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What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

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Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#51 » Tue Jul 02, 2019 3:53 pm

lol ppl writing in here and whole topic - misstake. -_-
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Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#52 » Tue Jul 02, 2019 5:33 pm

i think chosen is most easy tank ( that why they are so manny and whanted because of auras), complicated is ib and bg.
well agree destro look so cool, that armor itself tempt to roll destro.
also destro have melle train and order tanks shoud counter it. so order tanks need steel ballz to not afraid to die. + choppa pullz . and again need balz to be order tank pulled in = death.
and devs buffed 2h tanks . waspatch where they nerfed tham byt ppl so hard complain that its rewerted . and again all puggers run with 2h. ( somkinda sadomasohism).
so yes order tank life is not easy. especially if u play slayer and noone 2h tanks guard u because they are dps.
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Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#53 » Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:56 pm

The only tank I like is IB/BG and I dislike dwarves

I like both WP and AM, but AM makes me want to go full lazor and WP looks goofy without his iconic maul. That mixed with bad dps makes it tough to stay dedicated healer.

Deep down it's largely aesthetic though, I simply like Druchii and Chaos more. Make KotBS a Grail Knight and I'd be all over it though, despite not fitting the lore

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Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#54 » Wed Jul 03, 2019 6:38 pm

I dislike their armor, and frankly EVERY other game forces you to be the hero. It's nice to be able to be the antagonistic force; That being said If there were anything other than elves, dwarves and humans I might consider it. But as it stands now the races are boring, the armor is ugly (Outside of maybe Iron breaker because I mean come on, tech-viking tank for the win.)

Plus I've never once really liked order, even on live which was around when I was a kid the idea of being a big green ape that comes from mushrooms or a demon infused norse warrior is just so much more appealing. Even the dark elves are cooler than their prissy High elven cousins; Despite in the lore they come from the same place. Everything on destruction looks like it belongs on a heavy metal album cover which is exactly what draws me in.

Order are just ordinary, which in a fantasy game feels lazy to me. Now if they had lizardmen... vampire counts (End times the vampires sided with order against chaos.) Maybe I might, consider it.... but the destro would of gotten skaven which would of just pulled me right back down the rabbit hole yes...yes..

oof, realized the real topic. Still I stand by what I said... Maybe if cosmetically and theme wise it wasn't so ordinary more people would gravitate toward order. As for the issue with tanks and healers this specific issue seems to be a thing in every other game, I used to main tanks in live but here they don't feel as rewarding. Perhaps if there was more of an incentive to play a tank as its meant to be played we would have real tanks? As it stands now like one class, specifically knights and chosen seem to be the best tanks because of their utility and auras. The others feel more like off tanks which is kinda meh...

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Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#55 » Wed Jul 03, 2019 9:58 pm

Aurandilaz wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2019 7:19 am I have +50 SM and +60 Kotb, just don't really see much reason to play them - as support class only shines if paired with a good DPS who also shines. If on average I am paired with some average dps, I'd rather log my own dps knowing I will with very high probability be better at dpsing. Obviously will switch if my guild WB needs tanks, but even then we are talking of guild WB where I guess my rr81 BW is in more demand than a decent gear/rank kotb.
You have to consider that average Destro pug is bad, and then go even lower levels when describing how bad the Order pugs can be. For guarding a good DPS player it is fun to play tank once in a while - just doesn't happen often.

But a more generic issue we have is Order playing absolutely crap ranged DPS classes, namely engi/SW, and the remaining BWs also not playing properly. No one wants to guard those. You'd rather guard a good bombing BW or a good notbraindead Slayer.
On Destro you have an actual melee frontline, consisting of multiple tanks, with multiple Choppas and Maras forming the frontline. It's a solid structure, and it has mass when it starts moving. On Order you lack WLs as a serious frontline class due to devs insisting the class does not need an AoE spec and their refusal to start balancing with warband balance in mind. So you end with some few suicidal Slayers at fronts who just melt, and then few rare tanks who start feeling lonely, and the final outcome we so often see is few Order tanks struggling to form a front while dozens of rdps solo heroes flee to the nearest safety once the Destro frontline approaches.
This sum up pretty much what I think as well.

I play my support classes or my bw when my friends are online, else I just chill on alts or soloing in rvr on my pacaryn.

