. Too many conveyor belt dps feeding the destro machine. Too often your fellow healers are lol dps spec and thus putting all the weight on you.

The aesthetics are crap as well. Your options are a elf who looks less terrible if you pick a female. A dwarf whos look never really evolves much and is lacking the tanky look you would expect from dwarfs. And finally a bald dude or rule 63 friar tuck.
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Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#42 » Thu Jun 27, 2019 11:39 pm

Not being under the constant threat of receiving nerfs would make people play tanks more.
Or maybe reverting some of the sweeping nerfs to tanks would make people want to play them.
Give tanks access to a speed proc on the 2h again, for instance. It doesn't make sense for speed proc to be removed from all weapons. Put the old speed proc on the Sentinel weapon. That takes a long time and a lot of work to get, so the player should be rewarded for it with good procs. The current speed proc is terrible. It insta-breaks if you use an ability. So the only way for it to be useful is to guard and not press buttons. It literally promotes not pressing buttons. Or maybe reworking the toughness nerf so the architype's mainstat doesn't give diminishing returns the more you spec into it... I really don't understand the witch hunt against tanks. Look at that post from a while back where the devs wanted to do a sweeping change to morale... and who do they target first? Tanks. Luckily none of those changes went through (I think). Or that 2h guard change that no one asked for, but almost became part of the game. Tanks need to be fun to play. No one wants to be a guardbot and /follow and afk. I get that DPS players want tanks to be that, but there won't be any tanks to guard dps if no one plays them because the archetype is boring.

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Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#43 » Fri Jun 28, 2019 12:02 am

BurbsToo wrote: Thu Jun 27, 2019 11:39 pm Not being under the constant threat of receiving nerfs would make people play tanks more.
Or maybe reverting some of the sweeping nerfs to tanks would make people want to play them.
Give tanks access to a speed proc on the 2h again, for instance. It doesn't make sense for speed proc to be removed from all weapons. Put the old speed proc on the Sentinel weapon. That takes a long time and a lot of work to get, so the player should be rewarded for it with good procs. The current speed proc is terrible. It insta-breaks if you use an ability. So the only way for it to be useful is to guard and not press buttons. It literally promotes not pressing buttons. Or maybe reworking the toughness nerf so the architype's mainstat doesn't give diminishing returns the more you spec into it... I really don't understand the witch hunt against tanks. Look at that post from a while back where the devs wanted to do a sweeping change to morale... and who do they target first? Tanks. Luckily none of those changes went through (I think). Or that 2h guard change that no one asked for, but almost became part of the game. Tanks need to be fun to play. No one wants to be a guardbot and /follow and afk. I get that DPS players want tanks to be that, but there won't be any tanks to guard dps if no one plays them because the archetype is boring.
Someone on the dev team clearly has a raging hard on for nerfing 2h tanks. Was there even any discussion about this change this time or did they try to quietly sneak this one in and thought no one would notice? I wonder what was the “””””reasoning””””” this time for the speed proc being nerfed?
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Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#44 » Tue Jul 02, 2019 6:55 am

bwdaWAR wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2019 11:41 pm Support classes can become very frustrating to play at times. High expectations, low appreciation, and when things go to Hell, you're invariably the one blamed for it - by the people you do the often boring but essential and difficult work for so they can do the much more glamorous and exciting damage dealing and kill scoring.
This has been my experience since my first attempt at playing a KOTBS. The level of abuse, primarily from the peanut gallery of MDPS is really disheartening. Whenever they over extend, and leave you defending the healers from a mob, they would start baying in very colourful language about how we had no idea how to play. In T1 SCs, while learning the mechanics of the class, it's going to turn people off the role.

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Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#45 » Tue Jul 02, 2019 8:04 am

Personally I love the lore and look of the Ironbreaker, call me a little kid but the animations and "weight" of the skills are just so lacking...even hitting with a hammer the size of a man it feels like you're smacking destro with a wet nooddle, not very satisfactory... To clarify, I'm not complaining about the damage, just the "feel" of using my skills....other classes in comparison I believe give a lot better feedback to the player IMO, such as BOs and chosens

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Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#46 » Tue Jul 02, 2019 9:27 am

My main is a healer and i only play when i have guildies online. I do not heal orderpugs because most of them are glasscannons and rdps. Im rr79 now so i do not really need the renown anymore.

Same thing with my knight,im avoiding pugs because i become a nonhealed meatshield guarding a glasscannon, and most of the times 100% of my healing comes from my aura and pots.

BUT if you have a active guild then tank/healer on order is the way to go. You become a coremember in the team and playing a supportclass is a big positive challenge.
Order lack tanks,like really really really lack good tanks. Apply to CNTK,VII (BT if you enjoy roleplaying and shorties) or some other good guild and hit the battlefield. You gonna love it!

Edit: I think most orderplayers stay on glasscannon rdps because they want kills, and order lack the healingpower to keep up the frontline.Mdps/tanks dies in seconds without support from the backlines. Rdps can get some dmg done, and run away when destro meleetrain does the push.
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Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#47 » Tue Jul 02, 2019 11:36 am

My main is Tank, my second main is a Healer. playing PuG Sc is frustrating because a tank can only shine with a dps together. Same goes for Healer, you only shine with a Tank who actually guards the dps and a dps who actually DO DPS.

if you queue with a Tank or Healer you need other good players to be useful ...

If you queue with a dps you at least FEEL useful (and if not you can blame the healers, tanks :lol: )

typical situation as a healer/tank:

never in support range, always playing solo out of range and possible assist

90% AoE spamming not having an actual target (wasting main dmg ressource auto attack, making it impossible as a tank to support - you dont even know what they are tryin), normally kamikaze style making it impossible to heal.

more than you think not even able to create burst with this class, if they can create burst good chance is they totally overextend and think Healers are the only valid target - out of heal, support or assist range !

skirmishing without burst but not assisting a dps with their HD - instead trying to solo Kill a tank

actually a 50/50 chance that they know the Rotation - if yes, time punt and heal them ... if not they are using useless AoE ...

more often than not free immunity for all enemies (no useful cc anymore with tank) due to wrongly used AoE abilities. Also most engis doin fluff AoE dmg - very few engineers know how to have dmg AND Kills.
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Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#48 » Tue Jul 02, 2019 12:56 pm

make IB's bigger

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Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#49 » Tue Jul 02, 2019 3:07 pm

Grace WP, slayer, and tank is quite formidable.

Tanks are probably needed more than healers right now for order, tho. In my opinion order dont have enough slayers either. Controversial, but I find slayers > choppa.

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Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#50 » Tue Jul 02, 2019 3:21 pm

If I liked Dark Elves and Chaos less, I'd probably roll up a Dwarf or High Elf tank, myself. Tanking is not difficult in any MMO unless other players make it difficult, but what tends to drive some people that aren't directly "tank mains" away is all of the backtalk and salt thrown at them by others when they are attempting to learn the role. Or the DPS that attempt to pull more than that particular tank can handle at that time. If we're talking PvP/RvR stuff, being a tank -is- difficult because it is not often that you can do much other than support your healers and dps with mild amounts of dps yourself. The only advantage you tend to have in that is your health and defensive abilities, but without either a pocket healer or dps helping you out, even 1v1's can stump newer tanks.

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