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REQUEST: (Zealot) August 2019 general RvR Healing build. Add other builds if you have them.

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REQUEST: (Zealot) August 2019 general RvR Healing build. Add other builds if you have them.

Post#1 » Sun Aug 04, 2019 10:27 am

I have tried searching out builds, and it seems like folks have tried to post them in the past. BUT, almost universally, the build sites they have posted do NOT work.

I am looking for some nice builds utilizing the build apparatus on the RoR forums - because that seems to work.

If you have time fellas/ladies please feel free to give some tips and some builds - because Zealot love is pretty scarce.

My specific case is I am very new - level 11. I just got my first mastery point, and I don't know what I should do. I played a LOT on live, but honestly I don't remember much - I might have early onset dementia. I simply can't remember what was good for a zealot, I remember trying a LOT of different combos, and I remember there WAS kind of a vanilla build for general RvR - but I don't recall specifics.

Regardless, if any badass zealots want to help me out, I would really appreciate it.

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Re: REQUEST: (Zealot) August 2019 general RvR Healing build. Add other builds if you have them.

Post#2 » Sun Aug 04, 2019 11:15 am

core build for high rr - - Zealot
this one i would reccomend for midtier leveling - - Zealot

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Re: REQUEST: (Zealot) August 2019 general RvR Healing build. Add other builds if you have them.

Post#4 » Sun Aug 04, 2019 12:08 pm

basic 40/40 healer build you can also go up to the aethiric shock and leave the shield tactic for RR60
basic 20/20 healer build people will say the racial shield tactic is crap but in this lvl-range it performs fine
simple 40/60 build it's more sc focussed than open rvr
40/60 pve dungeon grp heal spam
Last edited by Noiree on Mon Aug 05, 2019 6:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: REQUEST: (Zealot) August 2019 general RvR Healing build. Add other builds if you have them.

Post#5 » Sun Aug 04, 2019 1:50 pm

For warband RvR or PvE you're better off with - Zealot
In warband scale there are far too many people chucking random AoE around for the stagger to be worthwhile and you get much more value from the extra group AP. Same in PvE too, the AP is much more valuable. In organised 6 man play then you're better off with the stagger build.

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Re: REQUEST: (Zealot) August 2019 general RvR Healing build. Add other builds if you have them.

Post#6 » Mon Aug 05, 2019 5:36 am - Zealot

pure heal spec, if you want u may take the first moral to decrease armor(I think it is useful only premade group which works on assist, not pug). perhaps it will be useful with a frequency of once every 15 seconds to spam 2-3 times in a row the dust, even if the whole group has full hp, just to activate tactics (bless and grip). It is very good tactics, bless is increase +25% all enter heal on target, grip gives some absorb (600) every 3 -10 sec. +160 WP tactic can be changed on regen AP if u need it.
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Re: REQUEST: (Zealot) August 2019 general RvR Healing build. Add other builds if you have them.

Post#7 » Mon Aug 05, 2019 3:33 pm

Alfa1986 wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2019 5:36 am - Zealot

pure heal spec, if you want u may take the first moral to decrease armor(I think it is useful only premade group which works on assist, not pug). perhaps it will be useful with a frequency of once every 15 seconds to spam 2-3 times in a row the dust, even if the whole group has full hp, just to activate tactics (bless and grip). It is very good tactics, bless is increase +25% all enter heal on target, grip gives some absorb (600) every 3 -10 sec. +160 WP tactic can be changed on regen AP if u need it.
what about warping the spirit tactic?
+1000armor against 15% flash critical.
i have 32% crit, perphaps its better to have armor or not?

Posts: 222

Re: REQUEST: (Zealot) August 2019 general RvR Healing build. Add other builds if you have them.

Post#8 » Mon Aug 05, 2019 5:00 pm

Alfa1986 wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2019 5:36 am - Zealot

pure heal spec, if you want u may take the first moral to decrease armor(I think it is useful only premade group which works on assist, not pug). perhaps it will be useful with a frequency of once every 15 seconds to spam 2-3 times in a row the dust, even if the whole group has full hp, just to activate tactics (bless and grip). It is very good tactics, bless is increase +25% all enter heal on target, grip gives some absorb (600) every 3 -10 sec. +160 WP tactic can be changed on regen AP if u need it.
No sensible build leaves out AP ritual.

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Re: REQUEST: (Zealot) August 2019 general RvR Healing build. Add other builds if you have them.

Post#9 » Mon Aug 05, 2019 5:21 pm

Yeppi wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2019 3:33 pm
Alfa1986 wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2019 5:36 am - Zealot

pure heal spec, if you want u may take the first moral to decrease armor(I think it is useful only premade group which works on assist, not pug). perhaps it will be useful with a frequency of once every 15 seconds to spam 2-3 times in a row the dust, even if the whole group has full hp, just to activate tactics (bless and grip). It is very good tactics, bless is increase +25% all enter heal on target, grip gives some absorb (600) every 3 -10 sec. +160 WP tactic can be changed on regen AP if u need it.
what about warping the spirit tactic?
+1000armor against 15% flash critical.
i have 32% crit, perphaps its better to have armor or not?
Well, if you are more comfortable using it, then put it on, I personally tried to replace this tactic with something else, the overall heal fell heavily on the scs.
15th orks on a dead elf's chest
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Re: REQUEST: (Zealot) August 2019 general RvR Healing build. Add other builds if you have them.

Post#10 » Mon Aug 05, 2019 5:59 pm

AxelF wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2019 5:00 pm
Alfa1986 wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2019 5:36 am - Zealot

pure heal spec, if you want u may take the first moral to decrease armor(I think it is useful only premade group which works on assist, not pug). perhaps it will be useful with a frequency of once every 15 seconds to spam 2-3 times in a row the dust, even if the whole group has full hp, just to activate tactics (bless and grip). It is very good tactics, bless is increase +25% all enter heal on target, grip gives some absorb (600) every 3 -10 sec. +160 WP tactic can be changed on regen AP if u need it.
No sensible build leaves out AP ritual.
forgot about it), useful thing but not always.
Well, something always sacrifices itself especially at a low level. it all depends on the situation, I already wrote about this that there is no universal build, much depends on the style of the game, pug / premade, more aoe / solo targeting, etc. ritual is only useful if you play as part of an organized group or wb. playing solo to you, it personally does not make up for anything, since it works from damage, and in a warband pug, usually half of the group is completely absent, and half runs outside the radius of this ritual.
15th orks on a dead elf's chest
yo ho ho and a bottle of rum

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