Most of the times, pugs don't follow tightly and hesitate on impact even when the lead scream his lungs out to charge, even if you have a 2-2-2 composition with the good classes, if people don't perform how they are intended to, it's all for naughts. A lot of peoples probably doesn't understand how Warhammer's rvr works, and may need to be taught about various things (aoe number cap, moral bombing, specs depending the activity, FOTM classes for each situation, and generally warband behavior, etc...). A warband can be leaderless (beside one person that is designed to be the one that need to be followed), if everyone know what they have to do, they'll still perform "good", however, you can have a very good lead, if people decide to monkey it out, you won't go anywhere.

But there's also definitly a look situation. "Destro looks cooler" is something you hear often when asking ppl, but it's not something the devs can realistically do smth about.
Last edited by mielgato on Wed Jul 03, 2019 10:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#56 » Wed Jul 03, 2019 10:50 pm

Lack of order tanks is caused by: aesthetics (IBs are small, knights have floofy hats, SMs wear dresses); lack of good, warband dps (slayer, BW, engy - everything else sucks, honorable mention to actually good dps AMs); lack of variety in playing a tank in warband; lack of other order tanks (vicious cycle). Luckily you can find plenty of good tank mains in premades because they know they're going to get heals/not get left on an island and the dps they're guarding are actually going to deal damage.
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Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#57 » Thu Jul 04, 2019 4:54 am

Support is work, DPS is play. It's simple.
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Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#58 » Thu Jul 04, 2019 3:19 pm

Healing WP are bad ass. Their casting animations, the armor sets, the whole theme. I had a 40/60 something WP on live. If I played Order at all on RoR i'd play WP most of the time. Though I need breaks from always healing and I'd want to have some fun on a BW(had a 40/70+ something on live).

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Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#59 » Fri Jul 05, 2019 9:11 am

Aurandilaz wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2019 7:19 am

But a more generic issue we have is Order playing absolutely crap ranged DPS classes, namely engi/SW, and the remaining BWs also not playing properly. No one wants to guard those. You'd rather guard a good bombing BW or a good notbraindead Slayer.
On Destro you have an actual melee frontline, consisting of multiple tanks, with multiple Choppas and Maras forming the frontline. It's a solid structure, and it has mass when it starts moving. On Order you lack WLs as a serious frontline class due to devs insisting the class does not need an AoE spec and their refusal to start balancing with warband balance in mind. So you end with some few suicidal Slayers at fronts who just melt, and then few rare tanks who start feeling lonely, and the final outcome we so often see is few Order tanks struggling to form a front while dozens of rdps solo heroes flee to the nearest safety once the Destro frontline approaches.

THIS is a solid bullseye!
This is the "core"problem and if they can fix this,then the game would become even more enjoyable.
Destro have the badass meleetrain in bigscale fighting,order does not. Both balance and tactic needs some thinking.
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Re: What Would Make You Roll An Order Tank/Healer?

Post#60 » Mon Jul 29, 2019 12:01 pm

Halgrave wrote: Tue Jul 02, 2019 3:21 pm Tanking is not difficult in any MMO unless other players make it difficult, but what tends to drive some people that aren't directly "tank mains" away is all of the backtalk and salt throw at them by others when they are attempting to learn the role. Or the DPS that attempt to pull more than that particular tank can handle at that time.
As someone who used to play tank/guard/paladin classes, in the end, we don't pay so much attention to those trash talks unless they come from your own guildmates or party members. But that's not something we can solve by giving up on tanking. It just makes the thing for worse because then, you become useless for the group, giving one more reason to keep backtalking and being discarded.

Honestly, and apologise in advance for my ignorance, when it comes to RvR (raid vs raid) I have never seen tanks shine or making the difference (in this game or others). In small, well-packed and organized parties they do. Small skirmishes, 1v1 maybe, but when it comes to RvR I don't know what to think and that's what prevents me to re-spec.

As for me, I'm learning SM in RoR are not the kind of tank I have played in other games (IB are more likely this kind of tank). To me, to be an HP/Armor battery for DPS or Healers seems unattractive to me. Overall when some of these healers are spaced as DPS!!

The following might sounds stupid (probably is) but when someone joins RvR, I don't think he/she do it thinking "good, time to assist". It's more likely, "nice, time to kill". So simple. As soon as "I" enjoy, who cares what "others" do or think. It's always other's fault when we fail.

So, what would make me roll an Order Tank/Healer?

Mainly my guild and secondly PvE's end-game. For the rest, I just want "giving away" as much pain and death as possible. Looking at Destro's WB I think that's fairly productive :-)

Playing tanks in PvE end-game is among the funniest and more enjoyable things a tank can do in MMOs. In PVP can be very disgusting tho.
Last edited by laivindur on Mon Jul 29, 2019 12:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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