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Black orc having a charge

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Black orc having a charge

Post#1 » Tue Aug 13, 2019 10:19 pm

Hi guys, so I've been playing WAR RoR now for a month (I used to play on live) and I have to say what an amazing job you are doing!

However I was wondering, and this is slightly biased because I play a Black orc, that since SM's have a "leap", Would it be unthinkable to give Black orcs a Charge as an M1 ability? Something like 40% increase move speed for 10 sec (1min cd).

Now I say it's good for M1 because it's a simple move speed increase, whereas the SM's "leap" can traverse up keep walls, and gives them that surprise that is worthy of it being M2.

Let me know what you guys think, and of course provide any feedback would be great!
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